The importance of SDSU to the people of South Dakota and beyond cannot be overstated. When useful information is needed it seems like SDSU is always ready to provide answers.,58743
SDSU Recieves Funding For Road Research
Senator John Thune announced Thursday that South Dakota State University has been selected to partner with the US Department of Transportation to research better ways to monitor rural road conditions and other improvements in transportation system performance. The partnership includes a grant for $583,000 over two years.
Click on the link to read the entire article.,58743
SDSU Recieves Funding For Road Research
Senator John Thune announced Thursday that South Dakota State University has been selected to partner with the US Department of Transportation to research better ways to monitor rural road conditions and other improvements in transportation system performance. The partnership includes a grant for $583,000 over two years.
Click on the link to read the entire article.