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Another case of NCAA suffering from RCI*

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  • Another case of NCAA suffering from RCI*

    *RCI, of course, meaning Rectal-Cranial Inversion...

    I am Ed. Fear me.

  • #2
    Re: Another case of NCAA suffering from RCI*

    I agree with the writer. Sometimes you have to go above and beyond even though you might get punished even if it was the right thing to do.
    "The most rewarding things you do in life, are often the ones that look like they cannot be done.” Arnold Palmer

    Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.


    • #3
      Re: Another case of NCAA suffering from RCI*

      I hope the family hears about the article linked in jackrabbit1's post...that will get the message to them that the school wanted to express condolences and support.
      Last edited by JackJD; 08-05-2010, 09:10 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Another case of NCAA suffering from RCI*

        The article does say that the NCAA never received a request for a waiver from Boise State.
        A waiver would have allowed Boise State to express their condolances and etc.
        It appears someone was not on the ball at Boise State. I think if this situation had happened at SDSU, my guess Kathy Heylens would have been on it and gotten a waiver in a timely fashion.

        I think we get carried away with the bad taste for bureaucrats and regulations. Its not just government and quaisi government entities that have that problem either. The private sector has problems too with getting things right.

        I recently purchase a new Chev Impala and financed it with GMAC. The date that my paper work was submitted was June 22, and as of a few hours ago, I had not heard anything from GMAC. No payment book no nothing. Well I got on the horn and found GMAC and they told me that everything had they sent had been returned. The reason I have a PO Box which the finance guy at the dealership did not list as my mailing address. I do recall furnishing this guy my PO Box.

        I called the dealer more than more than once, and I was told just be patient it will come to you. Well when you put down just my street address and submitt that to GMAC, how will they know the difference? That is that I walked to the PO every day and pick up my mail. A mail carrier had gotten the stuff but returned it and he should have known better. So the govt is involved too, but they have rules to follow as well as the finance guy at the dealership.

        The moral is that sometimes instead of complaining about our rectums, we need to get on the phone and get to the bottum of the problem. BTW Jackrabbit1 I bought my car at Prostrollos in Madison.

        Now back to the youngster who lost his life, its sad and I think the ball is in Boise States court. If they had really cared about this young man, they could have gotten a waiver in a timely fashion, but chose not to so. So for this to be a NCAA Rectum problem is not totally accurate.


        • #5
          Re: Another case of NCAA suffering from RCI*

          The problem is that the NCAA is so anal retentive about stuff like this, common sense goes right out the window. How is it a violation to offer condolences to a family of a deceased recruit? It's not like they're going to say "We're sorry about your son, do you have any other kids?"

          I understand the need to "play by the rules" but sometimes those rules are (for lack a better word) STUPID, that you have to wonder if the rule-makers in Indianopolis don't have enough work to do.
          I am Ed. Fear me.


          • #6
            Re: Another case of NCAA suffering from RCI*

            Originally posted by jackrabit1 View Post
            The problem is that the NCAA is so anal retentive about stuff like this, common sense goes right out the window. How is it a violation to offer condolences to a family of a deceased recruit? It's not like they're going to say "We're sorry about your son, do you have any other kids?"

            I understand the need to "play by the rules" but sometimes those rules are (for lack a better word) STUPID, that you have to wonder if the rule-makers in Indianopolis don't have enough work to do.
            What he said ^^^^^
            I updated my signature for the first time in six years.

