It was a very good article. I had no idea we had a "Rudy" at SDSU. I dont know which movie I like better "Rudy" or Hoosiers.
I really respect Mr. Peterson, for his efforts and am greatly impressed with his generosity. Hopefully this story will help the nearly 1200 living football alums to think about their experiences at SDSU and maybe dig a little deeper into the pockets for the badly needed pay back for scholarships.
All alums need to help out though. Its not just letterwinners and former players.
In varying degrees, I think there's a Rudy or two on almost every team...the guy who just wants it so bad and works his tail off but does necessarily have what it takes to get in the game. Over time, his teammates learn to really respect the guy and that's one of the great aspects of athletic competition.
I thought the article was a good one too and like SDSUFAN, I have a lot of admiration for guys like Peterson. They make a team great irrespective of its win-loss record.
You have to respect a young man who realizes his limitations, and is willing to do what it takes just to make a contribution to his team and realize a dream. So many people nowadays are so concerned with instant gratification and "my way or the highway", it's refreshing to see this article about this young man who sacrificed his time and money to help the program, even when personal glory was safely out of reach.
If there were only more people like this young man in the world...
What a story! I'm suprised that we hadn't heard more about this over the last couple of years, but judging by the article that is the way he would want it.
Pretty refreshing when all we here about in the national media is the Terrell Owens situation.