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Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

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  • #16
    Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

    All I have to say is that everyone in the stands we talking about the Cheerleaders and their lack of energy and the so called lifts! The other teams were in a competition aganist each other, like a battle each game!

    Not sure what song it was but when it came on my eyes went straight to the Oakland cheer squad as did much of the arena! ORU had a great group also!

    SDSU needs to look at making it mandatory to be at the Conference Tourney for band, Dance and Cheer!

    On a side note, most D-1 schools have spring break start the week after the conference tourney so that the students can travel to a tournament location and watch the Big Dance!

    Can you imagine the student section if they were not on Spring Break and were leaving this week to follow the team to the next location.


    • #17
      Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

      One thing I noticed is that the Oakland cheerleaders would start a cheer, get their crowd going, and then get into their pyramids.

      SDSU's cheerleaders would assemble themselves into their pyramids (making the crowd wait) and only then start a cheer.

      Guess which method was more effective at firing up the crowd?
      "I think we'll be OK"


      • #18
        Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

        I really hope the cheerleaders were taking some notes of the other squads. I still don't have a voice from leading so many cheers from row 8. I'm pretty sure I started at least half of the cheers. During the mens game with ORU I even went down during half time and tried to give the cheerleaders a pep talk, but I was escorted away by a Summit League official...

        Hopefully spring break isn't during the tournament next year, that should help with drawing the students down to Sioux Falls.

        GO JACKS!


        • #19
          Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

          Originally posted by jackbusiness09 View Post
          I really hope the cheerleaders were taking some notes of the other squads. I still don't have a voice from leading so many cheers from row 8. I'm pretty sure I started at least half of the cheers. During the mens game with ORU I even went down during half time and tried to give the cheerleaders a pep talk, but I was escorted away by a Summit League official...

          Hopefully spring break isn't during the tournament next year, that should help with drawing the students down to Sioux Falls.

          GO JACKS!
          Rep points for effort and just being funny!
          Disclaimer: This post may contain assumptions and/or opinions related to Jackrabbit Athletics.


          • #20
            Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

            Originally posted by zooropa View Post
            student section is the bleachers behind the benches.

            And I think the Summit ought to move the pep-band & student section away from the visitor's bench at the O'rena. That's a pretty uncouth way of compensating for not being able to draw paying fans.
            I do not think the Summit should tell school administration where to sit fans/ cheerleaders/ bands etc. I think it should be to the discretion of the school and its administration. To me its creating a "Home Court Advantage". But I have always thought SDSU should move the band to the other side so it is closer to the visitors bench.

            I am still "mad!" they took away my cowbell.


            • #21
              Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

              Originally posted by JackJD View Post
              I, too, noticed the differences in cheer squads. I consider the SDSU and NDSU squads about equal. I think (not positive) none of the cheer squads in the Summit League travel. So, the League Tourney is the first exposure our squad and NDSU's squad had to the way it is in the rest of the League.

              My optimistic guess: the SDSU squad took home some lessons and will be considerably different next year.

              I'd rank the top groups as Oakland, IUPUI and Oral Roberts...not sure what order (I was watching the games but they'd perform at break and made noise throughout the games). None of those schools had very many fans in the stands but their cheer squads were capable of being loud and in Oakland's case, they were constantly loud. They were up on their feet each time their school's band played a song.

              Importantly, ORU, Oakland and IUPUI were actually leading in cheers and the small crowds they had, were following them.

              Oral Roberts and Oakland have been to the dance so they know the level of performance in D-I. We're newbies...give 'em a chance!

              I agree we cannot be to critical on the SDSU cheerleaders/ band. they did what they know and I do not think anyone should fault them for that. However, I totally espect next year to be better.

              The real blame if you want to point fingers is the SDSU marketing/ promotions department. It is ultimately their responsibity to bring the band/ cheer teams/ dance/ mascot on pair with other League members. This year it was run pretty much by a grad student and interns so my guess this took a back seat to more important game management responsibilities. Micah did alot of things well, but I know he didn't like dealing with the cheerleaders, dance and the band and treated them all as second class citizens. He was also part of the demise of the "Jack Fanactics" IMO. It takes students leadership but Micah didn't want deal with most passionate student fans which caused tension two seasons ago.

              I hope all parties involved can work together. We have new leadership with the Band and a new Director of Marketing. Hopefully they can work together and create a unified and exciting sideline event.


              • #22
                Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

                Originally posted by GoJacks View Post
                I have always thought SDSU should move the band to the other side so it is closer to the visitors bench.
                I disagree. I think that's a pretty underhanded way to get an advantage.


                • #23
                  Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

                  "I hope all parties involved can work together. We have new leadership with the Band and a new Director of Marketing. Hopefully they can work together and create a unified and exciting sideline event."

                  They won't know there's a problem unless some one talks to them and lets them know. If State is going to the best in the league and a leader, they should do it in all aspects. Getting the cheerleaders , dance team and band fired up about the season and the games may just get the students back into it.


                  • #24
                    Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

                    Originally posted by GoJacks View Post
                    The real blame if you want to point fingers is the SDSU marketing/ promotions department. It is ultimately their responsibity to bring the band/ cheer teams/ dance/ mascot on pair with other League members. This year it was run pretty much by a grad student and interns so my guess this took a back seat to more important game management responsibilities. Micah did alot of things well, but I know he didn't like dealing with the cheerleaders, dance and the band and treated them all as second class citizens. He was also part of the demise of the "Jack Fanactics" IMO. It takes students leadership but Micah didn't want deal with most passionate student fans which caused tension two seasons ago.
                    I totally disagree. Since I have worked very closely with Micah and now with Justin and Laura, I can say for sure they have all done everything they CAN to encourage better performance by our auxiliary groups. Oftentimes, their suggestions have simply been ignored. Regardless of that, at some point, it's up to those groups to step up their performance. I'd put Micah, Justin, and Laura up against anybody on this campus in terms of their ability to get things done, and get them done right.

                    I think it's particularly unfair for you to come here and bash Micah, a guy many of us know and respect; a guy who spent pretty much every waking minute while he was here working his tail off to create the game atmosphere we have now.
                    Holy nutmeg!


                    • #25
                      Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

                      I think the total lack of energy in the cheerleaders and inability to get the crowd involved is something we all know has been a problem. It just became more obvious when you see firsthand the difference. Many of the cheer teams from other schools actually acted like they wanted to be there and play a role in the game. I'm not sure who's responsibility it is to get it rectified, but I do think it will be a priority. I thought the fans in the arena took it upon themselves to stand and make noise even without many students in attendence. I also felt the fan's were more into both the mens and womens games than many games at Frost the past few years.


                      • #26
                        Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

                        Terry V. had the following in the Argus redgarding the dance and cheer teams:


                        Laura Hutcheon is watching the cheerleading squads more carefully than most folks at the Summit League tournament.

                        Hutcheon, who coaches the cheer team at the Air Force Academy, is serving as cheerleading supervisor at the event for the NCAA.

                        "There are certain guidelines for basketball that are different from football, because of the hardwood floor," said Hutcheon. "There are quite a few more restrictions, and I'm just trying to make sure that all the guidelines are followed."

                        The NCAA heightened its safety guidelines for cheerleading after a 2006 incident in which a Southern Illinois cheerleader was injured after falling from a human pyramid during the Missouri Valley Conference tournament.

                        Some of the more risky stunts now require a mat to be brought onto the court to cushion a potential fall, Hutcheon said.

                        As for the quality of the cheerleaders from Summit League schools, she said that Southern Utah was the best she saw in Sioux Falls, followed by Oral Roberts and Oakland.


                        • #27
                          Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

                          The biggest problem with the Dakota Schools was directly related to it was our first conference tournament. I would imagine we will be much better in future tournaments now that the Dakotas have experience in the Summit League Tournament. There were times when the SDSU and NDSU Cheer Squads were even looking at the other squads in amazement.

                          The Oakland Dance Team was simply incredible. Yes, they did look good, but they also were very good at what they did. There is a reason they were doing half-time entertainment at every game Oakland participated. They were good.

                          Oakland and ORU bands were much louder than our bands, which they needed to be to try to offset the Dakota crowds.

                          It would appear the Oakland Cheer Squad basically had the same routine each time, but they were very good at the rountine. If you do it time and time again, you should be good at it.

                          The reality is that our cheer and dance squads have a long ways to go before we get to the level of Oakland.

                          Our pep band needs to learn when to be louder versus being the same volume all the time. In addition, it would appear some of the other bands became the student section.


                          • #28
                            Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

                            I agree with JimmyJack that taking a shot at Micah is unwarranted. The amount of time he put in was simply incredible. Justin and Laura are doing a fine job.

                            This is our first exposure to the other pep bands and cheer squads. Yep, they are a ways ahead. No doubt about it. I wonder if those other teams weren't also simply amazed by the turnout of our fans? It was more then double the attendance in Tulsa.

                            I thought the cheer squad improved their skill set over last year. We were all impressed with Oaklands' squad. My guess is they are a bigger part of gameday at OU then the cheerleaders are here. They went to the nationals last year in Orlando so they must be a top notch squad. It will help a ton that competive cheer is now a sanctioned sport in South Dakota. As the talent of recruits goes up, I would think it will be important to raise their exposure level at games. Otherwise, they will find opportunities at other schools. My guess is that they aren't thrilled about being stuck on the ends and away from the students but that is what is available at Frost Arena. If schools like OU have scholarships for their cheer squads that would also be a huge factor.

                            As for the pep band, we have outstanding musicians at SDSU. Some of the other pep bands were much larger then ours and made more noise. More noise doesn't necessarily mean better to me. It would be nice to see our pep band update their material. They have played the same stuff for years. Its all wonderfully arranged and sounds great but does very little to get the crowd going. I wonder if the musicians would get more into if they were playing Vertigo by U2 (like OU) instead of Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash. Again, I'm not really down on the pep band. They'll kill any of the others in the conference if they play the same song, its just time to upgrade the material.

                            We've got a pretty good setup on gameday and Frost is a great place to watch a game. The cool thing is with only a few minor improvements it can be that much better.

                            GB, GB, GJ!

                            MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, BIZUN!!!


                            • #29
                              Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

                              Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
                              I totally disagree. Since I have worked very closely with Micah and now with Justin and Laura, I can say for sure they have all done everything they CAN to encourage better performance by our auxiliary groups. Oftentimes, their suggestions have simply been ignored. Regardless of that, at some point, it's up to those groups to step up their performance. I'd put Micah, Justin, and Laura up against anybody on this campus in terms of their ability to get things done, and get them done right.

                              I think it's particularly unfair for you to come here and bash Micah, a guy many of us know and respect; a guy who spent pretty much every waking minute while he was here working his tail off to create the game atmosphere we have now.
                              I think our cheerleading has never been too great and maybe this is an area that does need some resources, like finding someone who knows all about coaching people and making those who participate leading cheers feel like they are running the show. There seems to be intimidation among the particpants, and its kind of shame when court side fans have to start leading cheers. No question more activite participation could had color to our home games.

                              I dont think any SDSU staff person such as those filling the role of Micah and others are overly paid nor do they slack off every chance they get. Just ask some of those who are former employees who are now free to speak their mind. You often will get an ear full.


                              • #30
                                Re: Cheer Squads/Dance Teams

                                geez guys unbunch the panties. No where in there did he say that Micah did a bad job. All he said was Micah didn't like dealing with the cheerleaders. Fact is, no one did. I did notice that the band kinda got the idea by the last day of the tourney they were yelling and participating. Now they just have to expand their playlist.
                                "The purpose of life is not to be happy - but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all."
                                -Leo Rosten

