Our friends at Bisonville are discussing the state of our bleachers on the east side. This kind of kills me as I was around here when the Staduim for State campaign happen and basically there were no funds to put up permanent seating on the east side of the field. In the 1960's there were no seats period on that side. Our bleachers are no worse than those at old Dacotah Field or those at Memorial field in Grand Forks. NDSU has a good team. That was proven last Saturday, but for their fans to continue to bring up things to bitch about, its just plain getting old. This topic in particular really grabs my arse since nearly 20 years ago, the city of fargo passed a sales tax and they have that old machine shed they call the fabulous fargo dome, which in my opinion is turning into a dump. Another flood and that place will have problems of their own to worry about.