After returning from North Dakota I wanted to voice how proud I am of our fans. The Jacks brought up 2 buses and numerous other fans drove up. This is a constant at all Jack away games and is not typical of other fans bases of DII or DI schools. I know it makes an impression on the players and certainly the home teams fans. Sometimes we may get a little too vocal when we feel are team got robbed but you can never say Jack fans are apathetic. I know many people also travel great distances to attend home games. I hope the tradition of traveling to away games does not get totaly lost with our transition to DI. I know it will become increasingly difficult from a distance standpoint to make a large percentage of the away games and this is one of the few drawbacks of leaving the NCC. For those of you that have not had an opportunity to travel to an away game give it a go the last weekend against UNO and USD. You will be treated to four fine games and the comradery of being around other avid Jack fans..