Very interesting. You can see that our tough schedule has garnered some respect from fans who have no idea where South Dakota State even is. Never would have happened at the DII level.
We are here to add what we can to life, not get what we can from life. -Sir William Osler
We do not see things as they are, we see things as we are.
The open dates don't match up for '06. Not saying it won't happen, but might be more likely for later years. Would be nice to get them home this year and away next, would be a huge addition to the schedules.
this my friends would be cool sh-t for us 8-). possibly a chance to get people from the east coast looking at sdsu for playing football at and against. if this proves to be true i say we have a good schedule for the year before this but i think this game would move us into a pretty dang good schedule for the year.
;D This is a GREAT MT - like program ;D But we do need this (if 06) to be a home game and it's either to begin the season (8/25) or to end it (11/25). This is premier game against a premier opponent. WHAT A GREAT WAY TO KICK OFF THE SEASON
But if this is a road game...... 4 home/8 away...... THAT's a tough sell. November 25 game....Thanksgiving weekend?.....Brookings? I don't think that's a great plan at all.
But then, I've escaped to FLA (love it down here ;D) But not a great time of year to be on the great plains if not visiting family.
Lets hope for an 07 start and an 08 home game. This would be great for our program to get exposure to the east coast. Hopefully this also means the end to seeing NAIA schools on our schedules.
Reported, but not confirmed, on the UD board that the UD/SDSU contract is for the '10, '11 & '12 seasons. Series is supposed to be a two for one, two at UD, one at SDSU, but it wasn't specified as to which years were at UD or SDSU.
Reported, but not confirmed, on the UD board that the UD/SDSU contract is for the '10, '11 & '12 seasons. Series is supposed to be a two for one, two at UD, one at SDSU, but it wasn't specified as to which years were at UD or SDSU.