Since the Jackrabbit football and cross country teams had the weekend off, I watched a lot of other schools knocking heads on the gridiron and I have an idea. 
Have you noticed how, at the end of a big game, usually with schools in the South, the coach is escorted by one or two law enforcement guys in Smokey-the-Bear hats. You've seen it: escort the coach to mid-field to shake the hand of the opposing coach who has his Smokies with him and then escort the coach to the TV camera for a short interview, and last, escort the coach off the playing field.
We're SOUTH Dakota. We need two beefy guys in uniforms with Smokey-the-Bear hats to escort Stig around at the NDSU game. How about a couple of those UPD guys from the tailgate area? They won't have anything to do when the team is in Fargo. The Smokey hats are pretty cheap (here's one for $9.99 link ).

Have you noticed how, at the end of a big game, usually with schools in the South, the coach is escorted by one or two law enforcement guys in Smokey-the-Bear hats. You've seen it: escort the coach to mid-field to shake the hand of the opposing coach who has his Smokies with him and then escort the coach to the TV camera for a short interview, and last, escort the coach off the playing field.
We're SOUTH Dakota. We need two beefy guys in uniforms with Smokey-the-Bear hats to escort Stig around at the NDSU game. How about a couple of those UPD guys from the tailgate area? They won't have anything to do when the team is in Fargo. The Smokey hats are pretty cheap (here's one for $9.99 link ).