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D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

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  • #61
    Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

    The creation of this thread and the delusional level of cockiness that it reflects has changed my mind about the upcoming NDSU/U-dot game. Go, Bison. Put the Coyotes back in their place. Basing a claim to superiority on victories over a bad Gopher team and a terrible NAIA team is just silly.
    This space for lease.


    • #62
      Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

      Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
      But rather than shooting poison tipped arrows at each other, maybe the rhetoric should be to calm down and both teams get better.
      Probably a good sentiment but from time to time the arrows will fly. This round was started by Coyotefan's original post and, of course, he wrote with purpose and received what he knew, or should have known, he would receive in response.

      This board tries to encourage humorous smack. Coyotefan's opening salvo was not humorous (and at times, was incorherent).

      There's a tendency to judge a group of fans by the behavior of just one or two. When Coyotefan writes, whether on USD's or SDSU's boards, it's hard for non-USD people to warm up to the Coyotes. (Similarly, there's a fan from NDSU whose name shall not be mentioned, who causes considerable injury to the image of the Bison and Bison fans. I suppose fans from other schools will say the same about some SDSU fans.) When Coyotefan put his tortured writing on this message board, the reaction is predictable.

      yoteforever: Check your private messages.

      Anyone care to make a motion that this thread be allowed to die?


      • #63
        Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

        Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
        Well what else needs to be said. USD now owns the distinction of being ahead of SDSU in both mens basketball and football, right NOW let alone where SDSU was at the beginning of their third year. For Jacks fans to even suggest that USD isn't on the same level or doesn't have the fortitude to go D1 is ridiculous. USD is every bit the part and just gaining steam game by game.

        In football the Jacks and Yotes are going the opposite direction so fast that it is rather shocking. The examples are now plentifull and obvious but even the most hardcore Rabbit supporters and anti Yote people have to admit that USD is coming and isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

        The football hangover after halftime in Montana is still alive and well. Now the Jacks are losing at home to bottom tier Missouri Valley clubs and barely competitive against ranked FCS opponents. I think not showing up to Lincoln next week might be a wise decision. It's gonna get ugly.

        Lets see where have USD and SDSU come from. Year 3, Jacks lose at home to D3's, USD winning on the road at Big Ten School. I find that interesting. For those that want to downplay the Gophers win, well I am sure not many are going to mistake Illinios State for Minnesota.

        In mens basketball USD finished ahead in the final RPI, nearly went undefeated in their conference and got a post season tourney invitation. By the sounds there is optimism with the new recruits in Vermillion to take the court in T3, AKA transition year 3. SDSU on the otherhand was slightly improved but lost virtually on their home court in the conference tourney to a lower ranked team.

        It's getting more and more difficult for those that thought USD was a joke ever even thinking of going to D1.

        USD is here! get ready to watch the pendulum swing even further toward red, "little brother".

        These are easily refutable talking points that might not be operative after Saturday in Fargo. Jacks have beaten NDSU three straight; Yotes haven't had much success against Humped Ones since Joe Salem was on the sidelines. We'll see. Your use of "pendulum" imagery moving toward Yotes is tacit admission that the pendulum has been swinging the Jacks' way. And it has been, from D-1 football to baseball, to women's soccer, basketball... need we go on?

        What is irrefutable is this: Jacks went first, had success first, and did so confidently while others (we'll let you fill in the blanks here) stood on the sidelines and doubted.

        This will always be the case. USD will always be second on this point, pendulum or no pendulum.


        • #64
          Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

          Jack JD, I will make your motion after one point to CF: You confuse our disdain for USD with disdain for Division 2 athletics in general. The disdain for USD is rooted in two things. Your administrations position when SDSU decided to make the move and your administrations decision to request a waiver on Title IX requirements when after they admitted they were forced to make the move. I should say that these are the reasons this SDSU fan has disdain for USD.

          You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.


          • #65
            Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

            Originally posted by 1stRowFANatic View Post
            Jack JD, I will make your motion after one point to CF: You confuse our disdain for USD with disdain for Division 2 athletics in general. The disdain for USD is rooted in two things. Your administrations position when SDSU decided to make the move and your administrations decision to request a waiver on Title IX requirements when after they admitted they were forced to make the move. I should say that these are the reasons this SDSU fan has disdain for USD.
            You might be right, and quite frankly it doesn't matter why SDSU hates USD or vice versa. The hatred goes back long before D-1 talk. In '78, we (USD football team) had to have a Highway Patrol escort in and out of the stadium and escorted us all the way back to Frost.

            When we walked in CAS, we were saluted with several #1 finger salutes, and a few dead Coyotes tossed from the crowd. Personally speaking, that's what made the rivalry so fun was the toal disdain everyone had for each other. Those were the days.

            I remember very clearly the patroman who escorted the non-kickers, quarterbacks, recievers, and skill players into CAS literally being half frightened. My gosh that was fun.


            • #66
              Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

              Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
              The hatred goes back long before D-1 talk.
              I was living in suburban Chicago in 1978 and did not make home for this game, but appears SDSU was not on its best behaviour. As far as it going back before D1 talk, I think we can credit that Field day event in 1889 for the start. It was a picnic in Sioux Falls which included students from SDSU and USD. It was suppose to be a fun filled day that included various events including something call football. The media guide for SDSU said the score was 6 to 6. Things have never been the same since then.


              • #67
                Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

                Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
                I was living in suburban Chicago in 1978 and did not make home for this game, but appears SDSU was not on its best behaviour. As far as it going back before D1 talk, I think we can credit that Field day event in 1889 for the start. It was a picnic in Sioux Falls which included students from SDSU and USD. It was suppose to be a fun filled day that included various events including something call football. The media guide for SDSU said the score was 6 to 6. Things have never been the same since then.
                I love your appreciation and knowledg of the schools history. That's awesome. I can tell you for a fact that day we took the field was the loudest and ost ramped I ever saw the SDSU section when I played.


                • #68
                  Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

                  Pie anyone?
                  I updated my signature for the first time in six years.


                  • #69
                    Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

                    Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
                    Was the use of the word "idiot" directed towards me?
                    No, and if you spent all day yesterday wondering if it was I don't know what to say except perhaps you should avoid internet forums, especially forums where you've posted inflammatory comments in the smack section. I thought my reply was okay, not great but okay, could have been funnier. I thought you pointing out that a "cupcake" beat us at home was better.

                    Smack isn't personal and is intended to be humorous, even when it gets contentious. Anyways, I'm tired of dodging the "DI pendulum". Bring on the Huskers, I expect a close game decided in the final minutes by fake field goal on 4th and 1 from the 35 yard line. Not sure who is going to win yet.
                    We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler

                    We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.


                    • #70
                      Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

                      Originally posted by mitchellrabbit View Post
                      i was at an iowa/gopher game in the metrodome about 5 yrs ago and if it wasnt for the 30000 hawkeye fans there, you could of heard a pin drop.
                      Was that the game where the Metrodome folks turned on the strange, amplified noises to get the Hawkeye fans to disperse? I think they were trying to take a goalpost out one of the entrances at the time. That was pretty funny.

                      Back to the thread -- I sincerely hope that the Bison put a serious hurt on the Coyotes on Saturday. I mean, a hurt so bad that USD announces at halftime that they are dropping football. GO BISON!!


                      • #71
                        Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

                        Originally posted by Crashola View Post
                        Was that the game where the Metrodome folks turned on the strange, amplified noises to get the Hawkeye fans to disperse? I think they were trying to take a goalpost out one of the entrances at the time. That was pretty funny.

                        Back to the thread -- I sincerely hope that the Bison put a serious hurt on the Coyotes on Saturday. I mean, a hurt so bad that USD announces at halftime that they are dropping football. GO BISON!!

                        Ouch. Hoping the Yotes lose is one thing, but did you HAVE to write that down on this board?


                        • #72
                          Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

                          Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
                          Well what else needs to be said. USD now owns the distinction of being ahead of SDSU in both mens basketball and football, right NOW let alone where SDSU was at the beginning of their third year. For Jacks fans to even suggest that USD isn't on the same level or doesn't have the fortitude to go D1 is ridiculous. USD is every bit the part and just gaining steam game by game.

                          In football the Jacks and Yotes are going the opposite direction so fast that it is rather shocking. The examples are now plentifull and obvious but even the most hardcore Rabbit supporters and anti Yote people have to admit that USD is coming and isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

                          The football hangover after halftime in Montana is still alive and well. Now the Jacks are losing at home to bottom tier Missouri Valley clubs and barely competitive against ranked FCS opponents. I think not showing up to Lincoln next week might be a wise decision. It's gonna get ugly.

                          Lets see where have USD and SDSU come from. Year 3, Jacks lose at home to D3's, USD winning on the road at Big Ten School. I find that interesting. For those that want to downplay the Gophers win, well I am sure not many are going to mistake Illinios State for Minnesota.

                          In mens basketball USD finished ahead in the final RPI, nearly went undefeated in their conference and got a post season tourney invitation. By the sounds there is optimism with the new recruits in Vermillion to take the court in T3, AKA transition year 3. SDSU on the otherhand was slightly improved but lost virtually on their home court in the conference tourney to a lower ranked team.

                          It's getting more and more difficult for those that thought USD was a joke ever even thinking of going to D1.

                          USD is here! get ready to watch the pendulum swing even further toward red, "little brother".
                          Every year SDSU got better, every year it looks USD is getting better. The bigger you get the harder you fall, IE NDSU.

                          I agree the team is still recovering from the Montana game. You beat a big ten team, that’s great. NDSU did also a few years ago, and see how it turned out for them? Now after a year or 2 from now, you continue to win these NAIA games just so you can have a winning record, you won’t be singing the same tune. You beat one of the worst FBS schools who probably wouldn’t be competitive in the FCS this year, and you beat an NAIA school. You might want to step off your high horse before you hurt yourself when your bubble pops that you’re not that good. You will be lucky to having a winning record in your conference.

                          You can make fun of ISU red, they received first place votes to win the conference. You know the one your team can't get into. So if you’re going to knock them, you better knock your school for keeping its tradition of playing NAIAs schools also.

                          SDSU basketball is on its way to advancing in the conference tourney this year with out question. We are young again, but more talent then any other team in the state. If you can not see that then you’re completely helpless.

                          So far your men’s basketball team has hardly done anything impressive. Your football team beat an awful big ten team. How is your baseball team doing? Ours if you didn’t hear had a great year. How about golf, yep, ours did great again. Or volleyball, we are close to making it back to the NCAA tourney after already being there. Women’s basketball, I don’t think I need to go in-depth into how good we are. USD do they even have other sports? Didn't they cut them so they can finally fund football and basketball? How’s that whole title 9 compliance thing going for you? How many recruits did your wrestling team get this year? I wasn’t sure if I heard that in the news. I know your going to say those sports don’t count, but that’s too sad. There are many great student athletes that SDSU fans love to support. It’s a shame USD student athletes don’t matter unless your football or men’s basketball.

                          SDSU we care about all our sports, that’s why we have bragging rights. Most have earned conference titles or close to it. It takes more then one lucky win in football to be come relevant. With USD budget problems they will probably need to cut more just so they can make ends meet.
                          "The most rewarding things you do in life, are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” Arnold Palmer

                          Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.


                          • #73
                            Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

                            Originally posted by Coyote_Fan View Post
                            I'll give you an answer to that, because USD has a resemblance of a basketball program program and mens basketball is the driving force after football. Since the Summit does not have football they need a South Dakota school with a good basketball program.
                            In honesty here, the summit was needing some cupcake programs so it will make it easier for most to get an extra win which helps chances of making NCAA tourneys. the summit is fairly competitive so they needed a bottom feeder to give the teams an easy win.
                            "The most rewarding things you do in life, are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” Arnold Palmer

                            Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.


                            • #74
                              Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

                              USD = the new Centenary? Actually scratch that... the Gents have a baseball team.
                              I am Ed. Fear me.


                              • #75
                                Re: D1 Pendulum Swinging Hard From Blue to Red

                                Originally posted by goon View Post
                                In honesty here, the summit was needing some cupcake programs so it will make it easier for most to get an extra win which helps chances of making NCAA tourneys. the summit is fairly competitive so they needed a bottom feeder to give the teams an easy win.
                                I just hope that they can get the Vermillion high school gym ready for the basketball games. Will I need to get a hall pass to use the bathrooms at halftime?
                                -South Dakotan by birth, a Jackrabbit by choice.

