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TJ Going to UNLV?

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  • 91jack
    Re: TJ Going to UNLV?

    Originally posted by da_coach View Post
    Lest we forget, when TJ took over:

    1. We had no idea if anyone would stay. (Daum and Telly were the big names, and they thought about transferring) - He also had to replace the ENTIRE coaching staff, except for Coach Klink.
    2. Their were a number of open roster spots, he filled in with Wallace, El Darwich, Chris Howell, Michael Orris, and AJ Hess. (That's 5 guys he brought in, late in the recruiting period...2 of them paid off big time that season, Howell and Orris)
    3. It took a LONG time to get that team turned around, could have been easy to for that team to pack it in (not our year)... but they bounced back, got the 4 seed in the Summit, won the tournament.
    4. The next season, he won the school's first outright Summit League Title, and the Conference tournament. (and brought in David Jenkins ALONG with 4 other Freshmen, who redshirted... the cupboard was kinda bare? or more bare than some would believe)
    5. This past season, he won the school's second outright Summit League title, and yes, they lost in the tournament. (and brought in another 3 freshmen, 1 of whom did not redshirt)
    6. In the coming season, he recruited 4 guys... 3 HS, and JuCo... including the highest rated recruit in school history. (now we don't know if Caleb Grill will come or not, and no Word on Wilson yet, either)

    But I think to say the program is worse than when he inherited it, is just false. He convinced an all american and an all conference player to stay. He added solid recruits every year. And we are now loaded with young players.

    Will this lead to some growing pains? Yes. Probably. When you lose the school's all time scoring and rebounding leader, along with 2 other seniors, that is going to happen.

    But some are acting like he walked into a ready made to win the Conference situation, and that's just not the case.

    I see people criticize his short bench. And I struggle with that too. But that is simply the way he coaches. That's what he believes in. It didn't change from year 1, to year 2, to year 3. That is how he likes to do it.

    I know better than to try to convince people of their beliefs online... and I know I won't. But I just couldn't sit and read all these posts denigrating Coach Otz. It just rings hollow, to me.
    I probably shouldn't reply to this post because it has a lot of food for thought but there are a few things I would like to bring up.

    1) I agree that you do not know who will stay during a coaching change. We are worried after this change and we return half of the old staff.
    3) I think part of the slow start to TJ's first season was the feeling out process. Does TJ start Orris, Wallace, El Darwich, Gentry, Orris (I hope I didn't forget somebody else he tried to start at PG). Do we play man-to-man or zone. At the end of the day, he started with Orris and man-to man and that is what he finished with after a lot of testing. The players had to learn how to play together and the coaches had to know the best position to put the players in.
    4) I don't know if I would call the cupboard bare. He did not have any seniors but he had Reed, Ian, Flatten and Lane as juniors. There was also T.King and Daum as Sophomores. They did not have any freshmen because Nagy took Love with him to Wright State and TJ didn't have Gentry in his plans. Gentry played good for Wright State but Nagy and TJ look for different things in players. If Nagy stayed Love and Gentry would have been here so the team would have been fine but things like that happen during coaching changes.

    I think part of it being half way bare is because TJ got here late in the recruiting cycle.
    His first year he brought in Hess and Orris as grad transfers. He brought in El Darwich who was a freshman and Wallace who was a junior. Even though Wallace and El Darwich had more years to play, they left after one season. The only recruit who stayed for 2 seasons was Howell. Howell could have stayed for 3 seasons but he only stayed for 2 so he left early, too.
    SDSU needed Orris and Hess badly. They didn't have any seniors. A proven PG and shooter were badly needed. SDSU already had 4 juniors so Wallace brought that class to 5 scholarship players. I think adding Howell to the class of Daum and T. King wasn't too bad either. That would only make 3 people in that class.

    I will repeat the TJ did get here late in the recruiting cycle so it isn't all his fault but if you bring in 5 players and hope that 3 of them will be here for several years and only 1 sticks around it makes it tough. He did bring in enough good players to fill the holes but he was set back a year.
    After that, he redshirted 4 of his 5 recruits his second season and Polk-Hillard and Key only played 1 of 2 possible years so that class was set back, too.

    SDSU will be a younger team but they have talent. That is what happens when in your first 2 recruiting classes, there is only 1 player that has playing experience back for TJ's 3rd season. Hess, Orris, El Darwich, Wallace, Howell, Krueger, Dillion, Arians, Key, Polk Hillard and Detlinger were all in those first 2 classes but only Jenkins Jr. had any game action going into the 3rd season.

    There are several reasons why this happened but that is just the way it is. SDSU has young talent on the team that should make SDSU good for the next several years.
    I don't think the program is worse that it was when TJ came in but I don't think it is much better, yet. Jenkins Jr., Grille, Wilson and others can change my mind on that by getting SDSU to the next step.
    Last edited by 91jack; 03-29-2019, 02:19 PM. Reason: I just remembered that Gentry go a start at PG TJ's first year, too.

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  • Nidaros
    Re: TJ Going to UNLV?

    Originally posted by yoteforever View Post

    Dave Herbster selected Craig Smith and he was also a great pick. I was in favor of T.J. at the time only because I knew him and his character. I had zero issues with Herbster’s choice and results of that choice. I became friends with Craig in fact and I support himyet today. Dave Herbster does a great job on coaches selection and specifically basketball as he played that sport at Va. Tech

    i just want to be clear I didn’t come on this site to argue or start fights. Goon, if you come on our board you’ll know quickly I defend coaches and the job they do unless there’s something black and white wrong. I just know you lost a great guy, just like I said you got a great guy 3 years ago. Your new coach is thought of very highly by your former coach. Kudos to Justin Sell.
    I am sure Herbster is very qualified to make choices, I guess I was slamming him a bit, but the water under the bridge tells us both Craig and TJ have moved on to greener pastures, and we are lucky to have someone ready to step in. I dont think USD or SDSU has any problems finding coaching candidates. I am little behind in my Argus reading and just read Zimmer's list of replacements. There were eleven off the cuff choices and one was Eric Henderson, so that worked out.

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  • jrd
    Re: TJ Going to UNLV?

    TJ and Zimmer both suffer from the same issue, they are both the guy that replaced THE GUY.

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  • 98Jackfarmer
    Re: TJ Going to UNLV?

    Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
    Words of a very wise man. I can tell you for a fact that TJ loved being your basketball coach. He embraced living in Brookings and being a part of your community.

    Fact 1: TJ is an outstanding family man. Those values carried over onto how he coached your young athletes. Family first

    Fact 2: TJ was extremely loyal to SDSU. None of you are aware of what opportunities he had last year when your team nearly knocked off Ohio State in the NCAA’s. He was loyal to you, your AD, and more specifically your players.

    Fact 3: TJ recruited Mike Daum twice. Once when he came, the 2nd time after the Ohio State loss. Mike was very close to transferring, and I fully believe would’ve if T.J. left. They basically agreed to stay for each other.

    Fact 4: Your players loved T.J. And they will embrace your new coach. You have a very wise and street savvy athletic director. As Nidaros said the continuity is critically important.

    Fact 5: The economic impact to T.J. and his family is without debate. Over 5 years TJ would gross over $5M, and knowing how conservative he is, it would allow him to save over $3M for his family and retirement. If money doubles every 10 years, that would make this coaching move worth $12M to him and family at age 66. Although many of you don’t care for my opinion on here I would seriously question anyone’s mentality that wouldn’t accept that offer for the betterment of his family and opportunities he can give them.

    Fact 6: In his press conference the question of transfers from SDSU came up. He basically said he met with his team and told them to “honor” their commitments to the Jacks. I know TJ personally, those are not empty words.

    I’ll close by saying this. Treat your new coach with a little more respect and faith in his abilities than you did TJ. For 3 years I have read on this board about how bad he was here, or bad there...why didn’t he get out of zone, why did he sub players like he did, why he couldn’t coach a lick of defense, he isn’t loyal, I could go on and on. T.J. did a hell of a job in his 3 years for you. The brow beating you put on him after the WIU loss was laughable. Upsets happen every day. That’s why they play the game. If you don’t think that loss shook at his very core you know nothing about him.

    TJ was my choice when USD hired Craig Smith. It didn’t happen. Our loss, your gain. T.J. can flat out coach and recruit. I will not divulge how many opportunities he had to move after last year but you can take to the bank there were a number of them to places more prestigious than SDSU or USD and he didn’t take them with the opportunity to make far more pay. But he didnt go. He didn’t want to betray his A.D. and you as fans. Lighten up on the criticism of him, he doesn’t deserve it. And I can’t remember who posted a few back that “you felt betrayed” ? Good grief, take a chill pill. You’ve had good fortune to have had good coaches in the past, dont blow it.

    Support your new coach emphatically as he took lessons from one of the best.
    Maybe "betrayed" was too harsh of a word? But to take 3 words out of my post is misleading. TJ did use SDSU as a paycheck and a stepping stone in his career path, just as SDSU used TJ as a coach/employee. That's just how it goes guess. I don't harbor any ill will towards TJ, I wish him the best at his new job. But don't hold your breath waiting for me to bring you my gold and help you construct a statue for him.

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  • yoteforever
    Re: TJ Going to UNLV?

    Originally posted by Nidaros View Post
    I certainly did not take this post or any other of yours as broad brush painting. Yote4ever told me in private messages about his relationship with TJ, and he is fortunate to sit so close to the Iowa State bench to get acquainted with TJ. What was the biggest surprise from these pm's was that TJ had been considered at USD two years prior. Herbster owns that choice. What strikes me as amazing is the basketball salaries. The best way to become a millionaire is to be a big time basketball coach. Case in point, our own South Dakota native Tim Miles, after being fired, will be putting 2.4 million in the bank. And I dont doubt TJ will have a very stable financial retirement. He no doubt will and I say good for him. He has earned it.

    Dave Herbster selected Craig Smith and he was also a great pick. I was in favor of T.J. at the time only because I knew him and his character. I had zero issues with Herbster’s choice and results of that choice. I became friends with Craig in fact and I support himyet today. Dave Herbster does a great job on coaches selection and specifically basketball as he played that sport at Va. Tech

    i just want to be clear I didn’t come on this site to argue or start fights. Goon, if you come on our board you’ll know quickly I defend coaches and the job they do unless there’s something black and white wrong. I just know you lost a great guy, just like I said you got a great guy 3 years ago. Your new coach is thought of very highly by your former coach. Kudos to Justin Sell.

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  • RabbitObsessed
    Re: TJ Going to UNLV?

    Originally posted by goon View Post
    So you never have been to the usd board? So people criticized a coach you have pretty thin skin if it bothers you so much. No one attacked him personally or anything to get upset about. He was here for 3 years and rode Nagys players to 2 NCAA tourneys and came up epically short in the summit tourney with arguably the most decorated senior class this school has had. You act like Daum stayed only because tj did. Unless I missed it I dont think I read anything official that daum would leave if tj would have last year. Daum waited after Nagy left and gave tj a chance. He very well would have done the same thing for the new coach imho but you seem to know since you know tj. I was hoping he would stay since I wanted to see what he could do with his own recruits. Jenkins is good chance to be great and orris as a grad transfer made an amazing shot. Outside of that his guys were role players at best. Not hating the guy but that's just the way it is. If it bothers you people on an SDSU fan site are critical of their coach for 3 years of inconsistent defense and failing short of expectations then you should probably stick to the always positive and level headed fan board at usd.

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  • goon
    Re: TJ Going to UNLV?

    Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
    If it came across as painting with a broad brush then I’ll apologize. However, I think you’d have to agree that there are several posters that havent exactly said things about T.J. that are flowering. With every loss or close game you had there’s a number of posters that were very critical of him and never backed off. T.J. was a first year Head Coach when he took your job 3 years ago. Even experienced head coaches make mistakes. And if you want to say that’s what fan boards are for, to criticize or judge, then this board is set up perfectly.

    TJ will tell you the cupboard was not bare when he came. Coach Nagy had done a great job of building your program and having rosters that were competitive. But there are some ( more than 1 less than 20 ) that have criticized T.J. for not bettering the program. I’m not certain how much better anyone could’ve made SDSU given the history. Maintaining a quality program in and of itself is astonishing and hard work.

    I’m extremely close to TJ and I know how much he cared for this program. When he called me 3 years ago about the opening and wanted my opinion, I almost had to swallow vomit for no other reason than the rivalry between the schools. But I told him, and as much as I wanted to lie to him, that the job there was a great opportunity with a strong fan base and a very good AD. On top of that, you had some quality players to keep your tradition going. My advice proved to be correct. I wanted T.J. to succeed and he did. But I felt now the need to defend him for what I think is unwarranted criticism by some, not all. So again, I apologize if it came across as broad brush, it was meant more to be directed towards those that in my opinion were unfair to him.
    So you never have been to the usd board? So people criticized a coach you have pretty thin skin if it bothers you so much. No one attacked him personally or anything to get upset about. He was here for 3 years and rode Nagys players to 2 NCAA tourneys and came up epically short in the summit tourney with arguably the most decorated senior class this school has had. You act like Daum stayed only because tj did. Unless I missed it I dont think I read anything official that daum would leave if tj would have last year. Daum waited after Nagy left and gave tj a chance. He very well would have done the same thing for the new coach imho but you seem to know since you know tj. I was hoping he would stay since I wanted to see what he could do with his own recruits. Jenkins is good chance to be great and orris as a grad transfer made an amazing shot. Outside of that his guys were role players at best. Not hating the guy but that's just the way it is. If it bothers you people on an SDSU fan site are critical of their coach for 3 years of inconsistent defense and failing short of expectations then you should probably stick to the always positive and level headed fan board at usd.

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  • JimmieTuba
    Re: TJ Going to UNLV?

    Originally posted by yoteforever View Post

    I’ll close by saying this. Treat your new coach with a little more respect and faith in his abilities than you did TJ. For 3 years I have read on this board about how bad he was here, or bad there...why didn’t he get out of zone, why did he sub players like he did, why he couldn’t coach a lick of defense, he isn’t loyal, I could go on and on. T.J. did a hell of a job in his 3 years for you. The brow beating you put on him after the WIU loss was laughable. Upsets happen every day. That’s why they play the game. If you don’t think that loss shook at his very core you know nothing about him.
    Unfortunately, if you are going to be a DI coach, you have to expect being second guessed after every game. Is it right? No. Should it happen? No, most people only think they know enough to make the correct in-game adjustments. However, if you are going to let that get to you and make you leave (as the only reason), you better find a new profession. (EDIT: In no way am I saying this factored into TJ's choice. I think he is taking advantage of his current profile to improve he standing as a coach)

    I think the jury is still out on TJ. I wouldn't say he elevated the program, but as of right now, he kept the program on a upward trend.

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  • JimmieTuba
    Re: TJ Going to UNLV?

    Originally posted by RabbitObsessed View Post
    I like that Matt shares his personality in that way. Maybe SDSU fans are too sensitive for that, though. Do we need a cheerleader to make us feel good?
    We definitely don't need a cheerleader. However, replying to someone with profanity under your business twitter is poor taste at least and unprofessional at most.

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  • Nidaros
    Re: TJ Going to UNLV?

    Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
    If it came across as painting with a broad brush then I’ll apologize. However, I think you’d have to agree that there are several posters that havent exactly said things about T.J. that are flowering. With every loss or close game you had there’s a number of posters that were very critical of him and never backed off. T.J. was a first year Head Coach when he took your job 3 years ago. Even experienced head coaches make mistakes. And if you want to say that’s what fan boards are for, to criticize or judge, then this board is set up perfectly.

    TJ will tell you the cupboard was not bare when he came. Coach Nagy had done a great job of building your program and having rosters that were competitive. But there are some ( more than 1 less than 20 ) that have criticized T.J. for not bettering the program. I’m not certain how much better anyone could’ve made SDSU given the history. Maintaining a quality program in and of itself is astonishing and hard work.

    I’m extremely close to TJ and I know how much he cared for this program. When he called me 3 years ago about the opening and wanted my opinion, I almost had to swallow vomit for no other reason than the rivalry between the schools. But I told him, and as much as I wanted to lie to him, that the job there was a great opportunity with a strong fan base and a very good AD. On top of that, you had some quality players to keep your tradition going. My advice proved to be correct. I wanted T.J. to succeed and he did. But I felt now the need to defend him for what I think is unwarranted criticism by some, not all. So again, I apologize if it came across as broad brush, it was meant more to be directed towards those that in my opinion were unfair to him.
    I certainly did not take this post or any other of yours as broad brush painting. Yote4ever told me in private messages about his relationship with TJ, and he is fortunate to sit so close to the Iowa State bench to get acquainted with TJ. What was the biggest surprise from these pm's was that TJ had been considered at USD two years prior. Herbster owns that choice. What strikes me as amazing is the basketball salaries. The best way to become a millionaire is to be a big time basketball coach. Case in point, our own South Dakota native Tim Miles, after being fired, will be putting 2.4 million in the bank. And I dont doubt TJ will have a very stable financial retirement. He no doubt will and I say good for him. He has earned it.
    Last edited by Nidaros; 03-29-2019, 08:48 AM.

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  • da_coach
    Re: TJ Going to UNLV?

    Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
    Words of a very wise man. I can tell you for a fact that TJ loved being your basketball coach. He embraced living in Brookings and being a part of your community.

    Fact 1: TJ is an outstanding family man. Those values carried over onto how he coached your young athletes. Family first

    Fact 2: TJ was extremely loyal to SDSU. None of you are aware of what opportunities he had last year when your team nearly knocked off Ohio State in the NCAA’s. He was loyal to you, your AD, and more specifically your players.

    Fact 3: TJ recruited Mike Daum twice. Once when he came, the 2nd time after the Ohio State loss. Mike was very close to transferring, and I fully believe would’ve if T.J. left. They basically agreed to stay for each other.

    Fact 4: Your players loved T.J. And they will embrace your new coach. You have a very wise and street savvy athletic director. As Nidaros said the continuity is critically important.

    Fact 5: The economic impact to T.J. and his family is without debate. Over 5 years TJ would gross over $5M, and knowing how conservative he is, it would allow him to save over $3M for his family and retirement. If money doubles every 10 years, that would make this coaching move worth $12M to him and family at age 66. Although many of you don’t care for my opinion on here I would seriously question anyone’s mentality that wouldn’t accept that offer for the betterment of his family and opportunities he can give them.

    Fact 6: In his press conference the question of transfers from SDSU came up. He basically said he met with his team and told them to “honor” their commitments to the Jacks. I know TJ personally, those are not empty words.

    I’ll close by saying this. Treat your new coach with a little more respect and faith in his abilities than you did TJ. For 3 years I have read on this board about how bad he was here, or bad there...why didn’t he get out of zone, why did he sub players like he did, why he couldn’t coach a lick of defense, he isn’t loyal, I could go on and on. T.J. did a hell of a job in his 3 years for you. The brow beating you put on him after the WIU loss was laughable. Upsets happen every day. That’s why they play the game. If you don’t think that loss shook at his very core you know nothing about him.

    TJ was my choice when USD hired Craig Smith. It didn’t happen. Our loss, your gain. T.J. can flat out coach and recruit. I will not divulge how many opportunities he had to move after last year but you can take to the bank there were a number of them to places more prestigious than SDSU or USD and he didn’t take them with the opportunity to make far more pay. But he didnt go. He didn’t want to betray his A.D. and you as fans. Lighten up on the criticism of him, he doesn’t deserve it. And I can’t remember who posted a few back that “you felt betrayed” ? Good grief, take a chill pill. You’ve had good fortune to have had good coaches in the past, dont blow it.

    Support your new coach emphatically as he took lessons from one of the best.
    Some of us definitely agree with you Yoteforever. I hope you read my post I put on here earlier. I really like Coach Otz, and I was happy with his time here, and I wish him nothing but success at USD.
    -We have some fans (as ALL schools do), that like to focus on negatives (real or imagined)... which is why I tend to stay out of game least until they are over.

    Anyone who thinks any coach isn't doing their darn best to succeed is fooling themselves.

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  • yoteforever
    Re: TJ Going to UNLV?

    Originally posted by MontanaRabbit View Post
    I wouldn't paint with such a broad brush. You act like this entire board wants to burn TJ at the stake. The vast majority of posters were and likely still are TJ fans. I don't know him other than watching him coach our team the last 3 years, but I'm 100% certain he's not perfect. He made mistakes coaching our team and it's fair to discuss that on this board. That doesn't mean we hate him or disrespect him or want him to leave.

    I absolutely wish him well and hope he succeeds. He's setting himself up for life. Some here act like they wouldn't do the same, but those same people aren't getting offered a 7 figure multi-year contract either.
    If it came across as painting with a broad brush then I’ll apologize. However, I think you’d have to agree that there are several posters that havent exactly said things about T.J. that are flowering. With every loss or close game you had there’s a number of posters that were very critical of him and never backed off. T.J. was a first year Head Coach when he took your job 3 years ago. Even experienced head coaches make mistakes. And if you want to say that’s what fan boards are for, to criticize or judge, then this board is set up perfectly.

    TJ will tell you the cupboard was not bare when he came. Coach Nagy had done a great job of building your program and having rosters that were competitive. But there are some ( more than 1 less than 20 ) that have criticized T.J. for not bettering the program. I’m not certain how much better anyone could’ve made SDSU given the history. Maintaining a quality program in and of itself is astonishing and hard work.

    I’m extremely close to TJ and I know how much he cared for this program. When he called me 3 years ago about the opening and wanted my opinion, I almost had to swallow vomit for no other reason than the rivalry between the schools. But I told him, and as much as I wanted to lie to him, that the job there was a great opportunity with a strong fan base and a very good AD. On top of that, you had some quality players to keep your tradition going. My advice proved to be correct. I wanted T.J. to succeed and he did. But I felt now the need to defend him for what I think is unwarranted criticism by some, not all. So again, I apologize if it came across as broad brush, it was meant more to be directed towards those that in my opinion were unfair to him.

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  • MontanaRabbit
    Re: TJ Going to UNLV?

    Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
    Words of a very wise man. I can tell you for a fact that TJ loved being your basketball coach. He embraced living in Brookings and being a part of your community.

    Fact 1: TJ is an outstanding family man. Those values carried over onto how he coached your young athletes. Family first

    Fact 2: TJ was extremely loyal to SDSU. None of you are aware of what opportunities he had last year when your team nearly knocked off Ohio State in the NCAA’s. He was loyal to you, your AD, and more specifically your players.

    Fact 3: TJ recruited Mike Daum twice. Once when he came, the 2nd time after the Ohio State loss. Mike was very close to transferring, and I fully believe would’ve if T.J. left. They basically agreed to stay for each other.

    Fact 4: Your players loved T.J. And they will embrace your new coach. You have a very wise and street savvy athletic director. As Nidaros said the continuity is critically important.

    Fact 5: The economic impact to T.J. and his family is without debate. Over 5 years TJ would gross over $5M, and knowing how conservative he is, it would allow him to save over $3M for his family and retirement. If money doubles every 10 years, that would make this coaching move worth $12M to him and family at age 66. Although many of you don’t care for my opinion on here I would seriously question anyone’s mentality that wouldn’t accept that offer for the betterment of his family and opportunities he can give them.

    Fact 6: In his press conference the question of transfers from SDSU came up. He basically said he met with his team and told them to “honor” their commitments to the Jacks. I know TJ personally, those are not empty words.

    I’ll close by saying this. Treat your new coach with a little more respect and faith in his abilities than you did TJ. For 3 years I have read on this board about how bad he was here, or bad there...why didn’t he get out of zone, why did he sub players like he did, why he couldn’t coach a lick of defense, he isn’t loyal, I could go on and on. T.J. did a hell of a job in his 3 years for you. The brow beating you put on him after the WIU loss was laughable. Upsets happen every day. That’s why they play the game. If you don’t think that loss shook at his very core you know nothing about him.

    TJ was my choice when USD hired Craig Smith. It didn’t happen. Our loss, your gain. T.J. can flat out coach and recruit. I will not divulge how many opportunities he had to move after last year but you can take to the bank there were a number of them to places more prestigious than SDSU or USD and he didn’t take them with the opportunity to make far more pay. But he didnt go. He didn’t want to betray his A.D. and you as fans. Lighten up on the criticism of him, he doesn’t deserve it. And I can’t remember who posted a few back that “you felt betrayed” ? Good grief, take a chill pill. You’ve had good fortune to have had good coaches in the past, dont blow it.

    Support your new coach emphatically as he took lessons from one of the best.
    I wouldn't paint with such a broad brush. You act like this entire board wants to burn TJ at the stake. The vast majority of posters were and likely still are TJ fans. I don't know him other than watching him coach our team the last 3 years, but I'm 100% certain he's not perfect. He made mistakes coaching our team and it's fair to discuss that on this board. That doesn't mean we hate him or disrespect him or want him to leave.

    I absolutely wish him well and hope he succeeds. He's setting himself up for life. Some here act like they wouldn't do the same, but those same people aren't getting offered a 7 figure multi-year contract either.

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  • BigGoosie13
    Re: TJ Going to UNLV?

    Originally posted by yoteforever View Post
    Words of a very wise man. I can tell you for a fact that TJ loved being your basketball coach. He embraced living in Brookings and being a part of your community.

    Fact 1: TJ is an outstanding family man. Those values carried over onto how he coached your young athletes. Family first

    Fact 2: TJ was extremely loyal to SDSU. None of you are aware of what opportunities he had last year when your team nearly knocked off Ohio State in the NCAA’s. He was loyal to you, your AD, and more specifically your players.

    Fact 3: TJ recruited Mike Daum twice. Once when he came, the 2nd time after the Ohio State loss. Mike was very close to transferring, and I fully believe would’ve if T.J. left. They basically agreed to stay for each other.

    Fact 4: Your players loved T.J. And they will embrace your new coach. You have a very wise and street savvy athletic director. As Nidaros said the continuity is critically important.

    Fact 5: The economic impact to T.J. and his family is without debate. Over 5 years TJ would gross over $5M, and knowing how conservative he is, it would allow him to save over $3M for his family and retirement. If money doubles every 10 years, that would make this coaching move worth $12M to him and family at age 66. Although many of you don’t care for my opinion on here I would seriously question anyone’s mentality that wouldn’t accept that offer for the betterment of his family and opportunities he can give them.

    Fact 6: In his press conference the question of transfers from SDSU came up. He basically said he met with his team and told them to “honor” their commitments to the Jacks. I know TJ personally, those are not empty words.

    I’ll close by saying this. Treat your new coach with a little more respect and faith in his abilities than you did TJ. For 3 years I have read on this board about how bad he was here, or bad there...why didn’t he get out of zone, why did he sub players like he did, why he couldn’t coach a lick of defense, he isn’t loyal, I could go on and on. T.J. did a hell of a job in his 3 years for you. The brow beating you put on him after the WIU loss was laughable. Upsets happen every day. That’s why they play the game. If you don’t think that loss shook at his very core you know nothing about him.

    TJ was my choice when USD hired Craig Smith. It didn’t happen. Our loss, your gain. T.J. can flat out coach and recruit. I will not divulge how many opportunities he had to move after last year but you can take to the bank there were a number of them to places more prestigious than SDSU or USD and he didn’t take them with the opportunity to make far more pay. But he didnt go. He didn’t want to betray his A.D. and you as fans. Lighten up on the criticism of him, he doesn’t deserve it. And I can’t remember who posted a few back that “you felt betrayed” ? Good grief, take a chill pill. You’ve had good fortune to have had good coaches in the past, dont blow it.

    Support your new coach emphatically as he took lessons from one of the best.
    Thanks for some of the outside rationality, you would swear Otz slept with some of our posters and twitter peeps wives or took a crap on their car or something the way they are acting about him since he left. Is the program undoubtedly better from when he took over, probably not, but it is also definitely no worse for wear either and if we can keep either DJ or Grill that's a big ol win and if we keep both then TJ left us in a really golden situation.

    Enjoy the ride Jacks fans, if we want to be successful this is going to happen every 3-5 years, that's our spot in he food chain. The longevity of Stig, AJ, and Nagy probably won't every be seen again by SDSU or any other successful mid major program.

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  • Southeast
    TJ Going to UNLV?

    I’m with Yoteforever. Those were three fun years of SDSU basketball. It didn’t end like I wanted but I realize that they sure as hell didn’t come up with the term “March Madness” because the higher seed always wins in do-or-die tournaments.

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