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Here are a few suggestions for all the  media

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  • #16
    Re: Here are a few suggestions for all the  media

    Originally posted by 91rabbit
    In delving into the media subject, I will gladly defer to those with more expertise on this subject (e.g. Mike_H, OK_Jackrabbit,

    I agree that such indignant clamoring for increased attention may be counterproductive.  While I do believe that SDSU has frequently gotten the shaft by the state's elites, it must be remembered that it is all about money.  The media is not primarily about providing information; it is about selling advertising.  When the Argus (or whomever) sees that enough interest has been generated to warrant increased attention to matters pertaining to the D1 move, it will be on it like white on rice.  So, in the meantime, provide gentle and informative education to the unrepentant masses, the benighted FESers and the so-called naysayers.  If you build it, they will come.
    This is truly your day. I agree 100 percent.
    Shifting gears here a bit, the only thing with the Big Sky conference membership process that bothers me is the 60 scholarships for football requirement. Otherwise SDSU seems to be good shape. That makes me uneasy, and if it becomes a real concern, and it most likely will, then we need also to repsond with our financial gifts.

    Recent grads, paying back student loans and starting families, make this part very hard to comply with. Old guys like me need to really pay attention to this and help accordingly. I am giving thought to increasing my monthly electronic transfer to a athletic scholarship in my name in the near future. Yes build it and they will come, and we all need to pull the wagon in one direction. Good post 91


    • #17
      Re: Here are a few suggestions for all the  m

      Originally posted by SoDak
      Just curious Mike, I noticed tonight on KELO-AM they had Stampede Hockey, and soon there will be Skyforce BB clogging up the local radio waves.  Does anyone listen?  I don't know a soul who cares about the Skyforce enough to listen to them on the radio, and I'm in their prime demographic.  If they do care, they're at the game.  Do these teams do better, revenue-wise than college BB or football for a SF station?  I worked radio in Brookings for years after college, and people constantly complained they couldn't pick up SDSU games on the radio up there, but I was never involved in those kind of decisions.      
      I have yet to meet anyone who would listen to a Stampede or Skyforce game on the radio. Heck, I doubt I know anyone who would pay to see the games live.
      We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

      We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


      • #18
        Re: Here are a few suggestions for all the  media

        Stampede games are great, and I listen to them on the radio. I catch most of the away games and some of the home games (can't get to them all). I know a lot of people in SF that do the same. Does that mean the radio broadcast has appeal outside of SF? I don't know, my guess is that it is less than in SF.
        As for the Storm - I listen to every game. I would go to them, but can't always make it. When I can make the game I do.
        Skyforce - don't listen that often anymore and rarely go to a game.

        Why the difference? Stampede & Storm put on a great product, even when they are losing. Skyforce games are boring, especially when compared to college basketball.

        You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.


        • #19
          Re: Here are a few suggestions for all the  media

          Maybe the Stampede, but not the Skyforce, their attendance and team has been horrible the last few years.

          I find it hard to believe with the thousands of SDSU fans (not just grads) in the SF area that it wouldn't be more profitable than the USF, Skyforce etc.

          I do think WNAX is the station to use right now with it's coverage. Would like to have the women's games on there as well, they are covered by the 910AM station in Brookings.


          • #20
            Re: Here are a few suggestions for all the  m

            Originally posted by SoDak
            Just curious Mike, I noticed tonight on KELO-AM they had Stampede Hockey, and soon there will be Skyforce BB clogging up the local radio waves.  Does anyone listen?  I don't know a soul who cares about the Skyforce enough to listen to them on the radio, and I'm in their prime demographic.  If they do care, they're at the game.  Do these teams do better, revenue-wise than college BB or football for a SF station?  I worked radio in Brookings for years after college, and people constantly complained they couldn't pick up SDSU games on the radio up there, but I was never involved in those kind of decisions.      

            Good questions. I touched on this a little on another thread. First, does anyone listen? I am not sure. Sioux Falls has not been a rated market for the last 3 years, so I can't give you specifics. I do know that people listen to the Canairies because of the number of complaints we got about the announcer this year. But this is where the story gets a little intertwined. SoDak, I know you understand a lot of this because you were in the business, but other don't so hang with me.

            Radio stations, in general, do not make money in the evening hours. Some do, such as Hot 104, because they have kids that listen to them and kids listen at night. Adults, in general, do not listen to the radio as much in the evening as they do in the daytime. That is why radio stations sometimes go after "appointment listening" opportunities. If there is something special on, like a game you want to hear, you will find that radio station. The station then hopes that after that game is over, you will leave your radio on that station, maybe because of promos you heard during the game, or just because you forgot to change the channel and you end up listening to the station the next day. In addition, having a game on generates revenue that the station might not ever see. The funeral home in Dells probably is not going to spend a bunch of money advertising their services, but if Dell Rapids is playing Garretson on the radio, the funeral home will buy ads on that game as a way to support the community. Found money for a radio station that is not making any money that evening anyway with regular programming!

            Some radio stations take themselves out of it. They sign a contract with a team and the team writes them a check for each game they want to broadcast. The team then can take the advertising time in that broadcast and package it up with program ads, banners, etc., and make some money by adding value to a sponsership. That is how WNAX does it with SDSU, and how we do it with the Canaries, and how I think KSOO does it with the Skyforce. I got a little more detailed in a different thread so I we will leave it there rather than repeat a bunch of stuff.

            Now take it one more step. Imagine if SDSU, or the Canaries, or the Skyforce, were not on the radio at all. How would that look from an imaging standpoint? Not very good. The teams decide that it is worth spending money to make sure the games are on, even if no one is listening. (I know streaming goes up considerably during those hours, so there are certainly folks listening.) They almost look at it in terms of an infomercial. It is worth it to get the word out there about their team.

            It all goes back to marketing and making your product worthwhile, or even SEEM worthwhile. Hope that answers some questions.


            • #21
              Re: Here are a few suggestions for all the  media

              JackJD: One other point about your post.

              I am not sure it is fair to compare a clandestine oporation to attendance at a sporting event. Although I am quite sure there were more Watergate burglars than non-blood relatives at some DSU cross country meets. And Bill might have wanted to invite a large crowd to his "event".

              In sports, attendance does equal news a lot more than in real life situations.


              • #22
                Re: Here are a few suggestions for all the  m

                Just about the only time I listen to FM radio anymore is when Skyforce and Stampede games start playing. That, more than anything will probably force me into an XM radio. Not really related to the thread, per se, but a view. Along with being a jock, I also worked the sales end, and it would have seemed to me that I'd have been able to sell Jacks on the radio, in Brookings or SF.

