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  • Septembeard

    Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men in America. I'm sure we all know someone has has had or has been affected by prostate cancer.

    My grandfather died in 2005 from prostate cancer. In his memory, and also fueled by my hatred of shaving, I've joined a fundraising drive to raise awareness about prostate cancer.

    Starting today, I will be growing a beard. I will not shave until October 1.

    I don't know anyone on here personally, but if you feel so inclined, please donate to my team "I look BEARD" by clicking below.

    Or, start your own BEARD and fundraising!

    (Mods - I'm not sure if this sort of thing is allowed, my apologies if that is the case.)

    Also, a facebook page for Septembeard....!/Septembeard
    "Life is short so make sure you spend as much time as possible arguing with strangers on the Internet." - Person