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2010 Recruits

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  • Re: 2010 Recruits

    Originally posted by jackrabbit1979 View Post
    I don't know about anyone else, but I'm glad there was some attitude. I think our men's team needs some attitude and toughness to go along with the ability they have shown the past few years.
    Ditto here. I think Nagy has been questioning the level of toughness of the team and I think we could use some players who don't mind mixing it up a bit!


    • Re: 2010 Recruits

      Originally posted by cottontail View Post
      Facts are facts. I called it ATTITUDE to be polite. Oh and by the way, Thanks for calling me a liar!
      Who exactly called you a liar?


      • Re: 2010 Recruits

        Let's play nice, folks. "Address posts, not posters."

        "This post is (whatever)" is preferable to "You're (whatever)."
        "I think we'll be OK"


        • Re: 2010 Recruits

          If the offer to Gruis was pulled in April,that was way before any word was out about Dykstra de-committing. That has only been known for about 2 weeks or so. Unless he gave indications to the coaching staff much earlier,these two events may not be as connected as everyone thinks.


          • Re: 2010 Recruits

            Originally posted by JACKGUYII View Post
            Not surprised there was some attitude as this was an audition and some pride on the line.
            Here are my final thoughts and I am done with this topic:

            1. More guys than just Gruis & Dykstra thought this was an audition. I am certain no violations occured, but at the very least communication was poor and several guys left feeling duped that they paid a fee for this camp. Blame the kids & their parents for not asking the right questions regrading available scholarships and where they stood in the coaches eyes I guess.
            2. The PR fall-out for SDSU will be interesting as several MN guys (yes, I have already stated I am biased) will be talking with other AAU guys and their coaches regarding their experience.
            3. Cottontail was apparently there and I have sources that say not only Gruis outplayed Dykstra, but a couple of other kids did as well. And to reinerate cottontails comment about attitude, it was more than toughness. He didn't make any friends at camp...maybe that wasn't and shouldn't have been his intent. I wonder what the current players thought about his attitude...that's the most important thing.
            4. The coaches are the real experts here and those of us that think Dykstra is overrated compared to other kids at the camp are just stating our opinion. Time will tell on that.


            • Re: 2010 Recruits

              Originally posted by Billy Hoyle View Post
              Here are my final thoughts and I am done with this topic:

              1. More guys than just Gruis & Dykstra thought this was an audition. I am certain no violations occured, but at the very least communication was poor and several guys left feeling duped that they paid a fee for this camp. Blame the kids & their parents for not asking the right questions regrading available scholarships and where they stood in the coaches eyes I guess.
              2. The PR fall-out for SDSU will be interesting as several MN guys (yes, I have already stated I am biased) will be talking with other AAU guys and their coaches regarding their experience.
              3. Cottontail was apparently there and I have sources that say not only Gruis outplayed Dykstra, but a couple of other kids did as well. And to reinerate cottontails comment about attitude, it was more than toughness. He didn't make any friends at camp...maybe that wasn't and shouldn't have been his intent. I wonder what the current players thought about his attitude...that's the most important thing.
              4. The coaches are the real experts here and those of us that think Dykstra is overrated compared to other kids at the camp are just stating our opinion. Time will tell on that.


              How many of these MN kids are going to other school’s elite camps? Are they shopping their talents hoping to find a program that wants them and also meets their needs, or was SDSU the only school they were interested in?

              Seems to me that with 110 kids at the camp and only one scholarship available the odds were against them if they thought they were going to catch the coach’s eye and have him make an offer.

              I agree with filbert that camps are camps intended to let the campers, all 110 of them, work with Coach Nagy and his staff so that they can hopefully help the campers improve their game. If campers think this is also a good way to get noticed by a D-I coaching staff, they might be right but that is something that they are projecting onto the situation. Imho

              Bottom line the athletes are looking for schools/scholarships and the schools are looking for athletes. There are far more athletes looking for scholarships then there are scholarships to give to those athletes. So many are going to be disappointed.


              • Re: 2010 Recruits

                One other thing, I'd like to have five bucks for every disgruntled parent or fan I've met who thinks a school will suffer immeasurable damage because the way a certain kid was or wasn't treated.


                • Re: 2010 Recruits

                  Originally posted by Cowbell View Post
                  One other thing, I'd like to have five bucks for every disgruntled parent or fan I've met who thinks a school will suffer immeasurable damage because the way a certain kid was or wasn't treated.
                  Heck I would take a dime and still be considerably better situated financially.

                  You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can never teach a stupid dog anything.


                  • Re: 2010 Recruits

                    Originally posted by LakeJack View Post

                    How many of these MN kids are going to other school’s elite camps? Are they shopping their talents hoping to find a program that wants them and also meets their needs, or was SDSU the only school they were interested in?

                    Seems to me that with 110 kids at the camp and only one scholarship available the odds were against them if they thought they were going to catch the coach’s eye and have him make an offer.
                    I know of 4-5 that were personally invited, have been receiving regular contact with SDSU staff and/or have had SDSU staff at games or visited their schools specifically. They felt like they were going to an audition to a school that seriously wanted them. If you want to say they were disillusioned...fine. If you want to say other negative things about how some 17 yr.olds should be feeling...fine. If you are a Dkystra lover...I get that to. I would agree that probably most of the 110 were there for different reasons.
                    I don't disagree with SDSU offering Dykstra. In my opinion they would have been better off with Gruis...attack my opinions if you desire. You date a pretty girl until a prettier girl comes along....I get that to. I am simply saying it could have been handled better.

                    It's an opinion


                    • Re: 2010 Recruits

                      A lot of speculation about what people "know". I would rather just put my trust in the SDSU staff that they did the right thing. Until we hear FOR SURE what transpired, I'd say that's a good path for me to go on this matter.

                      College programs invite kids they are recruiting to elite camps every summer. It's not a new concept. Just because you're invited to camp does not mean you are at the top of the staff's recruiting list, you may be 4, 5, or 6 on that list.


                      • Re: 2010 Recruits

                        Originally posted by Billy Hoyle View Post
                        I know of 4-5 that were personally invited, have been receiving regular contact with SDSU staff and/or have had SDSU staff at games or visited their schools specifically. They felt like they were going to an audition to a school that seriously wanted them. If you want to say they were disillusioned...fine. If you want to say other negative things about how some 17 yr.olds should be feeling...fine. If you are a Dkystra lover...I get that to. I would agree that probably most of the 110 were there for different reasons.
                        I don't disagree with SDSU offering Dykstra. In my opinion they would have been better off with Gruis...attack my opinions if you desire. You date a pretty girl until a prettier girl comes along....I get that to. I am simply saying it could have been handled better.

                        It's an opinion
                        I respect your opinion. I also still want to know if those kids only are planning on attending SDSU's Elite camp. Or are they too looking for a "prettier girl".

                        A D-I school only has 15 scholarships that can be given out over 4 or 5 classes (with red shirt classes) so I am sure the 4 or 5 kids you know, knew that they were one of many competing for a limited number of scholarship. If they didn't . . . well that was a little silly in my opinion.

                        Finally I am a Jackrabbit lover I want the best kids the program can get, just like I am sure the kids want the best school they can get. I wish them all good luck. As far as I know SDSU has one scholarship to give and I hope we give it to the player that Coach Nagy thinks is best for our program, whoever it is.


                        • Re: 2010 Recruits

                          Originally posted by LakeJack View Post
                          I respect your opinion. I also still want to know if those kids only are planning on attending SDSU's Elite camp. Or are they too looking for a "prettier girl".
                          Ahhhhhh....nice question.


                          • Re: 2010 Recruits

                            I have no problem with you Billy, but I'll thrw my 2 cents in here....

                            If we believe everything you say (not saying anyone shouldn't or should do that) then there were 1-5 kids who had an offer from SDSU on the table, but never pulled the trigger. Then when the offer is pulled off the table and they supposedly given to someone else, they are mad? If that's true then I have to laugh at these kids. If you (speaking of potential recruits) think you're so special that any school is going to hold their last scholly just for you then you're a little goofy. Not to mention when that school could use that schollie to ink possibly the most decorated incoming recruit in the history of the program.

                            And, to the kids whining about this being an audition. With all due respect, gimme a break. This is an elite camp at a D-1 school. Of course, in alot of ways, it's an audition. Did they think there was going to be layup drills and hours of one-on-one instruction from Coach Nagy? I would imagine the only reason these kids are upset is b/c noone fell all over them begging them to save SDSU.

                            This will have little to zero effect on other AAU kids....if it's even an issue. If a kid is getting interest from SDSU and other similar schools he'll do what is best for HIM. He's not going to turn down four years of education or only visit NDSU, USD, UMKC and Minnesota State b/c Bobby on his AAU team is mad at SDSU. Again, gimma a break.

                            At the end of the day the person I trust most in all this and possibly the only person I trust at all, is Scott Nagy. There is alot of emotions to get stirred up when talking about competetive athletes and their stage parents.


                            • Re: 2010 Recruits

                              Originally posted by JamesJacks View Post

                              College programs invite kids they are recruiting to elite camps every summer. It's not a new concept. Just because you're invited to camp does not mean you are at the top of the staff's recruiting list, you may be 4, 5, or 6 on that list.
                              That's one of my points...lack of communication on where they really stood. (and if you want to blame the kids/parents for not asking the question that is fine). They felt like they were wanted at SDSU.

                              All the kids I am aware of have a full AAU schedule...this was there only camp. Like I have said before...lesson learned with these kids.

                              OK...I am officially off this topic...let the haters get the last word- haha


                              • Re: 2010 Recruits

                                Originally posted by TeaJackrabbit View Post

                                If we believe everything you say (not saying anyone shouldn't or should do that) then there were 1-5 kids who had an offer from SDSU on the table, but never pulled the trigger.
                                Re-read my posts. The only one I said had an offer pulled was Gruis. The other 4-5 kids thought there was another scholarship they were competing for. I am really done...unless I am mis-quoted again- ha

