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Hobo day 2015 "THE THREAD"

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  • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

    Originally posted by SDSUAlum08 View Post
    Not a Bison fan. The link was my post history on Bisonville. (Posted 20 or so times since last October). You must not be able see it like I thought you could.

    Ill just consider this a miscommunication.
    Fair enough. JackMD can vouch for me too. He wouldn't call me a liar probably, but he'd agree I'm an asshole.
    "All I know is what I read on the message boards."
    "Oh, well, there's your problem, then."


    • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

      Originally posted by goon View Post
      Did you just get rick rolled?
      That probably would have been better.
      Disclaimer: This post may contain assumptions and/or opinions related to Jackrabbit Athletics.


      • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

        Originally posted by SFJACK View Post
        We have some hard decisions coming up...who stays and who goes. My feeling is we have reached the summit with this batch of coaches. If we're ok with winning 1 or 2 playoff games a year and calling that our championship, then we've arrived.
        Not sure how you call it a plateau in a season we have been ranked higher than we ever have been and got our first FBS win in program history after two all time Jackrabbits just graduated. Those two things tell me some things. The coaches are getting in better players and developing them well.

        Am I as frustrated with losing to ndsu and losing on Hobo Day? HELL YES. HEEEELLLLLL YYYYYEEEESSSSSS. Judging off of playoff wins is an inaccurate barometer when two of the three years we have been there we were knocked out AT the home of the eventual champions. Now the other two are arguable, however, the fact of it is the reason we are all so upset is the fact that the coaches have already raised the program to a level that causes us to have expectations of winning against highly ranked opponents. People tend to remember the tough losses more than the big wins. Especially if the losses are to your rival. People need to chill with the clear out the staff crap. Did they and have they made mistakes? Yup. Big time. But if you can't recognize that the program is still on the upswing to the level we are aspiring to attain, you aren't paying attention. Seriously. Name the last season we have had multiple weeks being ranked in the top ten? Or how bout the other seasons we were this deep in the season with a more than legitimate shot at a playoff seed? We use to be excited at the prospect of making the playoffs. Then it was at the prospect of winning our first game. And now it is a deep run ending at Frisco. Naturally our expectations are rising as our results have been. Just because we have high expectations don't let it blind us to just how much progress is still being made as a program. If you think about it the only type of teams that has given us fits are UNI/NDSU type teams with a great, very physical defensive lines. If you look around how many teams out there have that type of team? Maybe ISUR? Maybe? Jax St? Perhaps Chattanooga? The last two I personally doubt. At the end of the day we have a great shot at a top seed if we take care of business in two games we should win, beat a tough team in WIU, and "upset" ISUR. So let's step back from the ledge a bit. Did you guys realize we have one of the longest streaks of consecutive weeks ranked in the top 25 in the country? It was on AGS somewhere. We are 3-2 vs the top 25, and that bodes well for the playoffs and for seed selection. That means we have zero "bad" losses and a pile of quality wins.

        Sorry I rambled but good lord. Fire the staff. Jesus help us from being spoiled brats like bisonville. Let's expect greatness but appreciate the accomplishments on the way.
        Remember Gun Saftey-Treat Every Hunter as if he were Loaded


        • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

          Originally posted by Jacked_Up View Post
          I was OK with the decision to go for it on fourth and one, and play to win. A field goal and good fortune in OT, if it got to OT, was not a sure thing. There was something like 2 minutes left. If we can't pick up one yard with the jumbo package in crunch time, we don't deserve to win.
          When you have a mobile QB,I don't know why you bring the Jumbo package in. The O line hadn't opened any holes between the tackles all day - they definitely weren't going to do it when UNI could totally load up the box. Keep TC in, spread the field and extend the defense.


          • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

            Yes the offense must play better no doubt. Play calling is so predictable to the average fan so it is fairly easy to scout the Jacks offense. More time and practice reps are needed for the QB read option plays to work like other opponents running QBs. Wide receivers need to get open and separation so timing passes lead to a pass versus a sack. An offensive play call on obvious blitz downs must be implemented or audible instead of six defensive players rushing out numbering Oline. RB are not deep now. How about Gandy time?

            Fourth and one was a joke. Keep the athletic QB in the game and roll him out with a run pass option. Get rid of the jumbo package. Why was Paris in on that play? He was hurt and attempted to play that one and only play in the second half.

            The defense played well enough to win. My only question comes with stopping a running QB. Bailey had 169 yards rushing and killed the defense. LB are too slow to catch the running QB and the middle of the field is wide open with this defense the last few weeks and will continue to happen whe opponents scout the defense. Delayed draws and read option QBs beat us ever game. Don't blame the offense for not stopping the running QB. Also, UNI had poor field position a number of times and got out of it or had drives by running the QB.

            Time to regroup and save the season.


            • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

              I finally have calmed down enough to organize a few thoughts. That was a painful loss. We had the inside track to a home playoff game or two and blew it. Just bummed.

              My thoughts:

              1. The defense played a hell of a game.
              2. UNI defense was dominant. That was impressive. They made our offense look bad. Tip off the cap.
              3. Great crowd! They were into it. Too bad they didn't see a win.
              4. We were lucky to have been given a chance to be I. The game on that last drive.
              5. The coaches flat blew it both by going for it on fourth down but even more by going with the wildcat. I thought they were simply trying to draw UNI off side. We try that all the time and it never works. I was shocked when they snapped it. I was flat pissed by the play call. It is hard to have a long coaching career with many blunders like that. I can't defend it. Fortunately, he doesn't make many like that.
              6. The penalties were killers.
              7. Why is nobody talking about TC's run on 3rd down? If he continued straight ahead he easily gets the first down. Instead, he makes a cut right to try and score and is stopped two yards short. He has to know where he is at and what the situation is. If he makes that play we aren't talking about the bonehead call on 4th down. Don't get me wrong, I'm a TC fan and he needs to play but today he may have cost us the game. I chuckled when he was announced as player of the game on the PA. He will learn from this and is going to have a great career here but this loss really hurt the teams post-season aspirations. That has to sting a lot for our young QB.

              That was as empty a feeling as I've had leaving the stadium. I can handle getting beat like we did by NDSU. We beat ourselves and the coaches cost us this one. They need to bounce back quick. We can't afford any more losses.

              It's still a great day to be a Jackrabbit. Even after all that!



              • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

                I thought about TCs run on third down too (and the false start penalty). But it's pretty hard to know exactly where you're at 10 yards down field after dropping back to pass. You can't blame him for that.
                Disclaimer: This post may contain assumptions and/or opinions related to Jackrabbit Athletics.


                • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

                  Agree with the statement on TC running on that third down and knowing where the sticks are located. All runners and receivers must know down and distance on every play.

                  Defense played well enough to win. Offense must score points. Defense did not stop the running QB and that is why UNI won or they would have scored zero. Stop the run, you beat UNI as they are not a passing team with Bailey as QB.


                  • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

                    Seems to me from listening on the radio that TC overthrew Wieneke several times, was it more because of the Wizards hammy or TC?

                    The other thing was we stumbled/slipped it sounded like on several of the short gainers that the WR makes a bigger play we tend to use often. So I definitely think the slick field didn't do us any favors.

                    I knew as soon as they called the formation for that 4th down play we were sunk. Just terrible play call. Love the play to win mentality by going for it to win the game honestly. Hate the play call. How many times have we complained about playing not to lose compared to playing to win. That shows me we have a different mindset this year and I like that.

                    Overall a insanely frustrating loss. But I would never say I would rather be humiliated the way we were against ndsu. I would rather lose going for the win over being embarrassed or being scared of losing any day. But that's just me.
                    Remember Gun Saftey-Treat Every Hunter as if he were Loaded


                    • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

                      Originally posted by SDSUAlum08 View Post
                      I thought about TCs run on third down too (and the false start penalty). But it's pretty hard to know exactly where you're at 10 yards down field after dropping back to pass. You can't blame him for that.

                      There ya go. Don't get a freekin false start for the third time today. Cripes, there's 16,000 people there and UNI doesn't have a false start all day. Get your sh*t together!


                      • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

                        Whar about the coach getting the sideline penalty?! We had them 3rd and long when that happened. Automatic first down and they are in the endzone like two plays later.


                        • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

                          Originally posted by MontanaRabbit View Post
                          Whar about the coach getting the sideline penalty?! We had them 3rd and long when that happened. Automatic first down and they are in the endzone like two plays later.
                          Can anyone say exactly what happened? I was at the game and I was watching the ref when he dropped the flag but he was not getting up off the ground and no one appeared to be anywhere near him.


                          • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

                            Six figure salary...

                            "Tell the truth and pay your bills and you don't have to back down from anyone"--My Dad


                            • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

                              Did anyone go to the Hobo Day Dance? Oh that's right!! This event was discontinued many years back. Just trying to brighten a few spirits here on the board. We had our chances. Our QB often was forced to make quick plays since our OL could not dominate the LOS. I think Coach made the right call to go for it on 4th down. Who knows we might have missed the field goal or lost in overtime. There is still a lot of football left.
                              Last edited by Nidaros; 10-25-2015, 06:36 AM.


                              • Re: Hobo day "THE THREAD"

                                Originally posted by trueblue View Post
                                Can anyone say exactly what happened? I was at the game and I was watching the ref when he dropped the flag but he was not getting up off the ground and no one appeared to be anywhere near him.
                                I believe there had to be actual physical contact to draw a 15 yard penalty. If you just go out of the coaches box (like the UNI coach did) you get a warning the first time and a 5 yard penalty after that.

