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The Big 10 is overated

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  • #16
    Re: The Big 10 is overated

    Joe hung it up a long time ago. About all he does is show up at recruits homes to close the deal. He's got name and face recognition.
    One hand points to campus...the other to the liquor store.


    • #17
      Re: The Big 10 is overated

      Realize how you might get the impression below from watching him on TV, but here's a shoutout for JoePa.

      My youngest boy is a sophomore at Penn State; most of the students revere him much the same way that the Brits revere the queen - as a steady figurehead with not much obvious power over anything, but sway over everything and absolutely devoted to a cause.
      He's still an icon, and he's still the main reason why Penn State gets a lot of blue-chippers from football-rich Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia. My oldest son went to high school with Tony Hunt, now of the Eagles, and Tony had verbally committed to USC until JoePa paid a visit.
      Consensus about the team is that JoePa is surrounded by incredibly loyal and top-notch assistants who handle the xs and os, and that the red-headed assistant is being groomed for the inevitable succession. As a measure of their devotion to him, when's the last time you heard a Penn State assistant whining about not getting an opportunity to be a head coach elsewhere?

      This is a man who has devoted his entire life to the school. He has given so much of his own money back they named a library after him. His Friday after noon pep-rally speeches remain classics. What other school has kids wearing the masks of the head FB coach? He raises a ton money for academics, buildings and other things not related to him, or to football. In an age when coaches self-promote and treat contracts like yesterday's newspaper - witness the fiasco when the West Virginia coach decided Michigan was greener pastures - I will cut the old man a break as long as he wants to be around.

      Originally posted by SDSUJack3031 View Post
      My friend and I were discussing what he is actually listening to during games on his head set. This is what we think is going on:

      He's actually listening to a different game. Some student manager is on the other side taking notes and keeping him busy.

      And did you hear he didn't go down to the locker room at halftime against USC? It's cuz it wasn't halftime in his game yet. The GA was in charge of getting 11 guys together for him to meet downstairs for the pep talk.

      I really think Letterman could do this on his show: "Top Ten Things JoPa is doing on his headset during the game." I can see it now!


      • #18
        Re: The Big 10 is overated

        Originally posted by ringthebells View Post
        Joe hung it up a long time ago. About all he does is show up at recruits homes to close the deal. He's got name and face recognition.
        Not true. He blew his hip out this fall kicking an onside kick in practice.


        • #19
          Re: The Big 10 is overated

          Originally posted by jacksbacker View Post
          Consensus about the team is that JoePa is surrounded by incredibly loyal and top-notch assistants who handle the xs and os, and that the red-headed assistant is being groomed for the inevitable succession. As a measure of their devotion to him, when's the last time you heard a Penn State assistant whining about not getting an opportunity to be a head coach elsewhere?

          This is a man who has devoted his entire life to the school. He has given so much of his own money back they named a library after him. His Friday after noon pep-rally speeches remain classics. What other school has kids wearing the masks of the head FB coach? He raises a ton money for academics, buildings and other things not related to him, or to football. In an age when coaches self-promote and treat contracts like yesterday's newspaper - witness the fiasco when the West Virginia coach decided Michigan was greener pastures - I will cut the old man a break as long as he wants to be around.
          I'm a JoePa fan. The guy has made it about more than football. How many of those SEC coaches are giving millions back to the school to build a library?
          Holy nutmeg!


          • #20
            Re: The Big 10 is overated

            Well, the Big 10 is 1-5 in bowl games this year, and with Ohio State playing Texas in the Fiesta Bowl, it's pretty likely they will be 1-6 this year.

            I'm suggesting to the BCS committee that they remove the Big 10 and add the Moutain West.


            • #21
              Re: The Big 10 is overated

              Originally posted by 2002jack View Post
              Well, the Big 10 is 1-5 in bowl games this year, and with Ohio State playing Texas in the Fiesta Bowl, it's pretty likely they will be 1-6 this year.

              I'm suggesting to the BCS committee that they remove the Big 10 and add the Moutain West.
              Utah was impressive yesterday, weren't they.
              Holy nutmeg!


              • #22
                Re: The Big 10 is overated

                ya utah was just too fast for bama and bama's o line could not protect their qb. the scary things tcu is just as good as utah. the mountain west confernce was way stronger than the big ten this year!


                • #23
                  Re: The Big 10 is overated

                  I thought Bama was going to get the win yesterday but not in a blowout like most people thought, but boy did Utah look mighty mighty impressive. They were faster than Bama was and more physical I thought. But at the same time maybe Bama was coming off a letdown, they just played for a SEC title and maybe in their minds they got stuck playing Utah when they thought they should have still been title contenders. Not saying that was the reason, just throwing a suggestion out there.

                  Whatever it was, Florida better be ready. The Gators had problems with Alabama and it sure looks like Oklahoma is just as good as Utah.


                  • #24
                    Re: The Big 10 is overated

                    Originally posted by mango4 View Post
                    I thought Bama was going to get the win yesterday but not in a blowout like most people thought, but boy did Utah look mighty mighty impressive. They were faster than Bama was and more physical I thought. But at the same time maybe Bama was coming off a letdown, they just played for a SEC title and maybe in their minds they got stuck playing Utah when they thought they should have still been title contenders. Not saying that was the reason, just throwing a suggestion out there.

                    Whatever it was, Florida better be ready. The Gators had problems with Alabama and it sure looks like Oklahoma is just as good as Utah.

                    THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE BOWL SYSTEM. They need playoffs in college football.

                    Last edited by 2002jack; 01-03-2009, 02:39 PM. Reason: added link
                    LET'S TAKE A TRIP TO BIRDLAND!


                    • #25
                      Re: The Big 10 is overated

                      The big 11 in football is a joke.... it use to be them and the Big 12 North could recruit home state kids and have a better system a better wait lifting program and so on so they could compete with the speed and talent of the SEC, Big 12 South, Pac-10, and so on.... but now every program has one heck of a program and when you take a kid from high school who goes to a recruiting visit does he want to go to the corn of Nebraska, th Tobacco of Ohio or to the beaches of USC?

                      Big 11 womens basketball they just don't fund it that well..... You don't even seeMinnesota or Iowa come into South Dakota to recruit womens basketball....

                      Big 11 mens is pretty legit.... Minnesota is looking up, Ohio State is legit, Penn State has improved as of late, Iowa has been pretty good in the past 15 years, Illinois is good.... There mens program is good...

