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SDSU not the biggest anymore

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  • SDSU not the biggest anymore

    This was on KELO's website. It made me laugh. :,31336

    Metli: "At this intersection, we're at right now, most people know as East 10th Street and Powder House Road, the South Dakota Department of Transportation and City of Sioux Falls are working on major street improvements in 2006 and 2007. That will eventually lead to an interstate style street that will eventually lead to I-90 and then wrap around to I-29."

    And by I-29 is this open field near Harrisburg.

    Metli: "The neighbors will see dirt flying here in a few months."

    This will be a 22 acre park and school in the Harrisburg district, opening in September 2005.

    Metli: "Those are kind of the great things we in Sioux Falls are excited about that ensures a long quality of life."

    And then there's the growing going on in the northwest is by Southeast Tech.

    Metli: "Eventually you'll see 10,000 people living in this area of the city."

    With building expansions going on around the campus, it will eventually hit an enrollment of 10,000 itself with Southeast and USDSU.

    Metli: "Within six or seven years it will be the largest campus in South Dakota."

    While Sioux Falls grows on the edges, the challenges officials say is making sure the core of the city is not forgotten.

    Metli: "Here we are in what has been an old, delapitated part of the city."

  • #2
    Re: SDSU not the biggest anymore

    Dosen't the City of Sioux Falls have a drug testing policy for their employees?


    • #3
      Re: SDSU not the biggest anymore

      Where will this institution get the money to build this campus? I dont see them getting that much help in the legislature. THis planner sounds like he has ties to USD. Just my take.


      • #4
        Re: SDSU not the biggest anymore

        After talking to a reliable source on campus I am going to answer my own question that I posed in the previous post.  Unless you are Rip Van Winkle, you know that Sioux Falls has grown by thousands in the past few decades.  The strength of Minneahaha county in the legislature is also growing and there is apparently a serious drive to get this money for the campus buildings that are describe in this plan.  The other six state supported institutions stand to loose by this movement.  Not only that but what if they decide to have a four-year institution and an athletic department to go with it.  Do you suppose this may explain the Sioux Fall Media and their stance against SDSU moving up to D1AA? Looks like the challenge will go on well into the future for SDSU.

        I think we may have  reasons to be concerned here.


        • #5
          Re: SDSU not the biggest anymore

          So what exactly does all of this mean? USD trying to move most of itself to SF in the future? An athletic program will be the least of their concerns. someone please explain this further, because right now I don't get it.


          • #6
            Re: SDSU not the biggest anymore

            I believe USDSU would become USD-Sioux Falls, with a small USD-Vermillion co-existing. USD-Sioux Falls would become a reason for traditional students not to go to SDSU or USD Vermillion. It looks like a plan to make Sioux Falls a more complete metropolis. The other six supported institutions would suffer. The other scenerio assuming suppport for this new institution is not there in the legislature is that the big plan that started this thread falls flat on its face. Then the task of building this institution falls on the county of Minnehaha and the city of Sioux Falls.

            If the staff at the Argus has known all along about this plan, then I can see why they are so anxious to rip SDSU's plan for going D1AA.

            I dont see how this can help Vermillion at all. I dont think Sioux Falls has the power to strip the other six institutions of key programs and majors and drag them all to Sioux Falls, but in some peoples, minds it could be a plan.


            • #7
              Re: SDSU not the biggest anymore

              I"ve been calling USDSUSDSUSDSUSDSU "Sioux Falls State" since it was the SFCPHE...some of the SDSU administration I worked with at the time opined that I shouldn't say that too loudly.

              But, anyone with two brain cells could figure out that they're trying to build the seventh public university down there.

              I don't honestly think that will hurt SDSU too much. SDSU as a Division I school with a strong ag base and loyal alumni will do just fine, and in a classic college town will become even more attractive to those suburban Sioux Falls kids who want to get away from home (but not too far). On the other hand, a state college in Sioux Falls might just kill off Dakota State and might (further) cripple USD, too.
              "I think we'll be OK"


              • #8
                Re: SDSU not the biggest anymore

                Oh, and in six or seven years, SDSU might very well be 13,000-15,000 students (or, as many as 5,000 more than Sioux Falls State)...
                "I think we'll be OK"


                • #9
                  Re: SDSU not the biggest anymore

                  Originally posted by filbert
                  I don't honestly think that will hurt SDSU too much.  SDSU as a Division I school with a strong ag base and loyal alumni will do just fine, and in a classic college town will become even more attractive to those suburban Sioux Falls kids who want to get away from home (but not too far).  On the other hand, a state college in Sioux Falls might just kill off Dakota State and might (further) cripple USD, too.


                  I had the very same thought about USD and Dakota State.  You could also add Sioux Falls University and Augie to the endangered species list, might not kill them but their numbers would go down if Sioux Falls State became a reality. And I think you are right about it not hurting SDSU. Has IUPUI hurt Indiana or Purdue?


                  • #10
                    Re: SDSU not the biggest anymore

                    Originally posted by filbert
                    Oh, and in six or seven years, SDSU might very well be 13,000-15,000 students (or, as many as 5,000 more than Sioux Falls State)...

                    So the bottom line is:

                    SDSU would still be the Biggest and the Best! ;D

                    Go State!


                    • #11
                      Re: SDSU not the biggest anymore

                      Originally posted by 89rabbit

                      So the bottom line is:  

                      SDSU would still be the Biggest and the Best!  ;D

                      Go State!
                      I would like to chime and agree, but this issue is not one to be scoffed at completely.  I think we can see a number of issues based on the past that would de-rail or kill this Sioux Falls plan.  Since William Janklow became governor there has been this crusade to eliminate duplication of course offerings and majors.  The new Sioux Falls State or USD-Sioux Falls would have to be very novel and have to meet a special need in growing Sioux Falls.  Those youngsters out of high school wanting an education in Pharmacy or Engineering will have to continue to come to Brookings unless this new institution were to somehow wrestle these programs away from SDSU.

                      There have been moves in the past to do this.

                      I cant imagine either medicine or law leaving USD in Vermillion either so what kind of offering could this new institution have that would not be duplication?  There are a number of interesting questions here that probably have no answer right now

                      I dont see the community of Madison handing over their institution to Sioux Falls either, so maybe an educational tranporation system between Sioux Falls, Brookings, Madison and Vermillion seems like a more workable idea than a billion dollar campus in Sioux Falls.

                      It looks like there are issues here that may provide material for a sequal to "College on the Hill" as it appears that some big fights and discussions about higher education will be on the horizon.

                      In the mean time, I hope SDSU will continue to be the number one institution.  This why I think the Sun Grant program is so important and timely in adding growth to SDSU with its research park in Brookings.

                      We SDSU alums need to follow this issue into the future.
                      Who knows what the future holds?


                      • #12
                        Re: SDSU not the biggest anymore

                        Lots of conspiracy theories here. I don't buy any of it. The Sioux Falls campus is attracting people who would never commute to either Vermillion or Brookings and is serving the needs of a metro area with a growing population. The vast majority of students who go there are non-traditional, older and working a job. While I wouldn't be surprised if their enrollment did reach 10,000 and some day surpassing SDSU in numbers I don't think we will ever see athletic teams. This was a Vo-Tech school that evolved into a commuter school. I think if you looked at the demographics of the students attending the Sioux Falls campus it does not look like the target audience of the State Schools. There is no doubt the school is growing as I see new construction there all the time. Let's face it the college town atmosphere and life is not for everyone and this school is filling a void that evidently is not being met to the north and south of Sioux Falls. Lets embrace it and hope that the success of this school will compliment the programs offered at SDSU and USD.


                        • #13
                          Re: SDSU not the biggest anymore

                          Jackguy, I sure wish I had your faith. But, the leadership of Sioux Falls (city, state legislators, etc.) have their eyes on something much more significant than a "commuter school." As former President Sherwood Berg asked Dr. Tad Perry, executive director of higher education in SD in July, 2002, "Dr. Perry, what will the USDSU campus be building first. A biology building or a football field?"

                          I think Dr. Berg has been around the block enough to know what is coming down the road. Sioux Falls wants it all. Their argument is simple (and perhaps a good one): Half the population of SD is within a 60 mile radius of SF, don't we deserve an autonomous public institution of higher learning?

                          Watch the newspapers in the future. If students start demanding school colors and a mascot, rest assured the football field is right behind it. When that happens, watch the impact it has on our other institutions.

                          The state of South Dakota has a vested interest in having its six institutions flourish in the various communities throughout the state. These schools are important to the economic development in each of these cities. Sioux Falls doesn't need a seventh independent school to thrive and survive. That can't be said of Brookings, Madison, Spearfish, and Aberdeen. Besides, everything doesn't have to go to Sioux Falls.


                          • #14
                            Re: SDSU not the biggest anymore

                            Originally posted by filbert
                            I"ve been calling USDSUSDSUSDSUSDSU "Sioux Falls State" since it was the SFCPHE...some of the SDSU administration I worked with at the time opined that I shouldn't say that too loudly.

                            But, anyone with two brain cells could figure out that they're trying to build the seventh public university down there.

                            I don't honestly think that will hurt SDSU too much. SDSU as a Division I school with a strong ag base and loyal alumni will do just fine, and in a classic college town will become even more attractive to those suburban Sioux Falls kids who want to get away from home (but not too far). On the other hand, a state college in Sioux Falls might just kill off Dakota State and might (further) cripple USD, too.
                            I live in BRK, but take a few classes down at USDSU. It's a nicer school, more responsive faculty, ang generally a vastly improved school. I can see why SDSU and USD are so fearful of it -- USDSU isn't a dumpy hole (ever been in Scobey for a class?) with rampantly fubared HVAC and littered with broken desks and pissed off physical plant dullards.

                            USDSU, despite what you all might think, SHOULD be the 7th public uni. People are not going to quit jobs and waste hours driving to BRK for an education. They just won't get it. If this state is to move forward, and god knows it's time, education for the vast number of people in SF is necesary. Augie and USF have a totally different mission. USDSU needs to fill a public need and SDSU and USD need to quit crapping in the sink.


                            • #15
                              Re: SDSU not the biggest anymore

                              I live in BRK, but take a few classes down at USDSU. It's a nicer school, more responsive faculty, ang generally a vastly improved school. I can see why SDSU and USD are so fearful of it -- USDSU isn't a dumpy hole (ever been in Scobey for a class?) with rampantly fubared HVAC and littered with broken desks and pissed off physical plant dullards.

                              USDSU, despite what you all might think, SHOULD be the 7th public uni. People are not going to quit jobs and waste hours driving to BRK for an education. They just won't get it. If this state is to move forward, and god knows it's time, education for the vast number of people in SF is necesary. Augie and USF have a totally different mission. USDSU needs to fill a public need and SDSU and USD need to quit crapping in the sink
                              Roger, you're an idiot. Why don't you look and see where all of the faculty USDSU are coming from right now? And by the way, I'm sure that the one building (is that correct) is very nice, it was built in the last 10 years I know. Just because Scobey hall sucks don't mean all of SDSU is that way. In my experience here at state I've found that most of the facilities are excellent. Why don't you go down to Rotunda, or Crothers Engineering hall, the NFA building, and numerous others (I would say that Scobey is probably the worst on campus) and tell me that their dumpy. I seriously don't understand what everyone on this board is afraid of. The only thing that USDSU will be for the next 10 to 15 years, and probably beyond, is a school for non-traditional students. Does anyone really think that a school that both SDSU and USD are supporting with thier faculties and majors is going to be allowed to eclipse one or both of them? The simple truth is that for USDSU to continue to support its mission it needs both of the schools with their respected majors to continue to send their faculty, so there is little chance of it becoming a USD-sioux falls, as this would eliminate most of the science courses that SDSU supports. This also eliminates the chances of the school replacing SDSU or USD as these schools are the biggest in the state because of their respective medical/lawyer and engineering/pharmacy/nursing/Ag majors. I'm starting to get pretty tired of hearing about how Sioux Falls is this big city, but everyone their wines about a 40 minute drive to get to Brookings. I've lived in several big cities, and a 40 minute commute isn't that big of a deal.

                              If you guys don't believe these points look at it from an economic perspective. Think of how many buildings and money SDSU has had invested in it right now. I think the earlier estimate of approximately a billion dollars in todays costs probably isn't to far off to support a 4 year 10000 student university for traditional students, just for the buildings. Even if this is way off, where would the money ever come from to pay for this place, with no alumni, approximately the same state support that SDSU gets, and most of the 1500 students paying for about 3-6 credits a semester. I just can't see it happening in 6-7 years. I think that this campus will always just be a joint outreach program between SDSU and USD for non-tradtional students. If it stays this way it can only help both of our Universities. Sorry this is long, if any of you have differing opinions I would love to read them.


