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Coyotes humbled again

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  • Re: Coyotes humbled again

    Originally posted by RabbitObserver View Post
    I think USD SDSU would be a real competitive game. Anyone that thinks that USD doesn't have an advantage inside is clinically insane. And hasn't watched both teams play. Cain and Smith would destroy SDSU.
    Smith is nothing special. He's a mediocre D-II player, at best.
    This space for lease.


    • Re: Coyotes humbled again

      Originally posted by Jacked_Up View Post
      Smith is nothing special. He's a mediocre D-II player, at best.
      He is better than an above average D2 player, but I will give you that he is nothing special. But him combined with Cain are pretty imposing defensively. Smith does have some pretty post moves at times, but when he starts shooting 3's I start cringing.
      Originally posted by JackFan96
      Well, I don't get to sit in Mom's basement and watch sports all day


      • Re: Coyotes humbled again

        I went to the Coyote - TX Pan Am doubleheader yesterday here in the Valley. The one player in red that I was impressed with was Krogman. He took charge of the game early in the second half and helped them come back from 16 down.

        The women in red must have run out of gas because they blew a 14 point halftime lead. Bad road trip for them!

        Wanted to buy a reserved chairback seat for the double header but was told the tickets were $8 for the women and $15 for the men, total $23. By buying a $3 general admission ticket I was able to enjoy both games in a chairback seat while sitting just across the isle from the reserved seats! Go figure!


        • Re: Coyotes humbled again

          Roy, with Krogman it's a confidence thing. He started out the year really off and couldn't get a shot to fall to save his life. He is playing confident right now and it seems to coincide with him coming off the bench as he was replaced in the starting lineup with Cutler.

          How many people were in attendance at the game?
          How Bout Them Yotes


          • Re: Coyotes humbled again

            Originally posted by RabbitObserver View Post
            Care to place a wager on that?
            Sure PM me and we can make a friendly wager. I'd say you're at a disadvantage from a standpoint of knowledge and intellect but then again that is the case in almost every scenario involving a Jackrabbit and a coyote.
            We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

            We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


            • Re: Coyotes humbled again

              Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
              Roy, with Krogman it's a confidence thing. He started out the year really off and couldn't get a shot to fall to save his life. He is playing confident right now and it seems to coincide with him coming off the bench as he was replaced in the starting lineup with Cutler.

              How many people were in attendance at the game?
              Less than 500. There was a pep band but very few student types. That was the way I saw it when the Jacks came down also. They don't seem to have much of a student following. Probably 300 adults split evenly between local supporters and Winter Texans that wore some red.

              I wore my Jackrabbit blue and got a few comments, smiles and some handshakes.

              They had an interesting halftime at the men's game. The 1963 mens bb team won the NAIA tourney at Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City. They introduced the team and the coach (Sam Williams) and gave the school a check for $265,000 for scholarships in the coach's name.

              Probably doubled their endowment! (Hope that qualifies this post as Smack!)

              Mods, please excuse the non smack content! R


              • Re: Coyotes humbled again

                Originally posted by SDSUAlum08 View Post
                This interests me. I noticed that Cain, Smith, and Gentry are all Seniors this year.

                Coyotefan ~ Does USD have anyone coming in to bring USD back? This isn't smack it's a serious question. I can't really see that kid from Roosevelt doing much. Put him against Dykstra and Heemstra and it can't even be close.

                I really don't follow USD at all. I'm not from SD so I don't know anything about them. I'm sure they'll be fine and eventually come back.


                Still never answered the question. All you've stated is how USD is gonna fill up the cupboard and stuff. Basically a bunch of nonsense with no substance. Who do they have that's younger? Anyone? Krogman will be decent but he really struggles against good guards. I would bet that USD could stay with SDSU at times. But the overall health of the program is really in SDSU's favor right now. There's no doubt about that. No smack intended.
                Disclaimer: This post may contain assumptions and/or opinions related to Jackrabbit Athletics.


                • Re: Coyotes humbled again

                  If basketball was that good and exciting at usd2, then their fans would probably spend more time on a usd2 fan board.


                  • Re: Coyotes humbled again

                    Originally posted by SDSUAlum08 View Post

                    Still never answered the question. All you've stated is how USD is gonna fill up the cupboard and stuff. Basically a bunch of nonsense with no substance. Who do they have that's younger? Anyone? Krogman will be decent but he really struggles against good guards. I would bet that USD could stay with SDSU at times. But the overall health of the program is really in SDSU's favor right now. There's no doubt about that. No smack intended.
                    I don't follow high school basketball or go around trying to analyse talent in the junior college ranks so when you talk about recruits and particular players I don't have any real knowledge on anyone. Of coure the Yotes will miss Cain but Smith and Gentry are replacable. USD is better this year because Cutler, Bouie, Gentry and Thomas have already replaced less talented players. As long as the Yotes continue to recruit D1 caliber players they will not go backwards. I just don't understand how anyone can legitimately say USD will go on a downslide when they are still in the second year of transition. The odds are USD will continue to improve as a program, not go backwards. They will be in the Summit in a couple of years so they will have that as an asset when recruiting. post season eligibility is also getting closer as well.
                    How Bout Them Yotes


                    • Re: Coyotes humbled again

                      Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
                      I just don't understand how anyone can legitimately say USD will go on a downslide when they are still in the second year of transition. The odds are USD will continue to improve as a program, not go backwards.
                      Take a good look at the average record of teams going through/ have gone through transistion (Ignore SDSU & NDSU if you would like). Odds are that USD will in fact go backwards. If they don't, they will beat the odds. NDSU's record through transistion & coming out of it was an anomoly, that is why it made news.


                      • Re: Coyotes humbled again

                        Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
                        As long as the Yotes continue to recruit D1 caliber players they will not go backwards. I just don't understand how anyone can legitimately say USD will go on a downslide when they are still in the second year of transition. The odds are USD will continue to improve as a program, not go backwards.
                        What HoboJack said.

                        The third year of transition is, IMO, the toughest You are replacing your most experienced players with freshman. The leadership on the team from those players is yet to be developed and your most experienced players are not likely your most talented. Players that have been recruited at the D1 level are sophomores, red-shirt freshman, and freshman. I don't know why you can't see why that is a recipe for taking a step backward. Does it happen for every team? Of course not, but the odds certainly favor that.

                        If you keep recruiting D1 talent in the long term your program will get better. The short term is different.

                        You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.


                        • Re: Coyotes humbled again

                          Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
                          now that they are having success in a D1 conference


                          USD is in a D1 conference?

                          Which one?


                          • Re: Coyotes humbled again

                            There's been more discussion of Coyote basketball on this thread in a few days than there is in a month on the Coyote board or in any sports bar north of Meckling. Jacks and their fans lead the way, on and off the court.
                            This space for lease.


                            • Re: Coyotes humbled again

                              Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
                              What USD and SDSU had in their basketball rivalry was so much more (or less as some believe) than what the Summit currently has for rivalries. The rivalry was arguable the best basketball rivalry in D2. Even in big games against other NCC schools the excitement level wasn't even close to what it was during a USD-SDSU game. I don't think rekindling the rivalry is taking a step backwards away from D1 but instead is lifting the Summit League up to a higher standard on what fan excitement should be about. The deafening roar at both venues during old rivalry games was something to behold. I can't say I have ever been to a SDSU home game that didn't involve USD but I have a hard time believing that the excitement level has been too much higher in most circumstances. USD had home games where the crowd was loud and it was very fun but on average the SDSU game was just a different game all together. I wonder if W Illinios and Oakland have ever had a rival as big. When IUPUI and IPFW get together I wonder what that atmosphere is like. Does Centenary and Oral Roberts really get hyped up for each other? I think the SDSU rivalry probably has as much or more raw excitability as most Big 10 games have in their arenas.
                              You're already a Summit League expert? Shocker!

                              MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, BIZUN!!!


                              • Re: Coyotes humbled again

                                [QUOTE=Coyote_Fan;144723]To most Rabbit fans they just take out of something what they want to take out of it. It used to be that USD would struggle in D1, now that they are having success in a D1 conference it's got to be the weakness of the conference. The Great West football conference used to be the best thing ever for SDSU, now it's a nothing conference.[QUOTE]

                                CF: I don't really give a crap about the meaningless arguments going on in this thread, but at least stick to the facts that are available to you, to wit:

                                SDSU and NDSU created the Great West along with the California schools as a scheduling alliance in football. It was a great football "conference", because the universities in it were very competitive with other schools in FCS. Hence we were proud when we won the "conference", although Coyote Fans (not you personally maybe) pooh-poohed it. When USD decided to go D-1 finally, they were glad to move into the Great West (which now was GREAT), as SDSU/NDSU vacated it to join the Missouri Valley Football Conference. At the same time, Ed Groom moved from associate commissioner of the Summit League, to serve as commish for the Great West in attempting to expand it to other sports. That's basically been a flop, and the competition in "other" sports, including basketball, is decidedly dismal.

                                So understand this: SDSU felt the Great West conference was great for SDSU football, and USD can feel the same way about football. But when it comes to the schools in the "new" Great West expansion into other sports, the comparison stops right there. That's why the Great West is ranked as the poorest conference in Division 1. glad you are coming into the Summit...but understand the competition level will be heads above the schools you are playing in the Great West. So don't jump us with the smack that we thought GW was great, and now don't think it's great...we were talking football and you're trying to extend it to basketball and the other sports. I've generally been impressed by your logic in numerous missed the mark here. Time (for me) to leave a topic that has no way of being proven for either side, and thus results in endless repetitive verbiage.

