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  • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

    Originally posted by SUPERBUNNY View Post

    I will try and pay better attention in the future to Stu's news articles to look for the talent of which you speak. It must be there or he wouldn't have been given the opportunity to be the Sports Editor at the Argus. So, I may be a little harsh on him given my SDSU bias.

    What he writes in a column or a blog is going to be more opinionated stuff. What I see is that he lets that creep into his articles regarding SDSU and USD. That is bush league in my opinion.

    What I appreciate in an article is when I am given the facts about the topic without unnecesary slant put in there just for the sake of getting a jab in.

    Terry does a fantastic job of reporting the story and doing it without "rose colored" glasses. He gives us the good and the bad without becoming a part of the story. When you compare the two, to me it isn't even close the level of talent between the two.

    We may disagree on this subject so let's just agree on the most important thing. GO JACKS!

    I'm pretty sure there was an aritcle in the Argus about our Men's schedule that didn't have the "unecesary slant" that you talk about. It was written by Terry as that is his job as the beat writer. Stu's columns and articles aren't there to report the facts, they are there to get a rise out of people or offer opinions. I would say that is his job as a columnist/non-beat writer, so it's really not bush league that he does that.

    Like I said, I'm no fan of Stu Whitney, but this column/article was right on track. Our MBB OOC home schedule sucks this year, and with the away OOC schedule the way it is, our chance of getting return games next year doesn't look to good either. I hope we can have better luck getting home OOC games next year, but if not I would hope we look at scheduling Northern, Augie, Winona, or USD. Those games are much more attractive to this fan than Upper Iowa or Mayville. I think JackGuy might have been on track when he mentioned the schedule might have something to do with our confidence in beating some of the upper level D2 teams in the area.
    "I'd like to thank the good Lord for making me a Yankee." - Joe D.


    • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

      Originally posted by SUPERBUNNY View Post

      I will try and pay better attention in the future to Stu's news articles to look for the talent of which you speak. It must be there or he wouldn't have been given the opportunity to be the Sports Editor at the Argus. So, I may be a little harsh on him given my SDSU bias.

      What he writes in a column or a blog is going to be more opinionated stuff. What I see is that he lets that creep into his articles regarding SDSU and USD. That is bush league in my opinion.

      What I appreciate in an article is when I am given the facts about the topic without unnecesary slant put in there just for the sake of getting a jab in.

      Terry does a fantastic job of reporting the story and doing it without "rose colored" glasses. He gives us the good and the bad without becoming a part of the story. When you compare the two, to me it isn't even close the level of talent between the two.

      We may disagree on this subject so let's just agree on the most important thing. GO JACKS!

      Don't get me wrong. We agree on one thing: Stu often annoys me, too. That's what he's trying to do. In this case, it's an opinion piece, not a factual "news" article. Remember also that sports writers, moreso than news reporters, are given more leeway to inject opinion or analysis into even their "factual" reporting.
      Holy nutmeg!


      • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

        Originally posted by filbert View Post
        I strongly suspect that one of the reasons that Stu picks on SDSU vs. USD is because he just doesn't get the same volume and intensity of reaction when he rags on Udot.

        True, USD doesn't have the fan support to get upset about it.


        • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

          Heed Jimmy Jack's words on Stu being a pot-stirrer.

          Stu's words are proof positive that he is a regular reader of this message board. There is no other source for his comments which he bends to needle SDSU supporters.

          So, Stu: Have a nice day and keep reading this message board.


          • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

            Stu reminds me of guys like Jay Mariotti of the Chicago Sun Times. Most of his writing is negative and he is disliked by most everyone but his column gets more hits online than anyone else there. So I guess the more we complain and still read his articles online he wins. What I will try to do is only read Terry V. column why even bother with Stu


            • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

              Originally posted by JimmyJack View Post
              I don't disagree. But here's some context from Terry V.:

              "Besides, it's not like the Jacks are the only DI team playing non-counters. NDSU hosted 11 such games over the previous three seasons compared to two at SDSU. And something like this may not happen again as phasing out non-counter contests is part of the Summit Plan."
              Yep, we have had a lot of them and next year if we are still playing them and UND and/or USD are not on the schedule I won't be a happy camper. I doubt we'll play either in football for the time being but for other sports I don't see the point in not playing them.

              It does sound like our administration is coming to that conclusion as well.


              • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

                Originally posted by 22jack View Post
                I just wish Stu would write about the real reason SDSU does not want to play USD again. Most people on this board know what happened in the locker room the last time we were down there.
                Wasn't that about 5 years ago now. I think it's time to move on now. I am sure the people that did that crime are in their 5th year of a 40 year sentence.
                How Bout Them Yotes


                • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

                  Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
                  Wasn't that about 5 years ago now. I think it's time to move on now. I am sure the people that did that crime are in their 5th year of a 40 year sentence.
                  Actually, it was so disgusting and appalling that it might take 20 years to forget. SDSU won't be visiting the DakotaDump(R) for quite some time. I would hope there would be many good USD fans who would be as appalled and disgusted as any of us are. Yet I don't hear anyone disowning that grotesque act.

                  For that to happen, it required a remarkable combination of seriously flawed event management and lax security along with some seriously depraved students.
                  Holy nutmeg!


                  • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

                    The event referred to in the last two posts: is this fact or urban legend? Coyote Fan states the person(s) responsible are in the fifth year or a 40 year sentence. Was someone convicted of a crime and actually sentenced to 40 years. If so, that's a matter of public record and should be verifiable.

                    Or, was Coyote Fan merely speaking figuratively as in 'give it a break, it happened five years ago.'

                    If some such event occurred, I must have been living in a cave at the time because I do not recall hearing about it contemporaneously with the event. I only heard about it in the past few years by people referring to such an event on this message board.

                    Can somebody give me a real close date as to when this event supposedly happened. If there was a prosecution, there's a public record identifying the person charged. There will be a file in the county where the prosecution took place (should be Clay County). I'll do some checking.


                    • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

                      Before we ever play in the DakotaDome again, I would hope our administration requires USD to hire an outside firm to provide security.

                      And not the Vermillion P.D., or a drunken fraternity.

                      A professional security firm. Somebody to watch the locker rooms and somebody to protect our players.
                      LET'S TAKE A TRIP TO BIRDLAND!


                      • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

                        Originally posted by JackJD View Post
                        The event referred to in the last two posts: is this fact or urban legend? Coyote Fan states the person(s) responsible are in the fifth year or a 40 year sentence. Was someone convicted of a crime and actually sentenced to 40 years. If so, that's a matter of public record and should be verifiable.

                        Or, was Coyote Fan merely speaking figuratively as in 'give it a break, it happened five years ago.'

                        If some such event occurred, I must have been living in a cave at the time because I do not recall hearing about it contemporaneously with the event. I only heard about it in the past few years by people referring to such an event on this message board.

                        Can somebody give me a real close date as to when this event supposedly happened. If there was a prosecution, there's a public record identifying the person charged. There will be a file in the county where the prosecution took place (should be Clay County). I'll do some checking.
                        I tend to believe if this event did occur, that the administration at USD thought it was a good rivalry prank, and then they moved on to something to else. Our USD crazies are soo funny and good for the rivalry SO THE ADMIN THOUGHT and now they can't understand why SDSU can't take a joke. Younger brothers and sisters often behave in this manner. I know I am the youngest of nine. I often was disappointed why I could not take part in older age events, and often it was because I had not earned the respect of my older brothers and sisters and had not reached maturity. This family analogy is a stretch but it somewhat applies to USD and their march to the Summit League.


                        • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

                          Originally posted by JackJD View Post
                          The event referred to in the last two posts: is this fact or urban legend? Coyote Fan states the person(s) responsible are in the fifth year or a 40 year sentence. Was someone convicted of a crime and actually sentenced to 40 years. If so, that's a matter of public record and should be verifiable.

                          Or, was Coyote Fan merely speaking figuratively as in 'give it a break, it happened five years ago.'

                          If some such event occurred, I must have been living in a cave at the time because I do not recall hearing about it contemporaneously with the event. I only heard about it in the past few years by people referring to such an event on this message board.

                          Can somebody give me a real close date as to when this event supposedly happened. If there was a prosecution, there's a public record identifying the person charged. There will be a file in the county where the prosecution took place (should be Clay County). I'll do some checking.
                          It was confirmed to me by people in the SDSU Athletic Department. It happened the last (final?) time we played at the Dome.
                          Holy nutmeg!


                          • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

                            Originally posted by JackJD View Post
                            The event referred to in the last two posts: is this fact or urban legend? Coyote Fan states the person(s) responsible are in the fifth year or a 40 year sentence. Was someone convicted of a crime and actually sentenced to 40 years. If so, that's a matter of public record and should be verifiable.

                            Or, was Coyote Fan merely speaking figuratively as in 'give it a break, it happened five years ago.'

                            If some such event occurred, I must have been living in a cave at the time because I do not recall hearing about it contemporaneously with the event. I only heard about it in the past few years by people referring to such an event on this message board.

                            Can somebody give me a real close date as to when this event supposedly happened. If there was a prosecution, there's a public record identifying the person charged. There will be a file in the county where the prosecution took place (should be Clay County). I'll do some checking.
                            I can also confirm that it happened. No doubt about it.


                            • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

                              . . . but was there any kind of investigation with the intent of disciplinary action against the perpetrator(s) or was it just pooh-poohed by the USD athletic department and the USD administration. In my opinion, neglect by the administration to force discipline on the perpetrator(s) is an outright sanction by the administration for the action. It is really not much different than if the president went in and performed the act himself.
                              Finding is never about seeking. It is about opening yourself to what is already there. - Henry Meloux


                              • Re: Stu Strikes Again!

                                I was at that game and just don't recall hearing about such an incident until much later when I read about it on this message board.

                                Based on a couple comments I have now received, it appears there was no criminal prosecution. Coyote Fan's comments must have been exaggerated to make a point that it was, in his opinion, time to move away from the incident.

                                I know there'll be a day when the two schools meet in football and men's and women's basketball. That day should be a long way into the future when there are advantages to playing USD as determined by those in control of scheduling for SDSU. I continue to feel that if/when the games resume, SDSU and USD should remain in different conferences as is the case of Iowa and Iowa State.

                                We're having some real serious thread drift again! Stu struck again, stirred the pot and now we're talking about USD. Let's find something relevant to talk about!

