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Boise State v Nevada

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  • Boise State v Nevada

    I've been watching the Boise State v Nevada game. Nevada was 2-3 coming into the game and Boise was 4-1 and, obviously, highly favored. The game is another example of why no team can think they have a game under control and why no team should ever quit (which is particularly this season). Right now, they're in their 3rd OT with the score knotted at 58 each.

    I think both sides need to work on their defense; but, from a fan's point of view, its been fun to watch.

  • #2
    Re: Boise State v Nevada

    Now in the 4th overtime and Boise just scored again and picked up the two-point conversion.

    Boise 69, Nevada 61 with Nevada in possession in the bottom of the 4th OT.

    Nevada scores...but the QB is sacked on the 2-pt conversion attempt. Fine: Boise 69, Nevada 67. Wow. Basketball score.


    • #3
      Re: Boise State v Nevada


      I attended the game last night with my BSU grad fiancee and 2 nephews. BSU fans have become used to success and kudos to the program, but I don't know what would happen if they would lose a game or two like last night's. The crowd at BSU games is very loud, but as Nevada was gaining momentum the crowd started to go silent. I think if BSU wouldn't have blocked the PAT that Nevada would have taken all the momentum and taken the crowd out of the game. But they did block the kick it seemed to put life back in the crowd. On the radio after the game, BSU's coaches and players thanked the fans for staying for the whole game and for being so loud. That kinda shows you how much a good crowd can affect a game, especially at the college level. I wish I could be there to yell for the Jacks, but I guess someone will have to pick up my slack!!!

