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  • #16

    Bill McMacken is not the issue here. I know for a fact that he loves SDSU and is positive for the move to D1.

    Brookings is a local paper that has a local flair but does cover SDSU. The real issue is the Argus.


    • #17

      Originally posted by Joe Jackrabbit
      Bill McMacken is not the issue here.  I know for a fact that he loves SDSU and is positive for the move to D1.

      Brookings is a local paper that has a local flair but does cover SDSU.  The real issue is the Argus.
      If Billy is so positive about D1, why did let that jerk sports writer Rod Thromsagaard write all those vicious articles that attacked Dr. Oien and President Miller?

      Also is Billy happy about his field of dreams, namely Erv Heuther Field being turned into a parking lot?


      • #18

        As editor of the newspaper it is not his role to skew opinion nor is it fair or correct to censor it. Controversy sells newspapers.

        What baseball person is happy about Erv Huether field being make into a parking lot?


        • #19

          I agree with Joe Jackrabbit.

          When I studied Journalism at SDSU, I thought often about how the news side of the newspaper should not simply be a tool for promoting a certain point of view. That can be done in the editorials.

          We all will disagree with news stories...we will all have issues on which we feel the "news" is slanted one direction or another. It is unreasonable to criticize the Register for not simply being the spokesparty for the D-1 move.

          A newspaper, on the other hand, has to realize that over time, it will gain or lose readers based in part on the news reported and the stances taken in its editorials.

          So, if you don't like what your newspaper is printing, write a letter to the editor and have your say. If your dislike continues, then quit reading the paper.

          It may be worthwhile to read about the same subjects from several different sources so that a composite story that is close to the truth emerges.


          • #20

            All of these journalism points do have their merits, but in general TheBrookings Register has not changed a great deal in the last 20 years. Pretty much standard support for SDSU, but no advocacy for SDSU and certainly no advocacy for the D1 movement nor does there appear to be any big change in the future.

            If Billy Mac wants to sit on the fence and collect his pay check then so be it. He strikes me as not being a risk taker and a lover of status quo.

            SDSU has only a token endorsement from The Brookings Register. I dont think its a good thing. I have written Speak outs about D1 long before there were meetings by Fred around the state. Once I had to make four calls to Niedmeyer a minion of Big Mac, before I got my opinion printed. I have always gotten this crap about being understaff, blah blah. So who ever owns this excuse for a daily newspaper needs to be jacked up big time.


            • #21
              Re: BROOKINGS REGISTER

              SDSU Fan: I like your passion but don't waste too much of your energy thinking about the Register. In fact, the newspapers relish having people get a little irritated at shows somebody's reading. The best way to get a dig at a newspaperman is to forego reading his writings or, if in a discussion with one, simply respond "I didn't read that story (or editorial)" [even if you DID read it.]

              Reminds me of the saying an old editor had printed on the back of his business card: Writing editorials is a lot like wetting one's pants while wearing a dark-blue suit: it gives you a warm feeling and nobody seems to notice.

