Stolen from the Bison Board, since there were questions about Rep Points in the past.
Hit me up with some Rep points. haha.
Here is a run down of the Reputation guidelines.
-999999 User is infamous around these parts
-50 User can only hope to improve
-10 User has a little shameless behaviour in the past
0 User is an unknown quantity at this point
10 User is on a distinguished road
50 User will become famous soon enough
150 User has a spectacular aura about
250 User is a jewel in the rough
350 User is just really nice
450 User is a glorious beacon of light
550 User is a name known to all
650 User is a splendid one to behold
1000 User has much to be proud of
1500 User has a brilliant future
2000 User has a reputation beyond repute
The more rep points you have, the more you can give.
For every 365 days, a member gains 1 point of reputation-altering power.
For every 1000 posts, a member gains 1 point of reputation-altering power.
For every 100 points of reputation, a member gains 1 point of reputation-altering power.
A member must have 50 posts before their reputation hits count on others.
A member must have 10 reputation before their reputation hits count on others.
A member must give reputation to 3 different users before they can hit the same person again.
-999999 User is infamous around these parts
-50 User can only hope to improve
-10 User has a little shameless behaviour in the past
0 User is an unknown quantity at this point
10 User is on a distinguished road
50 User will become famous soon enough
150 User has a spectacular aura about
250 User is a jewel in the rough
350 User is just really nice
450 User is a glorious beacon of light
550 User is a name known to all
650 User is a splendid one to behold
1000 User has much to be proud of
1500 User has a brilliant future
2000 User has a reputation beyond repute
The more rep points you have, the more you can give.
For every 365 days, a member gains 1 point of reputation-altering power.
For every 1000 posts, a member gains 1 point of reputation-altering power.
For every 100 points of reputation, a member gains 1 point of reputation-altering power.
A member must have 50 posts before their reputation hits count on others.
A member must have 10 reputation before their reputation hits count on others.
A member must give reputation to 3 different users before they can hit the same person again.
