All this talk of needing a new arena in Sioux Falls and wanting to update or replace Coughlin on campus, as well as the kid out in Mission winning like what 250 mil (I know it was a lot less take home).... got me thinking...
SO, in a completely hypothetical discussion... say you were the lucky person who won the lottery, assuming being a good Jacks fan you wanted to give back to your school...
Where would you put your money to use? In either situation I think if a big donor came in and said here is $XX million to get started.. Both projects would get done in a matter of 3 years or less.
I think potentially a new arena would be better for Sioux Falls, but with the donation you could put a stipulation that anytime State needed the facility they got it free of charge or something, opening up the option for bigger events, possible NCAA bids. etc.....
Likewise, I see a new football facility being great for SDSU, but not really doing much for the rest of the state KWIM?
So, hypothetically speaking... you win the lottery and want to donate $XXmil where do you put your money?
(Yes I am completely bored today, and yes I know this is kind of silly, but that is why I put it in the lounge.)
SO, in a completely hypothetical discussion... say you were the lucky person who won the lottery, assuming being a good Jacks fan you wanted to give back to your school...
Where would you put your money to use? In either situation I think if a big donor came in and said here is $XX million to get started.. Both projects would get done in a matter of 3 years or less.
I think potentially a new arena would be better for Sioux Falls, but with the donation you could put a stipulation that anytime State needed the facility they got it free of charge or something, opening up the option for bigger events, possible NCAA bids. etc.....
Likewise, I see a new football facility being great for SDSU, but not really doing much for the rest of the state KWIM?
So, hypothetically speaking... you win the lottery and want to donate $XXmil where do you put your money?
(Yes I am completely bored today, and yes I know this is kind of silly, but that is why I put it in the lounge.)
