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The Repeal of the Death Penalty bill loses in Committee 7-6

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  • The Repeal of the Death Penalty bill loses in Committee 7-6

    Here is an interesting new item in the SD legislature. Rev Steve Hickey from SF sponsored the bill and it just about made it out of committee. I think Former Attorney General Mark Meirhenry said it best in that the death penalty is used by prosecutors in furthering their political careers. He said that arguing for it during his tenure was one of his biggest mistakes.

    The testimony of wife of Prison Guard Johnson seems to still carry weight. I can understand her emotions. I would feel the same way if my spouse had lost their life in the manner that Johnson did.
    Strange bed fellows,Republican Scott Munsterman Brookings, Dist. 7 and Bernie Hunoff Democrate Minority Leader voting to repeal it.
    My Rep, Betty Gibson Dist 22, Huron voted to keep the death penalty.

    I think eventually this bill will make it to the floor. It was a 7-6 vote.