Heard it from his son. 
His son (SDSU Student) went to Denver over Spring Break. One of the group has a brother or cousin or something that goes to DU, so they went to campus to visit him one day (evidently not DU's Spring Break?).
Anyway, the Denver student is friends with a DU basketball player, and he introduces them to the SDSU students.
The DU basketball player tells them... something along these lines.
"Going to play in South Dakota is weird. You go to USD, and play in front of nobody. No excitement, empty arena, and the team is usually bad.
Then, you go to Brookings, and play SDSU. And the Arena is hopping, the crowd is loud, the team is ALWAYS good."
I thought that was hilarious. Even the kids from the other teams see it.
(Here's a hint, if you want to have a good basketball program that lasts, support it. If you want to know why you're 2nd fiddle to SDSU, look around your mostly empty stands)

His son (SDSU Student) went to Denver over Spring Break. One of the group has a brother or cousin or something that goes to DU, so they went to campus to visit him one day (evidently not DU's Spring Break?).
Anyway, the Denver student is friends with a DU basketball player, and he introduces them to the SDSU students.
The DU basketball player tells them... something along these lines.
"Going to play in South Dakota is weird. You go to USD, and play in front of nobody. No excitement, empty arena, and the team is usually bad.
Then, you go to Brookings, and play SDSU. And the Arena is hopping, the crowd is loud, the team is ALWAYS good."
I thought that was hilarious. Even the kids from the other teams see it.
(Here's a hint, if you want to have a good basketball program that lasts, support it. If you want to know why you're 2nd fiddle to SDSU, look around your mostly empty stands)