Today I was picking up some lunch at Burger King, and to go home I was taking 19th Avenue North just north of the NDSU campus to Albrecht Boulevard, which runs alongside the west side of the Fargodome and the west tailgate lot. I pulled onto Albrecht when I saw out of my driver's side window, four BIG jackrabbits just milling around and hopping around in front of the Fargodome's west side ticket office. I stopped my car and just stared at them for a few seconds, and they were just running and scampering around in front of the ticket booth towards the southwest corner of the stadium. I had never seen anything like that in my life. I hadn't seen but one jackrabbit at a time in my life, and here was FOUR of them, on the VISITORS side of the stadium of the arch rival of the school's namesake. I tried to think up in my mind some kind of way I could spin this into a positive omen, but I couldn't. Now that I think about it, it's probably just a cool thing to see, so take from it what you will.
And we're still taking back the Marker in October.
And we're still taking back the Marker in October.
