We need to end this thread and concentrate on the we must protect this thread. Otherwise the Bison fans will never have a chance to look at the Dakota marker. Plus it is a better thread.
Not to mention the fact that no other school in the MVFC that I have visited (and that's quite a few) stoops so low as to have the announcer play the role of cheerleader. Not a lot of class, as far as I am concerned. NDSU should send him down here for a game and a lesson on how a high quality stadium announcer operates.
With tongue in cheek, maybe this is what we need to get those old farts off their butts when our defense has a third and long play. I do agree its not very classy for the PA guy to be cheerleading.
It still puts the game in the hands of the guys on the field. That announcer was very quiet in one game where Josh Ranek put up bunch of yards and got the opportunity to look back and see who was in pursuit of a tackle. Thats a memory I will carry to my grave.