SDSU just got some national pub, however not all was the most postive light. Tuesday Morning Quarterback is written by Gregg Easterbrook. The column used to be on, but he was fired after some comments in a column he wrote for his other job brought a little heat. I think it was an over-reaction to the Rush Limbaugh problem, but that is another story. This column has a huge readership, and was added to shortly after ESPN dropped him.
Bonus Obscure College Score
Southern Utah 23, South Dakota State 17 in double overtime. This game was tied at 10 at the end of regulation, meaning as many points were scored on the 22 plays staged in overtime as on the 118 plays staged in the regular session. Located in Brookings, S.D., South Dakota State University calls its sports teams the Jackrabbits; women's team are also Jackrabbits, not Jillrabbits. The school boasts its location is "just miles from the Minnesota border," which tells you something about South Dakota's attitude toward itself.
If you want to increase the odds your rebuttal will be included in the next column, your odds are better if you put it in Haiku format. Here is link to entire column and :
Bonus Obscure College Score
Southern Utah 23, South Dakota State 17 in double overtime. This game was tied at 10 at the end of regulation, meaning as many points were scored on the 22 plays staged in overtime as on the 118 plays staged in the regular session. Located in Brookings, S.D., South Dakota State University calls its sports teams the Jackrabbits; women's team are also Jackrabbits, not Jillrabbits. The school boasts its location is "just miles from the Minnesota border," which tells you something about South Dakota's attitude toward itself.
If you want to increase the odds your rebuttal will be included in the next column, your odds are better if you put it in Haiku format. Here is link to entire column and :