Of all the choices in fast food, one of my favorites is the Whooper. I would hope that a new buyer is found soon. I just don't see the doors closing for good here. The franchise is worth too much.
SDSU daughter called me at noon and said she was going there for a sandwich and saw they were closed. She said garbage service was there hauling away the dumpsters.
Not to mention what a huge supporter of SDSU athletics BK has always been.
Make that..."what a huge supporter of SDSU athletics Pete and Jo Binker have always been." The other fast food places aren't near the supporters the Binkers were. The closing is no joke. They are closed. No details coming out yet as to what the next step is for the company or prospective franchisees. Even if they open up, it will surprise me if the new franchise owners would provide the same kind of support for SDSU that the Binkers did.