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Official Countdown Thread

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  • #76
    Re: Official Countdown Thread

    Originally posted by Rabbitlivinginverm


    Trivia Question for you....

    Where did the SDSU get the colors yellow and blue?
    Aren't they derived somehow from Michigan?

    I'd kind of like to make the spring game but I'll be in S. Cali that weekend (not sure if that is a smiley or a frowney)
    "I think we'll be OK"


    • #77
      Re: Official Countdown Thread



      Spring practice starts on Wednesday, March 30

      Go Jacks !!!!!!


      • #78
        Re: Official Countdown Thread

        Originally posted by Rabbitlivinginverm


        Trivia Question for you....

        Where did the SDSU get the colors yellow and blue?

        This is a great question for which I do not know the answer but will share what I do know. Maybe some others who frequent this board can probably add, subtract or correct what I have said.

        I think the Rabbit Tracks magaizine a few years ago, there was a story on the school song "The Yellow and Blue" and Ring The Bell. The Yellow and Blue song has something like six stanza's and a refrain and was written by Professor Hansen, the Danish horiculturist and as I recall was written in 1913. The way the refrain is written, that what you hear at athletic events, would suggest that yellow and blue colors were choosen long before 1913.

        I dont think U of Michigan had any influence in the choice, but who knows. The five or six stanza's are seldom sang, and even the Statemen's choral group sings only the first verse along with the refrain.

        There is one other verse that might be controversial by todays standards as it talks about a west river cowboy sitting down and smoking a peace pipe with a Native American.

        Professor Hansen was trying to be very inclusive in terms of the entire state of South Dakota when he wrote this in another time and era, but that one verse probably needs to disappear or be revised.

        I did not answer the question, but shared what I know.

        Tomorrow's another day in the countdown.


        • #79
          Re: Official Countdown Thread

          Go to link above and vote.

          Great West website has a new poll on who will win the conference.

          Vote Jacks, Go Jacks!!!


          • #80
            Re: Official Countdown Thread

            Originally posted by Jacks_Backer

            Go to link above and vote.  

            Great West website has a new poll on who will win the conference.  

            Vote Jacks, Go Jacks!!!
            Southern Utah is in the lead? Now that's interesting.


            • #81
              Re: Official Countdown Thread

              With losing special teams players
              -HOLDER– Brian Janecek
              -SNAPS– Joey Abell
              -KICKOFF RETURNS– Solomon Johnson
              Who will step up ? Will newly signed Mike Steffen take up this role ? Are their others that can fill the shoes and do better ? Holder and snaper are a very important part of the game.

              Can Parker Douglass improve on 12-22 field goals and 29-29 xtra points (he finished with 65 points on the year to lead the Jacks) That is 54.5% he was 10 of 14 inside the 40 and 2-8 past the 40. Long was 43 yards and had 3 blocked.

              Neal Bainbridge avg 43.1 yards per punt long of 67. He had 5 touchbacks 3 fair catches. 14 inside the 20 and 3 blocked. Punting looks soild.

              What about the return dept. Can we get the return avg. up

              2004 PUNT RETURNS No. Yds Avg TD Long
              Dusty Snyders 21 128 6.1 0 36
              Paul Aanonson 2 7 3.5 0 5
              Joey Abell 2 46 23.0 0 0
              James Epps 1 0 0.0 0 0
              Total.......... 26 181 7.0 0 36

              2004 KICK RETURNS No. Yds Avg TD Long
              Micah Johnson 8 147 18.4 0 47
              Dusty Snyders 8 138 17.2 0 22
              Chris Molitor 7 127 18.1 0 30
              Marty Kranz 2 -4 -2.0 0 8
              Greg Peitz 1 2 2.0 0 2
              Paul Keizer 1 15 15.0 0 15
              Trevor Hohn 1 22 22.0 0 22

              2004 SPECIAL TEAMS
              KICKOFFS - Andy Pick
              PAT-FG– Parker Douglass
              PUNTER– Neal Bainbridge
              HOLDER– (Brian Janecek, gone)
              SNAPS– (Joey Abell gone)
              PUNT RETURNS – Dusty Snyders
              KICKOFF RETURNS– Chris Molitor (Solomon Johnson gone)


              • #82
                Re: Official Countdown Thread

                Solomon Johnson did not do that much towards the end of the season in KO and punt returns. I recall seeing Dusty Snyders and Chris Molitor doing most of this work. Solo will be missed as a very good WR, but as far as special teams, he was doing less and less as the season went on. I dont think we will have problems finding a snapper and a holder. Again Janeck and Abell performed in a noble fashion on special teams, but out of a 100 guys you got to have some one capable of filling in.

                155 days and counting. (Correct me if I am wrong on the days.)


                • #83
                  Re: Official Countdown Thread

                  Special teams...the forgotten component. I'll add my insight in a general fashion.

                  One would hope that a back up quarterback or a reciever could fill the roll of holder on FG & PAT's. It's all about handling the ball, which should come natural to a QB or WR.

                  Snapper is another story. You would think that there should be one guy who can do the job on a roster, but that's not always the case. If I have a son he's learning two things, long snapping and how to throw a curve ball. I can remember guys being asked to practice long snapping back when I played (I was one of them). Finding the right guy is tough. Sometimes the best guys are ones you wouldn't think of. And they don't often come from your traditional positions (i.e. Joey Abell). In the early 90's we had a kicker (Chad Masters) and WR (Terry Nelson) doing the long snapping. Ryan Brink and Joel Nelson, both O-Line followed suit. After that I couldn't tell you. Long snapper is a true specialty and needs to be treated the same as the kicker or punter in those respects, IMO.

                  What has happened to our return game. There was a time, again, back in my day, that SDSU's return game was one of the best in the nation (yes, in the NATION). Simple return schemes, best players on the field, and guys that knew how to return a kick. It's not always the fastest guy who does the best job, which I think is where some teams tend to focus. This is also a spot where you may have an unassuming guy who's the best for the situations. There also can't be assumed carry over between kick returning and punt returning. Both are quite a bit different and require a different mind set on the part of the returner.

                  I don't know the team well enough to know who can fill any of these openings, so I won't comment on that. I do know that SDSU's special teams need to win a couple games for them this year though.

                  Who woulda thunk I could write that much on special teams.
                  I updated my signature for the first time in six years.


                  • #84
                    Re: Official Countdown Thread

                    Spring ball starts today right? I thought I heard Mike_H say that on the Jackrabbit report yesterday.

                    Go State! ;D


                    • #85
                      Re: Official Countdown Thread

                      It started last Thursday.


                      • #86
                        Re: Official Countdown Thread

                        I know it was between JD & Janecek for the holder position last year until right before the season. Maybe they will give JD a try again. I know they base it off time. Who can get the ball down the fastest and also the kicker has a word on who they like.

                        Spring Ball starts today!!! They were testing yesterday.


                        • #87
                          Re: Official Countdown Thread

                          I agree that is should be a priority to find a good holder and long snapper they are very important guys. Micah Johnson and Chris Moliter look good in the return game. Possibily JaRon Harris will be looked at, he is one of the fastest players on the team. I look for Parker Douglass to have a better year also, a year of experience and strength conditioning will help out. Our punting game, I believe is in good hands with Neil Bainbridge. Just a few random thoughts....

                          Go Jacks !!!!!!


                          • #88
                            Re: Official Countdown Thread

                            Originally posted by JACKS-80
                            I know it was between JD & Janecek for the holder position last year until right before the season.   Maybe they will give JD a try again.   I know they base it off time.  Who can get the ball down the fastest and also the kicker has a word on who they like.  

                            Spring Ball starts today!!!  They were testing yesterday.  
                            JACKS-80, welcome to the board and thanks for posting. Good stuff.

                            Go State! ;D


                            • #89
                              Re: Official Countdown Thread

                              Through correspondance with VJ at the alumni office there are no formal plans for the Spring FB game.  He suggested that we take the initiative if desired.  I understand the team has an informal gathering for players and their families after the game.

                              I propose a gathering of alumni, current students, etc.. either in the paved CAS parking lot or out in the North 40 prior to the game (time suggestions?).  I will provide a grill if anyone wants to bring animals or their parts for consumption.  I presume a BYOB affair would be acceptable/appropriate.

                              As far as golfing, I would love to meet some people at Edgebrook or the CC on Saturday morning if there is interest.  I would be happy to obtain tee times.

                              Any of you interested or know others interested in gathering?  I would like to get a rough estimate.  I understand the annual donor's banquet is being held at the barn that evening.  What is that exactly?  

                              What is the attendance at the spring game usually like?  I could go as far as contacting 910 and have Scotty make an announcement of the plans.  The more informal and random the better but I would like something to happen.  Any and all suggestions welcome.
                              We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                              We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                              • #90
                                Re: Official Countdown Thread

                                Straight from the source:


                                Spring Football Starts Friday

                                BROOKINGS, SD – Seventy players are expected to participate when spring football practice begins at South Dakota State Friday.

                                The Jacks will have 15 practice sessions, ending with the spring game on Saturday, April 23 (5 p.m., Coughlin Alumni Stadium). . . .

                                The spring practice schedule:
                                Friday, April 1 - no pads, 4 p.m.
                                Saturday, April 2 - no pads - 10:40 a.m.
                                Sunday, April 3 - 4 p.m.
                                Wednesday, April 6 - 4 p.m.
                                Friday, April 8 - 4 p.m.
                                Saturday, April 9 - 10:40 a.m.
                                Sunday, April 10 - 4:05 p.m.
                                Wednesday, April 13 - 4 p.m.
                                Thursday, April 14 - 4 p.m.
                                Friday, April 15 - 4 p.m.
                                Saturday, April 16 - 3:20 p.m.
                                Sunday, April 17 - 4:05 p.m.
                                Wednesday, April 20 - 4:00 p.m.
                                Friday, April 22 - no pads - 4:00 p.m.
                                Saturday, April 23 - spring game - 5 p.m.

                                Go State! ;D

