Will SDSU be continuing its in-state rivalries after this year. I know there is much debate in ND about the NDSU/UND game. Will SDSU play USD and Augie for the next couple years in order to fill there schedule. What are you guys hearing from Fred?
No announcement yet.
In-State Rivalries
Re: In-State Rivalries
Fred Oien has been on record repeatedly that SDSU is interested in continuing the instate rivalries but it will be on SDSU turf. I don't blame him for this as most D1 schools do not travel to DII schools. From what I have seen at recent road games at both USD and Augie the Jack fans outnumber the home fans. Augie and USD have shown on numerous occasions their inablity to host an event that exceed their normal crowds of 2,500.
State would of course pay these schools expenses etc to come to Brookings. I heard SDSU has big plans to expand and renovate both Coughlin and Frost that will make them the best facililties in the state if their not already. I will not miss going to the stale atmosphere of the Dome or the High School Gym atmosphere of Augies facility. I also see potentially down the road instate games in Sioux Falls at Howard Wood (Great new Field) and at the Arena. I understand Sioux Falls is investigating building a new 15,000-20,000 seat state of the art arena that would allow them to host large sporting events and compete with regional cities such as Fargo,Sioux City and Omaha for big concerts. I think the ball will be in the hands of AD Gross at Augie and whoever USD brings in as the new AD.
Re: In-State Rivalries
I think what we might see is usd, and augie may become the new pre-conference (when established)games much like Dakota Wesleyan and sioux falls college are now. 1AA football schedules routinely contain 1-2 D2 teams. so I think that from SDSU's standpoint I would think that these games will continue if the AD's at the other schools want them to. but all games will be on our turf. (Thankfully) not to talk smack on this topic, but the elmen center and the dome are horrible athletic venues.
Re: In-State Rivalries
Here is a story from the Collegian:
SDSU wants to play games with USD, Augie next year
By Tasiyagnunpa Livermont
Media Credit: Jason Salzman
USD Students´ Association president Aaron Roseland (left) goes pants-less after USD´s 22-11 loss to SDSU Saturday after losing a bet with SDSU SA president Eric Erickson. Some think Saturday´s game will be the last between the rivals.
Much heated discussion and debate over SDSU's move to Division I and the waning SDSU/USD rivalvry centers around whether the two football teams will ever meet in combat again.
The 114-year-old rivalry between SDSU and USD may not end with SDSU's move to Division I.
Fred Oien, SDSU's athletic director said Monday that discussion between USD and SDSU over future football games has begun and still continues.
"We have to find corresponding dates because of their schedules and our schedules," Oien said.
"Our goal is to get them on our schedule."
Greg Redlin, USD's interim athletic director, could not be reached for comment due to USD's current athletic director candidate search.
However, in an interview Friday with the "Argus Leader", Redlin said, "I would sure like there to be a resolution to it."
"The loss of a rivalry means we're losing somethimg that means so much to so many South Dakotans."
One reason may be that the SDSU/USD rivalry began before South Dakota existed as a state.
The first SDSU/USD football game ended in a tie on May 5, 1889.
The competition has included over 100 football games as NCAA Division II rivals.
The future between SDSU and Augustana is more certain.
Oien said that SDSU will continue to play Augustana after SDSU's switch to Division I athletics.
SDSU and Augustana already negotiated a contract for two football games in the next two years.
According to Oien, in football, SDSU will play against Augustana August 28, 2004 in Sioux Falls.
The two teams will play again in Brookings, August 27, 2005.
Classy picture of the USD SA President. :
Go SDSU, I-AA all the way!
Re: In-State Rivalries
I got into a spirited debate with a few people of the Jim Marking era who want to live in the past. The main reason they wanted SDSU to stay DII is the in-state rivalries and the History of the NCC. I shared the facts how hockey has become so important to many of the NCC members at the expense of their other programs and how different the new DII schools look compared to SDSU and their desire to reduce scholarships. I'm not sure I changed any minds but I do think I gave some new rationale to ponder on why the move makes sense. There is a lot of misinformation being spewed by our instate rivals fans. The days where we won a National Championship under Jim Marking were definitley glory days and ones we should never forget, however its time to take our place in DI and begin a new era of excellence.
Re: In-State Rivalries
I agree with you 100%, I do need to point out that we won our National Championship under Jim Iverson, not Jim Marking. The best Marking ever did was a Regional Championship in '69-'70.
Go State!
Re: In-State Rivalries
Just a slight correction. Marking was an assistant coach in 1963 when SDSU won the national title. Jim Iverson was the head coach. A little over a year later, Iverson was fired and Marking took over.
Jim is a good guy. He means well and loves SDSU. Of course he's kind of like the poor guy who was madly in love with a pretty girl for several years but she decided to end the relationship. Thirty years later he still pictures the girl as she was at the time of the breakup. Well, a lot of things (tremendous things!) happened to that girl in the intervening years. She's absolutely beautiful now and looking for some action!
Re: In-State Rivalries
Alum Guy knows Jim Marking and he has made an accurate summation of Jim. He does mean well, but he is not the only one in his era that feels the way he does about the past accompolishments and the importance of inter state rivalries. I suspect Jim seldom talks to the 1990 and 1980 era alums with the exception of the spirited debate with Jackguy. If Jim did more talking he would get a different perspective, especally those that have worked in the out-of-state job market for a while and how they have been preceived by others in urban areas. I said this before, but in Chicago, way out west is Iowa City, which is a jaunt to the east for those in Brookings. Many Chicago people have absolutely no concept of the Dakotas other than the Corn Palace and the Black Hills.
These older guys that have stayed in state have no idea what its like to live in an urban area.
I think its the younger alums who are going to make this move to D1AA work beause they see the purpose.
It almost pointless to argue with these older guys, they are not likely to change their point of view. I know one other alum, who I consider somewhat of a friend, who would fit in the Marking era. We sat together at the UNO game in Omaha. I told him I was in favor of the move to D1AA. My friend told me that I was one of three who were in favor of the move to D1AA, but again its old guys talking to old guys. So be it.
This board has been a great inspiration to me and I have a great deal of faith in the younger alums who come here post and ask good questions and offer positive comments.
uRe: In-State Rivalries
Its a weak argument stimulated by fear. Security at all costs becomes important as most of us age and is to be expected. The move to D1/D1AA comes with no guaruntees and scares a lot of people. They would prefer to remain comfortable (without significant accomplishment) in relative anonimity in division II as oppossed to putting their cards on the table where they may lose what they have, even though what they have is little. When you don't have much nothing looks very scary.
The more concerning thing is the trickle down effect this has on young people in S.D. They continue to hear negative rhetoric about the move to D1 as well as other positive steps for S.D. and begin to believe its true. Young, bright, talented kids then decide to "settle" for the "sure" thing and fail to achieve.
Frequently, the best athletes/students are bright enough and independent enough thinkers to ignore the b.s. and recognize the best opportunities exist outside S.D. at this time. Consequently, they leave.
I really believe the opportunity to attend a D1 university within the state of S.D. will result in the return of many professional young people and their children to S.D. I know personally, that a job as a physician in S.D. is now much more attractive to myself and my colleagues now that there will be a DI university and DI athletic events to attend.
Try to ignore the negativity and understand that they are wrong. Agree with or disagree with their observations but realized they are on the basis of emotion and not well thought out. Continue to support the university and athletic teams as the move to DI and focus your energy on the young people who will be supporting SDSU for decades to come and sending the next generation of students/athletes to SDSU. This is where our future lies and it sure looks bright to me!! Way to go JACKS/SDSU. One last thing, I truly do feel sorry for USD/UND.We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
Re: In-State Rivalries
Jacksmd, I fully agree with the bold move to future with all the good things that will come. Unfortunately, the old people have the money. We need to hold their hands through this deal and not ignore them. South Dakota isn't big enough to make this thing work without them.
What I don't agree with you is that I will NEVER feel sorry for USD.
Re: In-State Rivalries
Point well taken Alumguy. I am certain the right people are in place to maximize the potential for large donations from well-to-do individuals. However, I agree with others on this baord with regards to who makes the decisions regarding where the money goes. We don't want "the tail wagging the dog" as it is at UND and as Mr. T. D. Sanford wanted it at the U of Minn.We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.