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GSU's Talon needs Temp Nebraska Drivers License

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  • GSU's Talon needs Temp Nebraska Drivers License


    I just found out that Nebraska doesn't honor Georgian drivers licenses. You'll need a temporary Nebraska Drivers LIcense if you intend to rent a car when you fly into Omaha in October. I ran a copy (below) so you could send it in ahead of time. You don't want to stay in Omaha any longer than you have to.

    Temporary Nebraska Driver's Application
    Georgians: Plez compleet this paper, best ya can.

    Last name: ________________
    First name:
    [_] Billy-Bob [_] Bobby-Sue
    [_] Billy-Joe [_] Bobby-Jo
    [_] Billy-Ray [_] Bobby-Ann
    [_] Billy-Sue [_] Bobby-Lee
    [_] Billy-Mae [_] Bobby-Ellen
    [_] Billy-Jack [_] Bobby-Beth Ann Sue
    Age: ____ (if unsure, guess)
    Sex: [_]M [_]F [_]None
    Shoe Size: ____ Left ____ Right
    [_] Farmer [_] Mechanic
    [_] Hair Dresser [_] Waitress
    [_] Un-employed [_] Dirty Politician
    Spouse's Name: __________________________
    2nd Spouse's Name: __________________________
    3rd Spouse's Name: __________________________
    Lover's Name: __________________________
    Number of children living in household: ___
    Number of children living in shed: ___
    Number of children that are yours: ___
    Mother's Name: _______________________
    Father's Name: _______________________
    Education: 1 2 3 4 (Circle highest grade completed)
    If you obtained a higher education what was your
    [_] 5th grade [_] 6th grade
    Do you [_] own or [_] rent your mobile home?
    Vehicles you own and where you keep them:
    ___ Total number of vehicles you own
    ___ Number of vehicles that still crank
    ___ Number of vehicles in front yard
    ___ Number of vehicles in back yard
    ___ Number of vehicles on cement blocks
    Age you started drivin ______ (If over 10 are you are
    still slow lerrnin ? [_] Yes [_] No)
    Firearms you own and where you keep them:
    ____ truck ____ kitchen
    ____ bedroom ____ bathroom/outhouse
    ____ shed ____ pawnshop
    Model and year of your pickup: _____________ 194_
    Do you have a gun rack?
    [_] Yes [_] No; If no, please explain:
    Newspapers/magazines you subscribe to:
    [_] The National Enquirer [_] The Globe
    [_] TV Guide [_] Soap Opera Digest
    [_] Rifle and Shotgun [_] Bassmasters
    ___ Number of times you've seen a UFO
    ___ Number of times you've seen Elvis
    ___ Number of times you've seen Elvis in a UFO
    How often do you bathe:
    [_] Weekly
    [_] Monthly
    [_] Not Applicable
    How many teeth in YOUR mouth? ___
    Color of teeth:
    [_] Yellow [_] Brownish-Yellow
    [_] Brown [_] Black
    [_] N/A
    Brand of chewing tobacco you prefer:
    [_] Red-Man [_] Skoal
    How far is your home from a paved road?
    [_] 1 mile
    [_] 2 miles
    [_] don't know

    Good Luck! See you in October? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


  • #2
    Re: GSU's Talon needs Temp Nebraska Drivers Licens

    Bwha ha ha ha ha ha ha......U lie'n ba****d U

    U teller of half-truths

    For those of you , in the east , not in the know

    U don’t need a "auto" license in the mid-western belt

    If u do plan to drive from Omaha to SD's campus (i.e. the Ponderosa) u will need a class d2 agricultural license to rent your tractor/reaper/combine at the airport. I have contacted John Deer and they will have extra B2000 air cabs on hand for the throngs of GSU fans making the trip. Mention JBN's or my name and receive 2 free tickets to the agricultural fair.

    Georgia Southern Football - Out weighed, but seldom outplayed


    • #3
      Re: GSU's Talon needs Temp Nebraska Drivers Licens

      I'm putting in my request for a female escort to the game (35-45ish). She should be HOT but not overpowering. Someone that enjoys football but can dance... err cut the rug, so’s I can win the blue ribbon at the agricultural fairs Ho-Down.

      I do not want JBN in charge of this important assignment. His lack of taste, peonage & his she-male fetish exclude him this important task.
      Georgia Southern Football - Out weighed, but seldom outplayed


      • #4
        Re: GSU's Talon needs Temp Nebraska Drivers Licens

        Originally posted by GSUsTALON
        I'm putting in my request for a female escort to the game (35-45ish). She should be HOT but not overpowering. Someone that enjoys football but can dance... err cut the rug, sob’s I can win the blue ribbon at the agricultural fairs Ho-Down.

        I do not want JBN in charge of this important assignment. His lack of taste, peonage & she-male fetish exclude him this important task.
        We were all betting you would just latch onto the gal at the car rental place in Omaha. She seemed to be just your type:

        I do admit there is not really a lot to choose from in Omaha! I'll see what I can do for you!;D ;D ;D ;D ;D



        • #5
          Re: GSU's Talon needs Temp Nebraska Drivers Licens

          And this is why JBN is not in charge of "THE IMPORTANT TASK"!

          JBN, if youre the "Omaha Pimp" I'd kick your a** and you'd owe me money.
          Georgia Southern Football - Out weighed, but seldom outplayed


          • #6
            Re: GSU's Talon needs Temp Nebraska Drivers Licens

            Originally posted by GSUsTALON
            And this is  why JBN is  not in charge of "THE IMPORTANT TASK"!

            JBN, if youre the "Omaha Pimp"  I'd kick your a** and you'd owe me money.

            Naw, that's Mavericks#D2:


            I live a long ways from Omaha, fortunately!

            Give Mavericks#D2 a call. I am sure he will fix you up while you're in Omaha.

            Good Luck!;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


