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The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

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  • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

    Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
    Smack, well maybe its not what I have to offer, but it would be helpful if we could find out more about what is going on at USD. What is their plan? Are they following their consultant's advice or are they just following NDSU and SDSU? .
    Good point, Nidaros. I have mentioned this same issue before. I looked at the consultant web-site that did Udot's report, and it does not look like they have much experience in this area. I believe this was their first study for a DII to DI transition. I don't know, but would assume they said a lot of things that Udot wanted to hear. We were fortunate to have a reputable Carr study completed. Administration if very pleased so far. Good question, "What is their plan?" Hope they have a happy new year. I was listening to M'kort on the radio a few weeks ago, and he was eluding to the fact that they were going to follow the leads of SDSU/NDSU and nothing mentioned of their own mission statement. But, he did conclude by mentioning that they are the "flagship" school for SD so it should help them quite a bit.


    • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

      By popular demand!

      USD's Plan for the D-1 Transition!
      1) We hope to find a conference
      2) We hope that attendance improves
      3) We hope to schedule home games against "quality" opponents
      4) We hope that donations will allow to immediate reach 63 FB scholarships
      5) We hope that T. Denny gives us a new basketball arena

      "Hope is not a strategy." - Fred Oien


      • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

        Originally posted by Jack4Life View Post
        Good point, Nidaros. I have mentioned this same issue before. I looked at the consultant web-site that did Udot's report, and it does not look like they have much experience in this area. I believe this was their first study for a DII to DI transition. I don't know, but would assume they said a lot of things that Udot wanted to hear. We were fortunate to have a reputable Carr study completed. Administration if very pleased so far. Good question, "What is their plan?" Hope they have a happy new year. I was listening to M'kort on the radio a few weeks ago, and he was eluding to the fact that they were going to follow the leads of SDSU/NDSU and nothing mentioned of their own mission statement. But, he did conclude by mentioning that they are the "flagship" school for SD so it should help them quite a bit.
        Everyone in their best Jim Mora "Playoffs rant" say, "Plan? Plan? We don't need no stinkin' plan! Don't talk to me about a plan! We're U.! We are entitled to greatness! We are the Harvard of the plains for crying out loud! Plan? I got your plan!"

        Meierkort quote was close but it should have mentioned that USD has the potential of being South Dakota's sinking ship!

        I wish them all the best in Vermillion but still have the sense that they have absolutely no idea what they are getting into.



        • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

          Originally posted by SUPERBUNNY View Post
          Everyone in their best Jim Mora "Playoffs rant" say, "Plan? Plan? We don't need no stinkin' plan! Don't talk to me about a plan! We're U.! We are entitled to greatness! We are the Harvard of the plains for crying out loud! Plan? I got your plan!"
          Good quote. I can hear this being said in a high pitched Mora tone. Makes the hair on my neck stand up...


          • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

            Originally posted by NightHawk78 View Post
            By popular demand!

            USD's Plan for the D-1 Transition!
            1) We hope to find a conference
            2) We hope that attendance improves
            3) We hope to schedule home games against "quality" opponents
            4) We hope that donations will allow to immediate reach 63 FB scholarships
            5) We hope that T. Denny gives us a new basketball arena

            "Hope is not a strategy." - Fred Oien
            Good chuckle, rep points for you!


            • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

              I don't know if this is the proper placement of this but this comes from yesterday's Argus with an interview from USD's Meierkort:

              These were the most interesting questions in my mind:

              Q. As you approach Division I re-classification, where are you with football scholarships?
              A. We're going from 36 scholarships to 54 (for 2008), which is probably the right way to do it. And then we'll go to 63 (the FCS maximum) the following year. But we can only have so many guys in fall camp, so we'll probably sign 19 players today and then take a few walk-ons.

              Q. How tough has it been compiling a 2008 schedule?

              A. It's the only year we're a "non-counter" (meaning opponents don't get credit for playing an FCS team), so it's a challenge getting teams to play you. We'll have some home games against lesser opponents, similar to what SDSU did in their first year.

              (read entire interview)
              I'm actually impressed that are going to 54 scholarships next year, which is an increase of 18. I would really like an audit next year to make sure they added the necessary 18 women's scholarships as well.


              • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

                From SteadY Eddie's interview

                Q. Is it cleaner because coaches are more ethical, or because the NCAA stepped in?

                A. I'd like to think that it was both - but the NCAA has cracked down on a lot of that stuff.

                The proper question from a good investigative reporter would have been:

                Q. Is it cleaner because coaches are more ethical, or because the NCAA stepped in since your days at SMSU?
                Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision.
                Muhammad Ali


                • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

                  Originally posted by BTownJack View Post
                  I'm actually impressed that are going to 54 scholarships next year, which is an increase of 18. I would really like an audit next year to make sure they added the necessary 18 women's scholarships as well.
                  Interesting that topic came up this morning when I was talking to someone about M'korts statement that they were going to be @ 63 next year. Whenever talking to alums, they are concerned about where the money is going to come from, but the administration does not seem to have any concerns about the money or future conference affiliation.

                  On another note, last week I went to a BB game at USD. Stopped at a local watering hole for a few before the game and M'kort and some friends were in there also. His buds left and he was still there when we left, sitting with his son, having a brew and talking to recruits on his cell. Not that this is all wrong, but I don't think we would see Stig doing the same. Wonder what recruits would think of the backround noise of a bar when being recruited?


                  • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

                    Depends on the recruit, I guess. I'm very pleased with the level of athlete Stig has recruited on the field, as well as the quality of people they seem to be off it.
                    “I used to be with it. But then they changed what it was. Now what I’m with isn’t it, and what’s it seems scary and wierd. It’ll happen to you.” — Abe Simpson


                    • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

                      Lavin is at it again. Is this guy really serious? I'll give them credit, USD's women's team is having a great year but I'm not beliving this for a second. They'll learn soon enough!

                      He was quoted by the Argus as saying this after their win last night over UND:

                      "You just don't beat UND twice in the same year very often," said USD coach Chad Lavin, whose Coyotes last did it during the 2002-03 NCC title season. "I really believe they're a top-30 team in Division I, I don't care what anyone says. It's a great feeling for our kids to beat them. I think they all know, though, if we played tomorrow the outcome could easily be the opposite."

                      (read more)


                      • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

                        Originally posted by BTownJack View Post
                        Lavin is at it again. Is this guy really serious? I'll give them credit, USD's women's team is having a great year but I'm not beliving this for a second. They'll learn soon enough!

                        He was quoted by the Argus as saying this after their win last night over UND:
                        What a maroon.
                        We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                        We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                        • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

                          Originally posted by BTownJack View Post
                          Lavin is at it again. Is this guy really serious? I'll give them credit, USD's women's team is having a great year but I'm not beliving this for a second. They'll learn soon enough!

                          He was quoted by the Argus as saying this after their win last night over UND:

                          UND did play a d1 team this year at home and won by 14 vs Montana State after being down by 13 at half and Montana States is 12-12 this year. Doesn't sound like a top 30 team. I think Lavin is living in his own dream world again.


                          • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

                            He's a short-termer so he can say what he wants. Wherever UND falls in the scheme of things, there's no way they would stay on the court with SDSU. The little I watched -- the highlights -- on TV tells me that.

                            UNDS and USD have nice teams in their league. I'd take our bench vs USD or UND any day. We're too fast and too physical.


                            • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

                              The Jackrabbit women would absolutely bury the Yoties. USD is pretty good but painfully slow and not very deep. Mr. Lavin would be wise to bail out now, before the transition starts. By gosh, I guess he is. Just like the USD head soccer coach, who is leaving the Yoties to take a D-II job at St. Cloud.
                              This space for lease.


                              • Re: The Official USD to D-I Smack Thread

                                I'd guess UND and USD will have some success in D1. Our experience has shown that women athletes from this region are very much nationally competitive. There's no reason to think that UND and USD won't be successful. That's not to say they would be competitive with our very deep and athletic team, but they won't struggle in WBB like they will in other sports.
                                Holy nutmeg!

