NDSU and SDSU officials have been making security and crowd-control plans for the annual Marker Game set for October 26 in the Dana J. Dykhouse Stadium. In the aftermath of the NDSU game at Target Field and NDSU fan misbehavior prior to that game, NDSU created a subcommittee setting up an education campaign for Bison fans who travel to Brookings for the game (if any Bison fans are reading this message, put that in your calendar as September 26).
The subcommittee is tasked with the development of easy-to-understand posters that will be displayed, starting next week, in Fargo, Zorba's locations in Minnesota and on billboards in the Twin Cities. It's a challenging task: getting Bison fans to understand basic culture conventions, common sense, and appropriate behavior in public may not be possible. But, the subcommittee is doing its best preparing (dumbing down) messages in an effort to reach and teach the greatest number of NDSU fans.
SDSU fans will recall in prior years the fascination of some Bison fans in porta-potties and other temporary facilities made available in Brookings for visiting Bison fans. For those who saw the horrendous picture from last Saturday taken in the vicinity of Cowboy Jacks near Target Field prior to the NDSU v Butler game, you'll understand the subcommittee's first attempt at a poster. This poster is intended to present some basic rules about when it is appropriate to lean on a wall in a public place and when it is not. The first poster back from the graphic designers takes a cue from last Saturday's Bison Fan wall lean.
(Picture of fan leaning against wall for balance while removing rain gear.)
The subcommittee is tasked with the development of easy-to-understand posters that will be displayed, starting next week, in Fargo, Zorba's locations in Minnesota and on billboards in the Twin Cities. It's a challenging task: getting Bison fans to understand basic culture conventions, common sense, and appropriate behavior in public may not be possible. But, the subcommittee is doing its best preparing (dumbing down) messages in an effort to reach and teach the greatest number of NDSU fans.
SDSU fans will recall in prior years the fascination of some Bison fans in porta-potties and other temporary facilities made available in Brookings for visiting Bison fans. For those who saw the horrendous picture from last Saturday taken in the vicinity of Cowboy Jacks near Target Field prior to the NDSU v Butler game, you'll understand the subcommittee's first attempt at a poster. This poster is intended to present some basic rules about when it is appropriate to lean on a wall in a public place and when it is not. The first poster back from the graphic designers takes a cue from last Saturday's Bison Fan wall lean.
(Picture of fan leaning against wall for balance while removing rain gear.)