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New Arena for Sioux Falls

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  • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls

    Originally posted by 1stRowFANatic View Post
    Was gone for the weekend and am just catching up on things. I just scanned the articles in the Argus a couple times, and I didn't see anything about a dome, Sanford offered to donate the land for the site of a HW2, but as I understood it, the offer was the site, not the building. In fact one of the concerns of the school board was how much money they would have to put towards the building of the a HW2. The other thing I am not sure where it came from was the $50 million figure. Pam Homan, SFPS Super., is quoted as saying it would take $25 million, although it was somewhat unclear if she was talking about the site and infrastructure alone, or with the facility also.

    As for the event center committee, they have state often that the basis for a new event center is NOT sporting events. To make this a financially sound proposal, the center must be built so that it can host more and bigger conventions and other events than are currently being held at the Convention Center/Arena. In fact the committee, sporting events, including the current teams, are really a minor amount in the equation. Does that mean you don't take them into account? Absolutely not, but they will not be the driving force.

    As for the Summit Tourney, if SF has the a second year as successful as the first year already has been, we are in very good shape to get the tourney again. If we build on the first year to make the second year better, I think we are almost assured of getting another two years if nothing is done at all.
    If you want to help make sure that the event goes well, contact the Sioux Falls Sports Authority as they are looking for volunteers for the Summit tourney as we speak.

    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, 1stRow!!

    As for playing the SDSU/USD game in SF at the new events center?
    Only if SDSU was guaranteed TWICE the revenue from the city of SF and it's businesses as they would recieve by having the game in Brookings.
    On top of that, the first two games are played in Brookings, just to see how things go.
    Just my opinion of course...

    If I was making the decisions which obviously I never will be...I'd sign a 2 for 1 deal with the Puppies in 2012 and buyout the contract for the 2014 game in Vermintown.
    Can you imagine Stu's article on that one!!??

    Go Jacks!!
    SDSU...Passionate, Relentless, Champions.


    • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls

      Originally posted by Jacks-02 View Post
      The point also is that there are over 200,000 people in the Sioux Falls metro area and alot of those people are SDSU graduates. Ever hear of Dana Dykhouse? I'm not sure, but I think he lives in Sioux Falls doesn't he?
      We'll get that done as soon as Nebraska plays Oklahoma in Omaha! I'm talking football here. Basketball may work. The conference tournaments will hopefully do a lot to engage the Sioux Falls fans.

      I'm all for getting the Sioux Falls Jacks fans involved. Let's keep improving a good thing in Brookings and more will come each year. Things are going in a great direction!

      GB, GB, GJ!



      • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls
        Not sure if this has been posted. The task force is looking for ideas/ suggestions.


        • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls

          The Sioux Falls Sports Authority and the community did a great job hosting the Summit League Tournament. Sioux Falls is a good location for sports tournaments and other big entertainment events. However, the Arena is inadequate for championships beyond state high school tournaments. Not enough concession stands. Not enough bathrooms. No practice court for the teams. I don't know what the lockerrooms are like these days. I understand they've been improved. But improving back rooms in a 50-year-old shed is a temporary fix, like putting lipstick on a pig. It's time to turn the Arena into a rec center or something. Sioux Falls needs a bigger and better multi-use facility.
          This space for lease.


          • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls

            Another website for New Arena in Sioux Falls with this one promoting a downtown location:



            • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls

              I know that there are a lot of exceptions so I expect to see some disagreement to the following statement. I believe that if Sioux Falls wants the events center mainly for the people of Sioux Falls, that a downtown location is a good idea, but if they want the events center as an attraction to bring a lot of people (AND THEIR MONEY) to Sioux Falls that it is better to build it on the edge of town with easy access and easy parking.
              Finding is never about seeking. It is about opening yourself to what is already there. - Henry Meloux


              • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls

                Interesting discussion. Let's take Denver as an example. Downtown was in decay. No one went there. When Coors Field was built the downtown exploded with development.


                • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls

                  Originally posted by Cowbell View Post
                  Interesting discussion. Let's take Denver as an example. Downtown was in decay. No one went there. When Coors Field was built the downtown exploded with development.
                  You are kidding right? Comparing the economic development situation of the Denver metro area with that of Sioux Falls?

                  You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.


                  • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls

                    Originally posted by West-River_Jack View Post
                    I know that there are a lot of exceptions so I expect to see some disagreement to the following statement. I believe that if Sioux Falls wants the events center mainly for the people of Sioux Falls, that a downtown location is a good idea, but if they want the events center as an attraction to bring a lot of people (AND THEIR MONEY) to Sioux Falls that it is better to build it on the edge of town with easy access and easy parking.
                    The Summit League tourney convinced me (I had been a fan of a downtown events center) that the edge of town is the right spot for the events center. I recall driving away after the ORU game thinking how convenient the location was. And if you don't think convenience is a factor in people deciding to go to events, you're kidding yourselves. I think easy access is key to the success of a new events center.
                    Holy nutmeg!


                    • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls

                      Mister fanatic, I simply make the point that businesses thrive when a sports arena is nearby. The Target Center in Minneapolis is another good example of that. Cafes and bars are hopping before and after the events. Good for the owners, good for city coffers.


                      • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls

                        That is actually a popular belief that has not held up to any economic study that I have seen except I believe for Indianapolis. As for the Twin Cities, the rate of opening and closing of restaurants in the area around the Target Center is the same as for the rest of the downtown area, which have risen and fallen with the general economic tide of the community. Put the same amount of tax dollars into subsidized office space of other businesses you get the same effect on restaurant business.

                        That does not mean I am against a new event center. It just means that I think the event center should be based on what IT does and how that can be successful. If the event center is successful, then the city of Sioux Falls wins. Could that be a downtown location? Yes, it could be. But if the event center is going to bring in new development, why would it be limited to only happening at a downtown location?

                        You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.


                        • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls

                          People who support a downtown arena in Sioux falls always like to say Denver or Minneapolis.... but people forget that the interstate is pretty close to both of those cities downtowns.... Sioux Falls its hard to get downtown in the middle of the night with minimum traffic.... I come from out of town, I like to be able to get to Sioux Falls and be able to go straight to the Arena with minimum in town traffic... You can't do that if you put it downtown...

                          The question I always say is would you rather have money from one edge of Sioux Falls go to the other or would you rather have money from, Tea, Harrisburg, Lennox, Brookings, Dells Rapid, Beresford, Centerville, Salem, Montrose, Hartford, Humbolt, Yankton, Mitchell and so on..... I think that is the question you should ask your self....


                          • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls

                            I don't care where it is located, but Sioux Falls is small in the scope of things and even downtown is not that hard to get to. I think we need to get a new arena where ever they build it.
                            MISSOURI VALLEY NATION

                            South Dakota State University


                            • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls

                              Originally posted by DakotaKid View Post
                              I don't care where it is located, but Sioux Falls is small in the scope of things and even downtown is not that hard to get to. I think we need to get a new arena where ever they build it.
                              I agree. When was the last time you stayed away from an event because of location in a town the size of Sioux Falls. In my case that has never been the deciding factor if I wanted to go.


                              • Re: New Arena for Sioux Falls

                                Originally posted by joeboo22 View Post
                                People who support a downtown arena in Sioux falls always like to say Denver or Minneapolis.... but people forget that the interstate is pretty close to both of those cities downtowns.... Sioux Falls its hard to get downtown in the middle of the night with minimum traffic.... I come from out of town, I like to be able to get to Sioux Falls and be able to go straight to the Arena with minimum in town traffic... You can't do that if you put it downtown...

                                The question I always say is would you rather have money from one edge of Sioux Falls go to the other or would you rather have money from, Tea, Harrisburg, Lennox, Brookings, Dells Rapid, Beresford, Centerville, Salem, Montrose, Hartford, Humbolt, Yankton, Mitchell and so on..... I think that is the question you should ask your self....
                                You can get downtown from the interstate with Cliff/6th, 229/12th, Russell/Minnesota to name a few. Its really not that hard, its not like we are talking Minneapolis or Denver traffic here.

