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GDT Delaware BlueHens

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  • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

    Originally posted by Theee Catrabbit View Post
    I think I've recovered...and the headache has gone away.
    1) It's Payton Watch...not he got it! There are plenty of people on a list. No, I don't think Minnett has been shopping for a trophy case. He is a hard charger. That OL was our greatest fear going into the season....well, guess they have some work to do. No holes mean no runs.
    2) The DL needs some fire.
    3) Mike Lien was a stud today, that's good because I was worried after Jimmy left a little bit.
    4) Conrad and the General will be back and that will strengthen some things up
    5) Bo Helm showed he wants to be a player
    6) I blame no scheduling, no administration, no's one game. I'm not pinning anything on anything. It was a first game with sloppy tackling
    7) Yes we need to up our donations and fundraising from our fanbase...but is that really fair to all the other MVC schools who outspend us nearly 5 to 1 in dollars? How would they ever win a game against us again?
    8) This is not the "Game that shall not be named", this was Delaware! A bit of a difference so everybody get your mouths off the exhaust pipe, cause this team is still going to the playoffs dammit!!!!!
    Conrad is done. Stig said that in the pregame today. The team has a lot of work to do, but there is potential. What hurts most about this lose is we have very little wiggle room the rest of the way. BTW, Delaware is a better team than Minnesota.
    Go Big! Go Blue! Go Jacks!


    • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

      Originally posted by valleyrabbit View Post
      Conrad is done. Stig said that in the pregame today. The team has a lot of work to do, but there is potential. What hurts most about this lose is we have very little wiggle room the rest of the way. BTW, Delaware is a better team than Minnesota.
      I agree on potential and am very hopeful. I saw a lot of speed from our defense today. We ran more than three different pass plays (unlike last year) and Kool and Tiefenthaler looked like the starting WRs from here on out. The defensive backfield looked decent despite not having Conrad or General in there.

      As far as being better than Minnesota, keep in mind that Delaware doesn't have to overcome the huge disadvantage of having Tim Brewster as their head coach.
      Holy nutmeg!


      • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

        Well I neither listenened, nor watched the game today, but after reading throught the GDT, and just generally thinking about it without yellow and blue glass on, I guess I'm not REAL surprised by the outcome.

        I thought we would've been a hair more competetive, but it's got to be tough starting the year against a traditionally tough opponent, especially at their place, especially without a "tune up" game, especially with some new faces in some critical spots.

        Excuses, I know.

        Blue Hens kerblastifcated (or whatever) us, no doubt.

        Congrats Deleware!
        "Life is short so make sure you spend as much time as possible arguing with strangers on the Internet." - Person


        • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

          Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
          I agree on potential and am very hopeful. I saw a lot of speed from our defense today. We ran more than three different pass plays (unlike last year) and Kool and Tiefenthaler looked like the starting WRs from here on out. The defensive backfield looked decent despite not having Conrad or General in there.

          As far as being better than Minnesota, keep in mind that Delaware doesn't have to overcome the huge disadvantage of having Tim Brewster as their head coach.

          Gotta respectfully disagree on both points.
          Saw the game from both sides of the field, and it looked like our defense was tired and a step slow all day. The Delaware backs were able to hit the edges at will. Our passing game was so predictable and horizontal that they were leaving the entire deep middle uncovered in the second half... their strong safety cheated a ton (and was also able to help a lot with the run game)... on a lot of our pass plays, there were three dbs in the vicinity... we have fast WRs and a QB with a big arm... a vertical passing game would have changed a lot today.

          On a broader front, here are some armchair impressions, from the NDSU game last year, to this one... Take 'em for whatever they're worth (and Rabid, if you disagree, chime in... it was great seeing you pregame):

          1. The Jacks really miss Batten's intensity.
          2. The Jacks were not close to ready for the start of this game. How do you get a delay of game call on the third play of the season? All through the first half I kept thinking this looked like a team that had to get through the shell shock from Montana. Maybe that explains a lot of this. The second half they played better, but they lost the one opportunity to really get back in the game by some strange play calls, IMHO.
          3. We got beat up front. That drive-by Delaware class act who was crowing about their backs left out the fact that they were running through truck-sized holes all day. Correspondingly, we didn't move their front four. They had nice backs, but the Minett I saw against the Bison would have had just as good a day, maybe better, with those holes. (And those regional claims on speed are just bogus... we just couldn't get our guys to space, and I would put our WRs in a foot race with theirs any day)...
          4. It seems like our offensive philosophy is to control more than attack. This works when you are running the ball, but it does not put enough pressure on their defense, IMHO, when you can't dominate on the ground. We had a golden opportunity to turn the game around with that recovery in the shadow of their goal line at the beginning of the second half. Our first two plays were a trap up the gut, and a three yard pass in the flat that almost got picked. You got a team ready for a big momentum turn and you don't throw it once in the end zone? So when we were forced to kick the field goal, it was a moral victory for them. Same thing happened when we got down to their 14 early in the fourth. Nothing remotely close to the end zone, and then the fourth and ten pass was a seven-yard slant. Nice for the stats, but not good for first downs.
          5. We got stout hearts on defense, and they never gave up. But again, it looked like they were a step slower today. Maybe there is something about that long plane trip.
          6. The Delaware QB ain't Joe Montana. He had time to throw all day. And their offense is pretty pedestrian. They scored most of their points on short fields. Their running game was not much on misdirection, just pounding inside the tackles (especilally to our right side). The difference in this game was that they could run the ball inside and we couldn't. Really that simple.
          7. TOB did not have a good day, had a half dozen really poorly thrown balls, but IMHO he can still be a good QB. He's got a big arm, and he made good decisions today when he needed to throw the ball away. Just from watching him, I think he shortarms the ball sometimes... and I think part of that may be from this horizontal, controlled passing game we have... he sometmies looks like a kid with a big arm trying to fit it into a tighter field... the two longest completions of the day, both down the middle of the field, were both very well thrown... If you throw more of those does it help you relax to touch for the shorter ones?
          8. We had all the usual first-day problems, including dropped passes, bad snaps, penalties, bad throws, and they were exacerbated when we got behind. So I've become a convert to the easy first game theoreom. Maybe we should schedule the Gophers as our perennial opener.
          9. As far as Coughlin's future: I got a higher level of respect for Jacks crowds after today. They had a basic, older stadium, and it wasn't as full or lively as you might have thought for a game of this billing. And their students apparently don't like football, except for the 400 or so that showed up.
          10. I'd really like to see us play these guys again.

          Go Jacks. Still a believer.
          Last edited by NoVaJack; 09-11-2010, 10:28 PM. Reason: spelling


          • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

            Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
            Gotta respectfully disagree on both points.
            Saw the game from both sides of the field, and it looked like our defense was tired and a step slow all day. The Delaware backs were able to hit the edges at will. Our passing game was so predictable and horizontal that they were leaving the entire deep middle uncovered in the second half... their strong safety cheated a ton (and was also able to help a lot with the run game)... on a lot of our pass plays, there were three dbs in the vicinity... we have fast WRs and a QB with a big arm... a vertical passing game would have changed a lot today.

            Go Jacks. Still a believer.
            Was it as hard to watch the game in the stands as it was to watch it on the Internet (like some of us had to)?


            • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

              Originally posted by UWMandSDSU View Post
              Was it as hard to watch the game in the stands as it was to watch it on the Internet (like some of us had to)?
              I always delight in watching the Jacks, even when we lose, but I think the best word to describe what I saw today was "uninspired," and that is not something I've ever been accustomed to seeing with the Jacks. Like I said, I think we needed to work through the post-shock of Montana... And hopefully the Jacks did that with this game...


              • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

                Can our own fan base at least get his last name right. It's Minett. Not Minnett, Minnette, or any other variation of n's & t's. I must still be pissed...
                "Tell the truth and pay your bills and you don't have to back down from anyone"--My Dad


                • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

                  Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                  I always delight in watching the Jacks, even when we lose, but I think the best word to describe what I saw today was "uninspired," and that is not something I've ever been accustomed to seeing with the Jacks. Like I said, I think we needed to work through the post-shock of Montana... And hopefully the Jacks did that with this game...
                  I thought of the same word watching the Gophers today. I literally shuddered as I typed that.

                  You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.


                  • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

                    Top football squads in South Dakota:

                    1. USD - the way they beat a Big 10 team today puts them heads above everyone else.

                    2. USF - #1 in the country in NAIA says alot for their team.

                    3. Washington HS - They might be able to beat quite a few of the area college teams.

                    4. SDSU - We sure didn't look very good today.


                    • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

                      Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                      That drive-by Delaware class act who was crowing about their backs left out the fact that they were running through truck-sized holes all day. Correspondingly, we didn't move their front four. They had nice backs, but the Minnett I saw against the Bison would have had just as good a day, maybe better, with those holes. (And those regional claims on speed are just bogus... we just couldn't get our guys to space, and I would put our WRs in a foot race with theirs any day)...
                      I think it's foolish for anyone to compare backs. Unless somehow Minett and Pierce could swap uniforms at halftime (conveniently they both wear #30) and have Minett run behind the UD line and Pierce behind the SDSU line it's impossible to say which back is better. Pierce is young and still has a lot to prove. IMHO RB's in general get WAY too much credit for the work that their O-Line does (or does not do) for them anyway.
                      About the speed thing, I think that was referring to the running attack, not the passing game. OldHen pointed out to you earlier this week that our WR's were more of the possession type - not deep threats. You pointed out yourself how the UD backs were able to get to the edge and run wide all day. Besides, speed doesn't do your receivers any good if they can't catch. There were a lot of dropped balls by SDSU receivers today. Hopefully that is just some first-game rust that got shaken off.

                      Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                      6. The Delaware QB ain't Joe Montana. He had time to throw all day. And their offense is pretty pedestrian. They scored most of their points on short fields. Their running game was not much on misdirection, just pounding inside the tackles (especilally to our right side). The difference in this game was that they could run the ball inside and we couldn't. Really that simple.
                      Agreed. But our offense can be a lot more intricate when it needs to be. For today, if running between the tackles was working, why do anything else? I'm not quite as high on Devlin as a lot of other Hen fans who compare him to Joe Flacco based on both QB's stats their Junior years (Devlin's were better behind a worse O-Line). But Joe Flacco was the guy that you knew the first time you saw him would be playing on Sundays. Maybe Devlin will too, who knows. It's just not as obvious to me.

                      Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                      9. As far as Coughlin's future: I got a higher level of respect for Jacks crowds after today. They had a basic, older stadium, and it wasn't as full or lively as you might have thought for a game of this billing. And their students apparently don't like football, except for the 400 or so that showed up.
                      I was very disappointed in the turnout as well. Our numbers are definitely off this season. I think it is a combination of the economy and a recent change in UD administration. Our fanbase has a lot of old-timers who recall the "good 'ol days" playing C.W. Post and the Merchant Marine Academy! No offense to the Jacks, but SDSU is not a brand name most traditional Hen fans would recognize - much less realize you were ranked or even played in FCS. (most wouldn't know what FCS is! - they might recongize the term "I-AA"). I'm neither defending or condeming them. It's just the way it is and I can't change it. The new administration has also instituted a minimum donation level for season ticket holders starting next year. It was announced in the season ticket package that came out in this year's mailing. It's basically that you have to buy a seat license like many larger I-A Programs have. Many, Many of our season tickets have been in families for several generations - often by peaople who have given very generously over the years (without it being requierd for season tickets). Bottom line is this is NOT being well received by the fans who feel the administration is out of touch and just looking to make a buck. Our season ticket holders fell to under 10,000 this year for the first time in many years. We did have a streak of about 7 years of consecutive sellout games not too long ago. And we have averaged over 20K attendance for the last 12 years straight -a fact not even Montana can claim. But both home games this season so far have been under 20K and that used to be extremely rare. Student turnout always seems low for the 1:00 games. I guess they can't get up that early! Always better for night games.

                      Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                      10. I'd really like to see us play these guys again.
                      The original deal was for Newark in 2010, Brookings in 2011 and Newark again in 2012. I was dissapointed when the other 2 games were cut. (Yes, I know this was done by UD and I understand why) Wouldn't mind seeing your part of the country. I was impressed by the number of fans you brought to Delaware Stadium for it being such a long distance. Your program reminds me alot of ours many years ago.

                      One thing I've learned over the years is that wins are never quite as good as they seem and losses never quite as bad. I have really enjoyed the intelligent conversation with Jacks fans on this site and on in the days and weeks leading up to this game. I hope those who made the trip enjoyed it despite the outcome. I saw several Jacks fans walking around and welcomed them to Delaware before the game. I spoke to an older gentleman after the game who was very complimentary of our team, program, and facilities. You have a lot of classy fans. Good luck with the rest of your season.


                      • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

                        Some very good analysis by NOVA JACK and Hens Rock. I too wish the game for 2011 and 2012 were on, but I guess there were reasons for dropping them, namely money, I suspect. Whatever the reason, I guess we fans have to accept it. I thought NOVA comment about missing Danny Batten was interesting. Also the fact that Conrad Kjerstad has decided to forgo the remainder of his career at SDSU leaves some leadership gaps on the D side and some of the other guys are going to have to step up and take charge, otherwise it makes for a long season.

                        It looks like we have some work to do. I regret that I can not make the Difference Maker's meeting this week. It would no doubt be interesting. I detected from last week that Coach Stig was a bit uneasy with our opponent. They are well coached and thats enough to give any coach a bit of anxiety. It seems like Delaware took advantage to all that we made available, and they now have a feather in their hat, that is if Hens walk around the chicken yard picking up molting feathers from their own brethern. Congrads to the Blue Hens! Wear that SDSU Feather proudly.

                        Lets hope our guys can re-group and come a way with a big win next Saturday.
                        Last edited by Nidaros; 09-12-2010, 05:34 AM.


                        • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

                          Impressed with your comments, NoVaJack.

                          Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                          it looked like our defense was tired and a step slow all day.
                          I agree. Don't know if that 'step slow' is a short term problem or chronic. I'm inclined to think the travel had something to do with it.

                          Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                          The Delaware backs were able to hit the edges at will.
                          We get real good blocking from those slow receivers most times. They're big kids, and can usually hang with LB's blocking for running plays. Our tackles, who have gotten a TON of criticism, played much better than last year.

                          Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                          Our passing game was so predictable and horizontal that they were leaving the entire deep middle uncovered in the second half...
                          I was perplexed by that. Your QB has a big gun, but your coach didn't seem to shoot it.

                          Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                          ....we have fast WRs and a QB with a big arm... a vertical passing game would have changed a lot today
                          See my previous comment. I think TOB is a good young 'un, and he'll make some noise before he graduates.

                          Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                          The Jacks were not close to ready for the start of this game. The second half they played better
                          Absolutely. I thought the second half was a much better reflection of the two teams. I think we went very conservative on O after halftime, but y'all played much better on O and D

                          Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                          We got beat up front... they were running through truck-sized holes all day. Correspondingly, we didn't move their front four.
                          I'm not ready to say our OL issues are history, but that looked like a different group than last year, despite the fact it was the same kids. I'm pleasantly surprised, and last year's UD film might have been very misleading.

                          Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                          It seems like our offensive philosophy is to control more than attack.
                          Too conservative by half, particularly with your QB's potential.

                          Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                          The Delaware QB ain't Joe Montana. He had time to throw all day. And their offense is pretty pedestrian. They scored most of their points on short fields. Their running game was not much on misdirection, just pounding inside the tackles (especilally to our right side). The difference in this game was that they could run the ball inside and we couldn't. Really that simple.
                          See my comments about our OL. That said, it's been a common perception among the UD faithful that we run a spread in name only. KC Keeler wants us to build a team identity of a physical team that will ram the ball down your throat. We've actually had that kind of team before, and maybe have it now. Don't confuse 'offense' with 'game plan'. Yesterday we were quite conservative, actually, but there's a lot more to the O that we didn't see.

                          Devlin's seemed a bit out of sync this year so far, and the passing game still isn't up to snuff. I think part of that is that it's been de-emphasized while KC tries to get the running game where he wants it.

                          Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                          IMHO TOB can still be a good QB. He's got a big arm, and he made good decisions today
                          Like I said, he's going to make some noise. Kid was obviously edgy to start, but settled down and played pretty well. I think the whole issue with him was that you were forced out of your gameplan and away from your strengths. I'm sure he expected to be handing it off a zillion times, and ended up on center stage. Had some clunkers, no doubt, but I think he's got really good potential.

                          Originally posted by NoVaJack View Post
                          I'd really like to see us play these guys again.
                          No thanks. You get your OL issues fixed (biggest problem I saw) you'll be back on track. If you guys had started off the first half the way you played in the second half, it might have been a different game.

                          Where in NoVa?


                          • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

                            Originally posted by Just in the crowd View Post
                            Top football squads in South Dakota:

                            1. USD - the way they beat a Big 10 team today puts them heads above everyone else.

                            2. USF - #1 in the country in NAIA says alot for their team.

                            3. Washington HS - They might be able to beat quite a few of the area college teams.

                            4. SDSU - We sure didn't look very good today.

                            you should have posted something this stupid in the smack section.


                            • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

                              like it or not this is what i saw, TOB looks to his primary receiver and that's it. early in the first half there were guys open but he didn't check down to them. the DB's read this early and that will dictate how they will play the rest of the game. maybe he will see the field better as the season progresses, if he doesn't it's going to be a long year.


                              • Re: GDT Delaware BlueHens

                                Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
                                I agree on potential and am very hopeful. I saw a lot of speed from our defense today. We ran more than three different pass plays (unlike last year) and Kool and Tiefenthaler looked like the starting WRs from here on out. The defensive backfield looked decent despite not having Conrad or General in there.

                                As far as being better than Minnesota, keep in mind that Delaware doesn't have to overcome the huge disadvantage of having Tim Brewster as their head coach.
                                I agree that Kool and Tiefenthaler need to be opposite of each other. I believe they are currently playing the same WR position so something needs to be done there. We need to have as much speed on the field as possible. It was obvious yesterday that Delawares safeties were keying on the run- we have no one in the slot fast enough to pressure them deep so they just sit there and key Minnett. It was frustrating to watch. Defensively our d line got blown off the ball 250 some odd rushing yards to our 25 OUCH

