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10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

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  • 91jack
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
    Blame whoever you want, but don't think for a moment your team sees it like you do. They don't, and other than trying to win your approval as fans cheering them on to play, they dont give a crap what you think. You didn't go through 2 a days in 100 degree heat. You didn't ache so bad you could hardly move. You aren't away from home for weeks away from your family. The only price you pay is the season ticket price and whatever donation you make to buy those tickets. And many of you, like any other fan base, complain about that.

    Unless you are in and around that locker room on a daily or regular basis, you don't know why what happened today. And even if you are around it you can't explain it either. It happens. And I will bet it happens again. Quit your whining and accept what happened and get ready for next Saturday. It might be Stigs fault, but I bet it isn't. It might be your teams attitude, but I bet it isn't. It might be just how college football is....yep, I'd bet on that.

    I'm middle of the road. I'm glad that the team sees it that way. I don't see anybody associated with the SDSU team as heartless. I do think they sure seemed uninspired/unprepared or whatever on Saturday. I do think that ISU(r) has a chance to run the table and go into the playoffs with 1 or zero losses.

    This is just the first time that having a unexperienced QB hurt us(there were many other things... run D, special teams, etc..). Delay of the game, holding the ball too long, etc.. it all added up. Would Sumner have underthrown that deep ball? Who knows! How about some of the other throws that were off? I can't remember for sure but we turned it over something like 4 times and then went for it on 4th down a couple of other time where we could have put some points on the board. Of course, at the end of the game, they were playing some of their bench players.

    USD sounds happy too get back to their experienced QB.

    I didn't play college ball but I think about all college students, people in the military and people who move away for jobs are away from home and their family for weeks. They didn't have 2 a days in 100 degree heat or ache so they could hardly move but they aren't paid a scholarship either. I hope nobody thinks I'm picking on the SDSU athletes. I respect what they all do but they are paid (some)for their service. Are they paid enough? That depends on who you ask and how they feel about it.
    I probably shouldn't have put people in the military in but they truly can't see their family. They are overseas or shipped to bases anywhere at least the parents of the players know where and when they can see their kids.

    I think this week that team will come out and prove that they belong with the big boys.

    Like yoteforever said, last Saturday "might be just how college football is".

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  • jackmd
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    Originally posted by TK22867 View Post
    I have no problem with his opinion. I am, however, offended when someone infers that "your opinion doesn't matter" and "you don't know what's going on" because you haven't "strapped it up" at the college level. i soundly reject that idea.

    Also, the idea that "sometimes that's the way the ball bounces" is folly. There is a cause and reaction for each play that happens. You don't just fumble, throw a pick, or miss a tackle "just because". If the coaches and players aren't to blame, then who is?
    I communicated with several former Jackrabbit players during, after and late into the night Saturday. Let me just say they weren't apologizing for anything. If you aren't a little concerned, critical and perhaps even upset after a performance like that I'm not sure what to think.

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  • KUlawJack
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    Welp, after arguing with my wife in the car on the way home from the one-year old's birthday immediately upon entering the car to drive home, then sitting in silence for an hour, and then begging her forgiveness for acting like a spoiled brat for my behavior as we got our asses beat, I say, bring on Missouri State and tailgating. One game - one loss. Lots of football left. If we can change whatever the hell it was we did wrong on Saturday, and there was a lot of it, then I'll maintain the positive attitude. If we have another performance like that at home, then I may go into full-on meltdown/everyone panic mode, for which I'm well known.

    Again, ISU-R is really, really good. Not much one could take away from them. I would not be surprised in the least to see them win the MVFC with the team they've assembled this year.

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  • jackmd
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    Originally posted by MontanaRabbit View Post
    I'm not sure who's to blame, but I'm sure of this.

    We gave up almost 500 yards of total offense. That's unacceptable.

    We have a history of laying eggs in big games or in games we should win (Missouri St last year?). I'm not sure who is to blame, but it really makes it hard for me to set high expectations for our football team. Part of me wonders if maybe we just aren't as good as we think we are.

    Recent history, we have responded well to these losses and it has seemed to motivate us. Hope that happens this year, but this loss will hurt our perception in the playoff bracketing if we even make the playoffs.
    Agree, facts are facts. Opinions are opinion and we all have different viewpoints based on prior experiences and our current situation in life.

    Facts, 45-10 Jackrabbits fail in the first big test of the year. Fact, 3 turnovers in the first quarter lead to a 21-0 deficit. Fact, defense gave up 500 yds including 350 yds on the ground. Fact, special teams failed again surrendering a kickoff return for a TD. Fact, averaged only 36 yds per punt (46 for ISU)

    Fact, this is only 1 loss in a long conference season. Fact, the offense was productive, equal in first downs, equal T.O.P, total offense of 450 yds.

    My opinion, ISU is a better team but not 45-10 better. The Jacks got out played and I think out coached. That said, 3 turnovers in the 1st quarter is damn near impossible to overcome.

    I've seen it repeated year after year. A blowout loss in a major game where the Jackrabbits are favored or at least expected to compete. I'll admit its my expectations are altered by the dominance of the program to the north. They never lose a game their expected to win and they win plenty of games their not expected to win. When is the last time the Jackrabbits won a game they weren't expected to win??? Heck, the coyotes beat the Gophers and EWU just to name 2.

    So, frustration over this loss is perfectly acceptable in my mind. Criticism is warranted, blame should be placed. Panic if you want to, its not going to change the outcome or alter the future. The only resolution available is a victory this week. Stig said his expectation was a seed and a playoff bye. Losing 45-10 sure as heck isn't in the game plan if a playoff seed is the goal.

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  • MontanaRabbit
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    I'm not sure who's to blame, but I'm sure of this.

    We gave up almost 500 yards of total offense. That's unacceptable.

    We have a history of laying eggs in big games or in games we should win (Missouri St last year?). I'm not sure who is to blame, but it really makes it hard for me to set high expectations for our football team. Part of me wonders if maybe we just aren't as good as we think we are.

    Recent history, we have responded well to these losses and it has seemed to motivate us. Hope that happens this year, but this loss will hurt our perception in the playoff bracketing if we even make the playoffs.

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  • SF_Rabbit_Fan
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    Originally posted by TK22867 View Post
    I have no problem with his opinion. I am, however, offended when someone infers that "your opinion doesn't matter" and "you don't know what's going on" because you haven't "strapped it up" at the college level. i soundly reject that idea.

    Also, the idea that "sometimes that's the way the ball bounces" is folly. There is a cause and reaction for each play that happens. You don't just fumble, throw a pick, or miss a tackle "just because". If the coaches and players aren't to blame, then who is?
    I took his post more as "here's the perspective of somebody who actually played" not "if you didn't play shut your face."

    The previous post he was addressing used a lot of macho hyperbole that you don't see get used by a lot of former players, because they understand that everybody wants to win and sometimes bad things happen to good people (football teams). Sometimes you all-american running back fumbles. Sometimes there is miscommunication and the hand off is botched. Every once in a blue moon, the punter doesn't get the memo and follows through with a fake punt.

    As a non-player, I've always thought that in order for one team to score the other team has to screw up at least a little bit somewhere along the way.

    My daughter in Kindergarten looks for someone or something to blame when things go poorly. Coaches/players/grownups attempt to find the person or situation that was responsible for the problem, and then attempt to make corrections to try to prevent it from happening again. Some are more successful than others.

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  • SF_Rabbit_Fan
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
    I wish I had done the same, or extended my visit to Norway where you are seven hours ahead of central Time. I would have had to get up in the middle of the night to catch the final score. This game was not fun to watch on ISUr streaming, where the announcers were very generous in their comments towards SDSU. They thought we were having a bad day. I think they were right.
    If you had stayed in Norway 7 hours ahead, you could have posted here to warn us not to watch the game. Thanks a lot Nidaros.

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  • Nidaros
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    Originally posted by TK22867 View Post
    I have no problem with his opinion. I am, however, offended when someone infers that "your opinion doesn't matter" and "you don't know what's going on" because you haven't "strapped it up" at the college level. i soundly reject that idea.

    Also, the idea that "sometimes that's the way the ball bounces" is folly. There is a cause and reaction for each play that happens. You don't just fumble, throw a pick, or miss a tackle "just because". If the coaches and players aren't to blame, then who is?
    "you don't know what's going on" because you haven't "strapped it up" at the college level. i soundly reject that idea.
    I speak for myself now, and this often the case in that I dont know what's going on. . I havent carried earphones and radio to the game for some time, but plan to do so this Saturday. Thats to better know what is going on. I agree the players and coaches are to blame for their performance last Saturday. I believe ZZ was quoted after the game: "Let's not burn the tape and lets learn from this game". I suspect every player and coach involved would agree with Zack's statement. They will learn and if we have repeat performance this Saturday goals for the season will be lowered. Its not as though my health or life depended on SDSU football. Its still going to be enjoyable.

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  • TK22867
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    Originally posted by bigticket1 View Post
    To me , the perspective of a former coach or player who better understands the inner workings of any sports team is very valuable. Donors , big or small , have the right to their opinions , but being offended by those of someone who has " walked the walk " doesn't seem like a good attitude to have.
    I have no problem with his opinion. I am, however, offended when someone infers that "your opinion doesn't matter" and "you don't know what's going on" because you haven't "strapped it up" at the college level. i soundly reject that idea.

    Also, the idea that "sometimes that's the way the ball bounces" is folly. There is a cause and reaction for each play that happens. You don't just fumble, throw a pick, or miss a tackle "just because". If the coaches and players aren't to blame, then who is?

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  • goon
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    Originally posted by SturgisJeff View Post
    Both South Dakota schools should have stayed out of Illinois yesterday.
    Illinois football > south dakota football atleast for one day that's for sure.

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  • sdsu_drake
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    Eastern Washington's Vernon Davis will be out 3-6 weeks with a broken foot. With their defense that might cost them the play offs.

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  • SturgisJeff
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    Both South Dakota schools should have stayed out of Illinois yesterday.

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  • Nidaros
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    Originally posted by mitchellrabbit View Post
    Great post!!! And ive never played football and dont think im a "major donor", cause im not sure where the cut off is from "major" to "minor"
    Not a major donor either, but a consistent donor thru electronic funds transfer. I value yfe comments.
    No reason to complain.

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  • WestSideRabbit
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    As the best player in the NFL said about his team, Jackbattit fans need to R-E-L-A-X.

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  • mitchellrabbit
    Re: 10/4/14 vs. Illinois State RedBirds

    Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
    It's been a long time since I've posted anything on here other than to make a joke or poke a little fun for the simple reason many of you take my flesh because I'm a Coyote fan. But watching the reaction to your loss by so many of you on here has prompted me to post knowing you'll lambast me anyway, but trying to save the dignity of your team.

    i will bet that many of you never played one down in a college football game. You have no clue what it takes to prepare, plan, and train for a game, let alone a season. Some of you are professionals and rely on science for a chain of events that happen in a certain sequence at all times. You think if I do this, then "that" will happen. Or if I do that, "this" will happen. Well I hate to tell you sports, and in particular football doesn't work that way. Sometimes the best laid plans fail for whatever reason. Do you really think your head coach woke up last Monday morning and said there's no reason to get this team ready for Illinois State? Do you think your players said to themselves that yes they'll fly out to Normal this weekend, but deep down we don't give a crap if we play well or win?

    Wake up will you. In the words of Forest Gump...." **** happens "

    There will be Saturdays where Alabama, Oklahoma, Texas A&M, USC, UCLA, and Oregon lose. All in the same day. Do you think Saban intentionally planned to lose? Or a Stoops didn't prepare? Hell no. There are just times where it wasn't meant to be. As athletes it's hard to explain, maybe tougher as coaches. But sometimes for whatever reason it doesn't go according to plan. But all you see is whatever it is you want to see. Blame Stig. Blame Zenner. Blame your QB. Blame whoever you want, but don't think for a moment your team sees it like you do. They don't, and other than trying to win your approval as fans cheering them on to play, they dont give a crap what you think. You didn't go through 2 a days in 100 degree heat. You didn't ache so bad you could hardly move. You aren't away from home for weeks away from your family. The only price you pay is the season ticket price and whatever donation you make to buy those tickets. And many of you, like any other fan base, complain about that.

    Unless you are in and around that locker room on a daily or regular basis, you don't know why what happened today. And even if you are around it you can't explain it either. It happens. And I will bet it happens again. Quit your whining and accept what happened and get ready for next Saturday. It might be Stigs fault, but I bet it isn't. It might be your teams attitude, but I bet it isn't. It might be just how college football is....yep, I'd bet on that.
    Great post!!! And ive never played football and dont think im a "major donor", cause im not sure where the cut off is from "major" to "minor"

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