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Tight end

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  • goon
    Re: Tight end

    Im just wondering because we hear about the philosphy of SDSU football and it sounds like hard hittin runnin offense and power etc. Just I have a hard time seeing that when we are passin for over 300 yards agame while only rushing around 100 yards most games. Which makes it seem we are set more for a passing based team then a run based. Arguements could be made that teams key for the run with us allowing more passing yards. but if we are a smashmouth runnin hard kinda team, why are we only really featuring one runningback. I think Minett is a stud, I see a lot of koenig, watson, and ranek in his running style, but what i am saying is why not feature more 2 back sets like we saw last year with Koenig and Minett? The other running backs seem more the capable of taking a few more runs a game and help keepin Minett fresh. while giving the Defense more to look at. We have seen impressive passing QBs and running backs the last several years here. I understand with the size and strength of recruiting quaility lineman for a run game is very advantageus here. While with the unpreddictible weather in SD it would be hard to want to open up the passing game more. If we didnt have wind and changing conditions it could make the pass our main prioriety which would expand to using more tight ends, but we dont have that here. A solid running base with good blocking TEs are just as important as a good recieving TE. Wagner last year was one on the best TEs we have seen in a long time and he didnt get a lot of throws his way either.

    Im not here wanting to second guess the coaches, they see more and know this program more then the rest of us could dream, however I just am making a thought about this topic. I don't care if we pass 80 times a game and a tight end never catches it or if we runn 200 plus yards agame as long as we win I think thats the important number to watch.

    Boy i sure rambeled on there, sorry about that but I couldn't concentrate on my lit review paper due next week with hobo days coming up and all.


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  • EQguy
    Re: Tight End

    The quick outs thing wasn't really my point rational. It was that the coach calling the plays has a tendency to believe in the type of offense that badrabbit wants called. But for some reason he isn't calling that type of offense. My thought was he was overcompensating for a deficiency somewhere else.

    My other point was that if the guy who sees the team practice everyday and who helped recruit the guys that are there and who sees film on the opposition every week isn't calling the game the way that badrabbit would like maybe there is a reason for it.

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  • rational thought
    Re: Tight End

    Originally posted by eqguy View Post
    Luke Meadows believes in a grind it out smash mouth type of football. I fully expected that kind of mix this year with him taking over the playcalling. The fact that the offense is being called like it is makes me think he's trying to cover up a weakness. If that is the offensive line then some of the calls we have seen would make sense. Of course, one could argue that some quick outs to Tight Ends would be a way to combat a weak offensive line. I guess I'll defer to the guy that sees the team practice everyday and watches film on the other team. I'm not saying its wrong to question, just saying maybe there is a better question to ask.
    Quick outs to a TE don't work to well against cover 2(which we see a lot of)....has to be an option route to find a soft spot between the backers.

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  • Nidaros
    Re: Tight end

    Originally posted by badrabbit View Post
    Nidaros, there should not be an explanation for not using the TE. Bottom line is that they should be used alot more, instead of an explaination why they are not being used, The offense would open wide open if they did. End of explaination.
    I am not a coach so really find it very comfortable to not second guess the decisions made. I don't have any problem with those who do like to second guess and make evaluations and the criticism is constructive. None use of tigh ends might be the case here of constructive criticism. I do like the TE plays when they work.

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  • badrabbit
    Re: Tight end

    Nidaros, there should not be an explanation for not using the TE. Bottom line is that they should be used alot more, instead of an explaination why they are not being used, The offense would open wide open if they did. End of explaination.

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  • rabidrabbit
    Re: Tight End

    Originally posted by thebluehatman View Post
    Can we combine the two threads already going about tight ends? No sense making a new thread about the tight ends every week. Just keep the old one going.
    Good Point BHM. Done.

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  • Rabbitlivinginverm
    Re: Tight End

    I'm not complaining about our passing game. We can throw it to a TE, WR, RB, whomever, I really don't care. We're throwing for around 300 yards per game and completing a very high % of passes. Seems things are going okay with the exception of too many INT's so far.

    I think our o-line is weak. We seem to be giving up a lot of sacks this year. Berry gets hit on about every throw and I think he had something like 18 rushes last night. The tells me he's running for his life. I'm guessing our TE's are being used as an extra pass blocker most of the time. Our running game has really went in the toilet since the first couple weeks as well.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Tight End

    Can we combine the two threads already going about tight ends? No sense making a new thread about the tight ends every week. Just keep the old one going.

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  • EQguy
    Re: Tight End

    Luke Meadows believes in a grind it out smash mouth type of football. I fully expected that kind of mix this year with him taking over the playcalling. The fact that the offense is being called like it is makes me think he's trying to cover up a weakness. If that is the offensive line then some of the calls we have seen would make sense. Of course, one could argue that some quick outs to Tight Ends would be a way to combat a weak offensive line. I guess I'll defer to the guy that sees the team practice everyday and watches film on the other team. I'm not saying its wrong to question, just saying maybe there is a better question to ask.

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  • Nidaros
    Re: Tight End

    Originally posted by badrabbit View Post
    Unbeleivable! Out of 44 passes thrown only 2 to the tight ends. Either the coaches or Berry have a problem. ANY of the elite teams use there tight end a hell of alot more.
    I don't know who the play calling coach is but he better wisen up a little or they are going to get beat good by Mc Neese st.
    I believe you are chewing out Luke Meadows here. If you take the time to talk to Luke, I am sure he would have an explanation for not using the tight ends more.

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  • badrabbit
    Tight End

    Unbeleivable! Out of 44 passes thrown only 2 to the tight ends. Either the coaches or Berry have a problem. ANY of the elite teams use there tight end a hell of alot more.
    I don't know who the play calling coach is but he better wisen up a little or they are going to get beat good by Mc Neese st.

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  • goon
    Re: Tight end

    I think part of the problem may lie in the O-line. I think they are not quite as consistant this year as last with graduation and injuries what have you. With the line not holding as well maybe that is why they are rolling Berry out on more pass attempts to give him more time to keep defenders away. The line play might also be a concern why we are not seeing deep shots to Harris. If berry does not have enough time it wouldnt matter if we attempt long plays if he has to scramble or get hurried.

    second if that is a problem as routes go, the TE is prolly low on the list of recievers to look for. So usually on a play if the main option to throw to is covered he might just be looking for the second option and not looking the options all the way to the TE. Maybe callin set plays for the TE would be more effective if they are not already doing so.

    The last reason maybe with the coaches or more importantly the changes from Wilkenson to Bailey. not sure if that would be a factor or not but that the personel this year is hopefully playing to their strengths with the help of the coaching.

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  • CatchEmAll
    Re: Tight end

    I'll admit I don't know how SDSU's offense is structured in terms of priority reads for the QB (none of us does). What I do know is that there are three areas that a tight end is a safe bet for a QB, trouble for a defense, and when used appropiately they open up passing lanes to other receivers and the run game. Seam routes (down the has marks), flat routes 3-5 yards under the corners, and 8-10 yard "option" routes to occupy the inside linebackers. Granted, if those routes aren't in SDSU's offensive sets this is a moot point. But I know any tight end that SDSU has had in the last 20 years that has had success ran those routes effectively and also had a QB that trusted throwing those routes to them. They don't have to be the be-all-end-all of the offense, but hit the TE in the seam or in the flat on a regular basis and watch the deep ball open up as the corners and safeties jump the TE routes.

    Thus ends my dissertation on effective use of the tight end in the passing game.

    I will add this, I know and trust that Stig and the offensive staff know all of the above and are probably struggling to instill some "confidence" in the QB to look at all of his options in the passing game. I would bet that by week 5 or 6 you'll see a "different" QB making plays (not a new QB, just a more confident one).
    Last edited by CatchEmAll; 09-23-2008, 08:17 AM. Reason: I'm a great tight end mind :)

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  • JimmyJack
    Re: Tight end

    CatchEm and his doppelganger badrabbit are definitely on to something. We threw four times to tight ends on Saturday. That's four throws out of 53. And as I recall, those were all very safe pitch and catch plays that gained nice yardage.

    Cochart and Greving seem to have good hands and can rumble along pretty well.

    So let's throw them the ball some more. Instead of running the bubble screen every other play for three terrifying yards, let's mix in another of those safe bootleg passes to the tight end for 22 now and then.

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  • launcher46
    Re: Tight end

    Originally posted by MilwaukeeJacksAlum View Post
    Having the WR's catch the ball and having the ability to run the ball are probably bigger concerns after the UNI game. I actually think the TE is getting more love this season in the passing game than last year when we had an all-american on the team. This year we have one of the fastest WR's in all of FCS and we never throw it deep to him. That bothers me more than the TE use/non-use.

    I completely agree with that MJA. I think that is something my dad and I have discussed after every single game... I just don't get it.

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