I been reading about a bill that will require all school districts in South Dakota with less than 200 pupils (K-12) to become part of a considation plan with another district. If the affected districts do not want to cooperate, the legislature supposely will force them into a plan of consolidation. I am not precise on this but the Argus and other state daily papers have written considerably about this bill. I not so sure this is a good bill. Forty five years ago, I would have agreed with any form of consolidations. Some districts were trying to operate with far less than 40 high school students. These small schools scrambled every year to get teachers and sometimes they were hired one week before the term started. The taxpayers were never happy and most were deeply in debt. The consolidation and reorganization that followed were badly needed and were mandated by the legislature. Is another round needed? I am not so sure.
I recently sat by a retired school administrator at a Tax seminar. We got to visiting and he told me that North Dakota legislature has never gotten involved in legislation thate affects school districts in terms of size and number of students requirements. This gentleman thought South Dakota had done the right thing in passing legislation. In North Dakota by law, you could operate a district and received state funding with as few as 5 students. Reorganization in ND apparently has more or less followed local interests in that school districts and high schools have closed on their own whenever it became apparent that they could no longer operated fiscally and moved to consolidate. I dont know which is better. Lose of rural population has created problems and more problems as time as evolved.
I recently sat by a retired school administrator at a Tax seminar. We got to visiting and he told me that North Dakota legislature has never gotten involved in legislation thate affects school districts in terms of size and number of students requirements. This gentleman thought South Dakota had done the right thing in passing legislation. In North Dakota by law, you could operate a district and received state funding with as few as 5 students. Reorganization in ND apparently has more or less followed local interests in that school districts and high schools have closed on their own whenever it became apparent that they could no longer operated fiscally and moved to consolidate. I dont know which is better. Lose of rural population has created problems and more problems as time as evolved.